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This is his wedding reception, the second wedding reception.

I smiled and drank the toasts of the guests. While coping with the people's teasing, I began to worry about the women who were alone in the new house.

Everyone saw that he was not thinking, and knew that he was worried about the bride. After a few laughs and a few drinks, he finally let him go.

Out of the hall, the night breeze struck, so that his slightly awkward brain became sober.

The Wu girl was nine years younger than him. In his impression, she has always been a little temperamental but simple girl. He never thought that this girl had a kind of male and female affection for herself, even for his unmarried marriage.

From fifteen to twenty-four, how many years are there in a person's life? How much time do people have to wait?

It has been ten years since the cold and the summer. The orange trees they planted together in the yard were already dead and withered. Only a decayed stump proved that it had existed in this yard.

"Shizi?" The maidservant who carried the lantern and led the way saw Gu Zhiyuan suddenly stopped, and then stopped too busy.

Gu Zhiyu glanced towards the courtyard, slowly withdrawing his gaze, put his hands behind his back, and let out a long breath: "Go."

Lifting the hijab, revealing the beautiful and moist face of the Wu family girl, he accidentally touched her fingertips, and the coolness passed along to his heart.

He got up and took a cloak of his own over her, then picked up two wine glasses on the table, one into her palm.

The candlelight was warm, and he intersected her arms, lingering.

A few days later, Wu Dongyun followed the Yangs into the palace to meet the queen. She was about the same age as the queen, but when she was young, she had a strong personality and was not close to the queen. However, in fact, the queen was very gentle with her, and even mentioned some of the things they had when they were young.

More than ten years have passed, and when it comes to the past, it looks like yesterday.

Time is a cruel and beautiful thing. It makes people's once joyful time gradually go away, and also makes people get what they want in the passage of time.

She is no longer young, but married to a man she secretly liked for nearly a decade.

The son who was far away from himself and perfect, finally became her husband and became the other half of her. She has not waited in vain and lived up to her time in recent years.

When leaving Qiankun Palace, Gu Rujiu gave her a lot of things and told her a lot of husband's hobbies and habits.

"Brother's gentle personality, if the sister-in-law has anything unpleasant with him, just tell him, don't worry." She took her hand and took her to the gate of Qiankun Palace.

"Please rest assured." She has been in love with him for so many years, how could she be saddened by him.

"Sister-in-law." When she was about to leave, the queen stopped her again.

She looked back and found that Gu Rujiu's eyes were reddish, like joy and sorrow.

In the end, Gu Rujiu said nothing, only patted her hand, then smiled and returned to the hall door.

After returning home, she raised this matter with her husband in doubt. How could she know that she just shook her head with a smile.

"Don't think about it for a long time ... The Queen Mother just wants us to have a good time," Gu Zhiyu reached out and touched her hair top, and then took out a box of pastries from the drawer for her.

"This is a dim sum from Liu Xianju?" Wu Dongyun took the box and moved with a smile, "How do you know I like this?"

"Did you mention it yesterday?" Gu Zhiyu smiled softly and saw her eat a piece in her mouth. She was afraid of her choking and busy a cup of tea.

The smile on Gu Zhiyuan's face warmed up little by little as he looked down to eat.

She has been squandering herself for nearly ten years. How can she still allow her remaining time to stagnate?


Returning to Beijing again, Beijing is no longer the place he remembered.

The famous Li family had already disappeared in people's mouths. He brought incense, candles, paper money and other things to the incense of the Li family's tomb.

Although the tomb is in disrepair and looks worn out, it is not overgrown with weeds, so it can be seen that someone takes care of it everyday.

After finishing incense, he stood in front of Li Guangji's tombstone, feeling lonely.

Many elders of the Li family were sentenced to beheading in the case of confusing the enemy and selling the country. The surviving survivor, standing in front of this tombstone, felt ridiculously sad.

The mother and father were not buried together. When the two lives were different, they died at different points. I was afraid that they would never meet again in the next life.

"Is it brother?"

He turned around and saw a middle-aged farmer walking towards himself carrying a hoe, and when the other party approached, he realized that this was Li Ji'an, the cousin of Erfang.

At that time, Li Ji'an was such an exquisite person, eating, housing, and transportation were all exquisite. Now he is wearing coarse clothes, dark skin, full beard, and there are mud spots on the rolled pants.

"Jian ..." Li Huaigu's voice was hoarse. After squeezing out these two words, he could not speak.

In the tavern, the two cousins ​​called for a pot of hot wine, two plates of side dishes and a plate of peanuts, and then sat around the table to talk about their experiences over the years.

"Fortunately, your majesty did not rush to kill. Like you and me, I finally escaped." Li Ji'an took a sip of turbid hot wine and smiled bitterly, "You have been here for more than ten years, and you can return it is good?"

"Fortunately," Li Huaigu swallowed some astringent wine, and even the corners of his eyes spiced up. "What else in our family ..."

