However, Sōseki naturally without their imagination so fragile, on the contrary, he was very happy.

A person can never be compared to the wisdom and the wisdom of crowds, this is Sōseki very early understand.

especially in respect of this bloodline world, he needs more help to climb the Peak - or, more excellent tool for anyone?

So, other people's innate talent is stronger, Sōseki only happier.

His only going to seriously think about, is how to make their wisdom for their own use.

You are my wings ah ...... Sōseki heart sigh, his face is an expression of worship, "Kushina onee-san, Minato big brother, you are amazing ah! I to die, even the B-Rank Genjutsu have found it difficult to do! "

this time it was both shocked Minato, Sōseki now has already begun training high-level Genjutsu yet?

This Hiraishin no Jutsu different, in their view, Sōseki this stage impossible to Hiraishin no Jutsu training success, they expect, are just some of divergent thinking Sōseki proposed as a genius.

But Genjutsu, they know someone Sōseki guidance, be allowed to training B-Rank Genjutsu, explained Sōseki of -sensei thought he had qualified training high-level Genjutsu it!

"As expected, Sōseki not an ordinary genius too!" The thought, they become more relaxed.

The real genius and the exchange is peace of mind, do not worry about inadvertently comes out of the "aura" harm to others.

Then, three people training on their own experience, to talk about it freely.

"Rasengan it? This Jutsu seems to be ......" listening Sōseki talk about "creation" of the surgery he wants, Minato instantly shines, it seems vague to grasp what.

"In theory, this Jutsu if the development is successful is not need hand seals are!" Sōseki smiled and explained.

As the man knew the future, Sōseki do not think that no hand seal what a good surprise.

Even to the late stage would hand seal are regarded as a very shameful thing.

But for Minato two, the development of a non-seal Ninjutsu is undoubtedly broke their inherent awareness.

You know, even the Sanshin no Jutsu is a need to hand seal.

Ninja World, Ninjutsu hand seal as people need to eat or drink in the ordinary course.

Even on hand seal itself derived out a series of virtuoso-like operating --one-handed hand seals, feet hand seal, speed hand seal.

Apart from the shock, Minato muttered, "non-seal Ninjutsu, is not that Ninjutsu Hiraishin no Jutsu with the best use of it?"

Think of here, Minato could not help sighed, "Sōseki, I feel like I have to owe you one up!"

Sōseki waved their hands, "not really, I actually want to ask you Minato big brother to help me complete this Jutsu, if this happens then, do not we're even proud! "

Minato slightly shaking ones head, how this kind of thing can mention on equal terms?

If you simply put forward to inspiration, he wanted to complete this difficult surgery may have to spend three years time.

But Sōseki has put specific ideas and ideas put forward, he has to do is just find out the context Chakra Flow on the line, this kind of thing, are less than three months.

Minato, had to smile, "always say thank you all some feeble, that I could do, only help you complete this Jutsu as soon as possible."

aside, the entire people are lying on the table Kushina, hard banged the table and yelled, "sick of it, do not always say what I do not understand ah!"

Kushina see a forgotten abandoned Resentment look , Sōseki hesitated and asked, "Kushina onee-san, can you please teach me Fūinjutsu it?"

hear Sōseki request, bored to sent instant bubble of spit Kushina cheer up, "Sōseki , you might be interested Fūinjutsu? "

Kaguya, after all, is not even able to seal, the upper limit tends to infinity Ultimate Ninjutsu, Sōseki is naturally of interest.

Of course, words can not put it so bluntly.

I saw Sōseki slowly nodded, "in fact, I was in the hospital, we see a lot of Shinōbi perform mission because of an untreated lead to disability and even death ......! So, I wanted to be able to medical-Ninjutsu and Fūinjutsu combine to make medical scroll, in that case, even if everyone on the battlefield will not have to worry about the treatment of the injured! "

" medical scroll! "While We have seen a Sōseki whimsy, but when you hear this idea, Kushina two men were still shaken up.

Even if they are not medical Shinōbi, can easily understand which represents a great value.

Medical Shinōbi not say scarce, predetermined criteria Shinōbi in just three major medical, medical Shinōbi most definitely not living in frontline fighting, limiting the frontline Shinōbi impossible to get the most timely treatment.

But this time, if there is a medical Alternative medicine Shinōbi scroll appeared, battlefield casualty rate will definitely be greatly reduced, or even change the trend of a war or perhaps!

The thought here, they also excited, "Sōseki, this is really able to do it?"

"I do not know." Sōseki shaking one's head, but the tone incomparable firm, "However, as long as it is possible to help everyone, I must learn Fūinjutsu!"

Kushina seems to have been Sōseki of "faith" infected, forced nodded, boldly taking on everything Road "this just gave them to me!"

Sōseki looking hesitant, "hypocritical" and asked, "But that, after all, is the Land-of-Whirlpools of Ninjutsu, I learned, really do not have a problem ? "

" now where what Land-of-Whirlpools? "Kushina self-deprecating smile, then said," Well, if you Sōseki be able to meet other survivors Uzumaki Clan, it trouble to help me take care of it. "

Sōseki fluctuations eyes for a moment, then heavy nodded," I will! "

" Yes, Kushina onee-san, there are things, I want to trouble you about. "

Kushina little face of a board, clutching Sōseki face is the meal rub.

"too much, with elder sister even still so polite!"

"Even chicken provincial bird."

listen Sōseki such a hard sound, Kushina was contented close hand, "Well, what happened?"

Sōseki rubbing his cheek, the side said, "because Hiraishin no Jutsu and Fūinjutsu things I might want to bother you here Kushina onee-san some time ...... "

Kushina see the eyes of murderous aura overflowing hands and stir, Sōseki quickly went on in begin to," but I created a psychological community in the Academy, if I'm not in a long time, then also delayed the student's trust, just Kushina onee-san your home is such a big ...... "

" so, can I invite friends together Kushina here onee-san you do? "

"friends, friends, friends?" has always been straightforward Kushina, and sometimes actually some stammeringly up.

friends that exist in her, has always been a synonym for luxury.

She is no friend, so will especially cherish now fetters.

Kushina see some panic, Sōseki and said, "They are all my good friends do, I believe, they must also like Kushina onee-san you!"

up to now, Kushina where there will not understand Sōseki intention.

"I do not know is a friend, so Sōseki will be specially introduced his friends to me, and I worried too sensitive, it was replaced by this argument!"

Kushina some sour nose, a sudden, she was somewhat grateful she was scared to death from a Kumogakure Shinōbi up!

"Thank you, I met such a good fetters of it!"

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