"Snap~! Snap~! Bang~"

As soon as Wang Feng commanded, the soldiers in the bugle squad who had been prepared for a long time suddenly fired the signal gun in their hands, and immediately three signal bombs of different colors shot into the sky, attracting everyone's attention.

Looking at this Three signal flares, two different emotions, appeared on the faces of hundreds of thousands of people. Some people were excited and ecstatic, and some were as pale as falling into an ice cellar. It was because of the launch of these three signal flares that this event was enough to carry thousands of people. The classic battle that has entered the history of mankind's Second World War has finally begun.

At the same time, these three signal flares also sounded the death knell for the 3rd Tank Division of the Little Devils, and they are about to enter the end of their lives.

In the artillery cluster located at the rear, The artillery units that had been prepared long ago waved the small flags in their hands at the same time as commanders at all levels roared.


Suddenly, artillery shells of 75 mm or above, including 75 mm caliber, were rotated and pushed out of the muzzle.

The shells continued to rotate in the air, rubbing the air, and making a sharp whistling sound at the same time, hitting the place where the Little Japanese 3rd Tank Division stayed.

That is, the 100-meter passage between the two minefields.

In order to prevent their own bombs from detonating mines in the minefield, each artillery group did not carry out rapid artillery strikes, but strictly followed the planned shooting elements in advance and carried out precise artillery strikes.

In order to achieve precise bombardment, the entire ambush circle was divided before the war, and which doors were responsible for a certain place. Then they only took care of this place and not other places.

At the same time, Wang Feng does not require the artillery to pursue the highest rate of fire. He only has one requirement, and that is to accurately deliver the artillery shells to the specified area.

In a battle together, Wang Feng would equip each artillery piece with half a base number or a base number of shells, in order to achieve the purpose of large-scale saturation bombardment.

But in this battle, Wang Feng did not give a large quota of artillery shells as before, allowing the gunners to free their hands and feet to shell.

Instead, each gun only gives them eight rounds. Like the two heavy artillery regiments of the artillery brigade and the independent heavy artillery battalion, each of their guns only has five rounds.

The reason is very simple, that is, Wang Feng has more artillery than before, and the quality of the artillery has improved.

In addition, this time it is a precise fixed-point bombardment, which will increase the hit rate. There are nearly 500 artillery pieces, even if one artillery fires 5 shells.

In total, that's 2,500 rounds of artillery shells. This is not a 60-meter mortar or a grenade grenade.

Each one has a 75mm caliber, especially the sixty 152mm cannon howitzers. With one shot like this, half of the football field will be within the damage range.

At the same time, make better use of artillery and maximize the power of artillery.

Two heavy artillery regiments and one heavy artillery battalion, sixty 152mm cannon howitzers, or the entire artillery brigade and three artillery regiments, Wang Feng did not let the three regiments join the task of bombing the Japs in the encirclement.

Instead, let them target the little Japanese and puppet soldiers outside the ambush circle.

For example, the 12mm howitzer has a range of 1,800 meters, which is 1.8 kilometers.

Like the 152mm cannon, its range is 10,000 meters, which is 17.4 kilometers.

The damage of such a large-caliber artillery should not be too high against dense infantry. Although it is a bit cruel, war cannot be merciful.

In particular, little devil, the Puppet Mongolian Army is helping the evil, especially the Puppet Mongolian Army. Until they put down their guns, everyone deserves sympathy.


Lieutenant General Nishihara Issaku raised his head and looked at the signal flares gradually dissipating in the sky.

Then, a dull sound like thunder was heard in the distance.

When these sounds came, his face and eyes were full of horror, because he knew very well that they were the sounds of artillery firing.

And to be able to make such a sound, it must be a large-caliber artillery

"Baga~! The intelligence department has no idea why Feng has large-caliber artillery!"

Lieutenant General Nishihara Issaku let out a desperate cry.

"Woo woo~!"

"woo woo woo woo~!"

"Woo woo~!"

Along with his wailing, a desperate and suffocating sound rang out from the already slightly brightened sky. This sound was like the sound of crying artillery shells cutting through the air. This moment seemed to reflect the final madness of Nishihara Issaku.

When he saw the flare, Lieutenant General Nishihara Issaku knew that this time he was afraid that the worst would happen, so he just stood there.

Just looking up at the sky, his eyes and face were filled with despair. All the ambitious ideas he had before the battle disappeared at this moment.

The same was true for the three major generals beside him. At this time, they also understood the reason for the change of General Nishihara Issaku.

But again, it’s late, everything is late!

When faced with premeditation, preparation, and large-caliber artillery, it is almost impossible to avoid the bombardment and survive.

"Bombardment~! General Pavilion, be careful!"

Lieutenant General Nishihara Issei gave up the resistance, but the mission of the orderlies was to protect Nishara Issei. The surrounding servicemen all pounced on him like Nishihara Issei. The surrounding orderlies, staff officers and other little Japs had just pounced on the four little Japs. Falling to the ground, a 122mm howitzer shell fell from the sky.

Moreover, this high-explosive howitzer hit the command vehicle next to Lieutenant General Nishihara Issaku very accurately.


For a moment, shell fragments were flying everywhere.

The bodies of the orderlies and staff officers responsible for protecting the four generals trembled for a while, and then fell into silence.

As for the four generals who were suppressed by them, were they alive or dead?


For large-caliber artillery, fragments are not the main damage caused by the shells.

The real trump card of large-caliber artillery may be its lethality, but the shock wave formed after the shell explodes.

It can be said that many people died from trauma caused by shell fragments cutting their bodies after one shot.

Instead, the internal organs of the body were shattered, the internal organs in the eyes were affected, and the seven orifices bled to death.

Therefore, at such a close distance, only one meter away from each other, it is really a miracle of life for the four little devil generals to be alive.

Of course, no one knows all this.

The soldiers manipulating the artillery didn't know that they might have killed four little Japanese generals with one shot, including a lieutenant general and division commander.

The little devils couldn't care about their generals, because they were all running around like headless flies, and then evaporated in the shells.

At this time, there was no safe place in the ambush circle.

Of course, there are also safe places, namely the two minefields on the left and right. There were no shells falling there, and many little Japs ran to wherever they were in a hurry.

Then, he soared into the sky in the light of the fire and performed a wave of [crow flying in a plane]~!】

…………………_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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