Who else is still alive, and those who distributed the frontier, but still have letters?

"No, no," Li Jian wiped his eyes, crying like a smile, very embarrassed. "As early as a few years ago, there was no more letter, maybe it was too difficult for me to send the letter back. "

Rather than think so, it is better than they all died in the frontier and can no longer return to their hometown.

The two cousins ​​sat in the tavern for more than an hour. Li Huaigu refused Li Ji'an's invitation to be a guest and walked on the noisy street with a little drunkenness. Suddenly, the sound of gongs and drums in front of him shook the sky, and the street suddenly became crowded.

"Princess Wang has been hit!"

"Won, hit, my son hit!"

It turned out to be another year of spring. He looked at the students who were happy or sad, and suddenly felt that the scene was close at hand.

The golden year will not come again, and it will be difficult for one day.

When he was young, he fell in love with the best woman in the world. When he was young, he made amazing poems. When he was young, he had the title of the gold list, which attracted no mathematicians envy.

It is a pity that the deceased is like a man, happy or sad, and the past will never come again.

Passing by a small teahouse on the street, the two storytellers are happily telling the haunting love story between today's empresses.

He stopped and found an empty seat to sit down, and Tangyi made a bowl of tea for him. The inferior tea leaves were swirling in the boiling water, and finally fell to the bottom of the cup honestly.

"It was said that the pear flower was blooming just that day, and your majesty was ascending to the throne. Suddenly, the little girl standing on the road thought she was cute and lovely, so she stopped and asked," Which little girl is this? Why are you alone? " Does Pear Blossom leave in the rain? "

"Little Jiao Nianghua is full of flowers, and she politely greets her, this son, have you ever seen my lost purse ..."

But he said that the sun was just right that day, and he was riding on his horse to admire the flowers. Suddenly a little girl chased her on the horse, and she stretched out her white and tender palm towards herself.

"Li Gongzi, is this your purse?"

The purse is embroidered with a lotus picture of a fish play, with a black bottom as a base and embellished with pearls. It is a purse sewn by his mother for him.

He took out the purse hidden in his arms. The purse was dilapidated. The pearls on it had already fallen. Only the fish-playing lotus picture could barely be recognized.

"The handsome son and the beautiful woman are connected by purses, but he does not know that she is Miss Hou Fu, and she does not know that he is the emperor today ..."

All the entanglement of love and hatred is nothing more than a fabrication in the storyteller population. Whether it is true or not is no longer important for the listener who is a guest.

And he is just an unrelated passerby.


"Students, have you remembered the focus of this year's history of the college entrance examination? Delongdi's rule of prosperity is a very important test site. Everyone must pay more attention and don't sloppy."

"Teacher, the story between Emperor Delong and Empress Showa, you will tell us chant."

"Their stories and TV series have been filmed countless times. What else can you tell?"

"That's not the same. TV shows are all fictional plots made up by random, how can you say it interesting." The students cheered, and the girl said, "Emperor Delong and Empress Showa are loyal supporters of monogamy, How high is this consciousness. "

The history teacher was a little helpless to these students. In order to reduce the pressure on their college entrance examination, they had no choice but to say, "Since you are interested, then I will tell you about the Queen Showa today."

"Queen Showa comes from a family, and is particularly good at calligraphy and painting. So far, our National Museum still collects some of her works, which are rare talents in history. Of course, this is not the most important. Historical data show that she is still a very good A woman with a broad mind and a political vision. "

"As everyone knows, since the Delong period of the Dalong Dynasty, there have been records of women as officials. One of the most famous cases at that time was the case of the second-legged woman, and finally the woman named Zhang Tai leaned on the individual. His ability, sitting in the position of Dali Temple, was later called an example of women ’s rise by historians. "

"Things were so big, why did Emperor Delong want to put such pressure on Zhang Tai to keep his credit and become an official in the DPRK?"

"It is recorded in" Dafenglu. Biography of Famous Ministers "that Emperor Delong was very indifferent to her when Taijin entered the palace, but Empress Showa pleaded for her and said that since there were women in the history, why can't there be women? Being an official? "

The girls in the class heard blushing cheeks and couldn't help but worship the Queen Showa thousand years ago, but unfortunately there was a thousand years between them.

"The two empresses loved each other for a lifetime and created the rule of the prosperous world. Some people said that Delong Emperor was an eternal emperor, and some said Delong Emperor was a rare infatuated man in the world," the history teacher pushed his glasses and smiled. In my opinion, Empress Showa is also a rare and strange woman in the world, so Emperor Delong only respected her for a lifetime, so the later literati Mo Ke respected her so much. "

"These two ..." The history teacher looked at the portraits of the two in the history book and said with emotion, "It's rare in the world, but it's a pity that I can't see it."

At least, the existence of these two people makes countless people believe that love really exists.

As long as there is no fear, love is everywhere.

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