Link the Orc

Chapter 189

189 Recapture Operation Detroit's reopening operation was successfully completed in five days.

"Yeah. The funeral of the crusader who died this time is a formal proceeding from the denomination. I would like to ask Kim Hyun-il to organize his funeral. And give your name to the Bible 'The Book of Honor' and give your family the best treatment. "- Yes.

Beyond the receiver, Kim Jin – seo 's voice was not that good. Even though I was so careful, there were deaths among the temple.

two people. I did not want anyone to die, but the situation was not so optimistic. The chieftain, Katish, was a problem. That guy has succeeded in storming through the watchdog of Bin Yeats and storming the temple.

The second of the Suho is a blank jets with excellent reconnaissance ability, but it has a disadvantage in that it is difficult to detect those who have a certain level of hiding ability to reconnaissance by the soul. Weart was just such a guy.

Though I can say that there are only two people compared to the thousands of American soldiers who have been killed, my sisters are dead because of my decision. So I was just depressed when I had a successful operation.

– Thanks to the cooperation of VITEL, we were able to finish the operation effectively.

In the United States, the president announced the success of the Detroit recapitalization effort, which was the result of our participation in the operation. It is content that is not so much to be true, but it was certainly effective. The speed with which shinto increases is accelerated.

After the shinto reached 3 billion, the upward trend slightly stopped, but it started to increase rapidly. It will be a temporary effect, but it will continue to be effective in the future.

I'm sorry. but……. It is absolutely necessary.

It is not a sacrifice for nothing. It was martyred while doing the noble work for Vitell. Kill the Yi family to weaken the power of other gods, and increase the power of Vital to increase the Shinto. Their funeral will be magnificent as a non-telly event, as directed by Kim Jin-seo. So that everyone in the world can know how good it is to die.

Despite the success of the recapture operation, it will take a long time for Detroit to function as a city. Despite the success of the recapture operation, it did not kill all the other ethnic groups, but the rest of the world was hidden underground. A city with them will not be able to function. From now on, a long battle to sweep them out will be boring.

We do not need to help until long, but one team will be involved in the offensive. The importance of the Crusade is higher in the combat operations that are fought in the narrow areas. The narrower and smaller the places where the personnel are, the more important is the elaboration of the troops.

They will remain and evidence that our Vittelios are working to normalize Detroit. Those of us who are living in Detroit will have a favorable feeling about our non-telly.

It seems like we are proceeding only in a computational way with all emotions excluded, but we can not help it. Everything is for Vittel. I can do anything for Vitell.

What is the Bible?

We are making an official booklet about the history of Vitoria. This book will play a role in informing believers about the beginning and the ideology of Vitoria, like the Bible later on. Those who leave a name in the book will be forever resounded among the non-Telitans.

There will be more deaths in the future. I will not be able to watch my back forever. I would have killed dozens or hundreds without me and Suho.

I will do as much as possible, but the day will come when I will finally go to battle without me. And it will cause great damage. My family will be dying a lot. I will sad and mourn for them again.

I do not want to stop. This fight is for Vittel …

It's a temple.

*** Three days after the US President announced the success of the Detroit Rebellion Operation, a video of the battle scenes of Hila and Elf Sado was posted on the Vitt Telecom homepage.

Because they gave up the copyrights of the video that they were trying to spread around here and there, the believers took the video and spread it to other sites.

The followers made a title that suits each of the videos. The title that I think was the best for me was 'Suho' s vs. It's simple but it's obvious.

– What kind of movie is this? The action is overwhelming. I love you
– Look at the video description. It's not a movie, but it's a scene where you and your ex-superiors fought in Detroit's re-election. It's a true story.
– It's really cool. The green light and the sand are filling everywhere, and the power is competing. How is that possible?
-Wow. You can fight like that when you're a non-telly Crusader?
– You're Suho, not the Crusader. God is the angel we sent to protect us.

The start and end of the battle was cut off, and there was a lack of sound, and there were many missing points, but the reactions of those who saw it were explosive. The battle was ridiculously brilliant.

Each time he wielded a sword in his hand, he swung along with two giant sand swords, and a 2mx2m-sized membrane sprinkled dozens of green light against the sand sword flew like a sky.

It feels like a realistic heroic water.

-Suo's sand sword breaks the green film of the superhero. Of course, I can imagine what kind of scene it would look like. It's a bit of a brutal thing, but that's not enough in the war.

No, it's not. Much better than your imagination. He raised the body of the elven apostle and took blood and drank it. He was really beautiful when he drank blood, but he could not raise it. No matter how beautiful you are …

Then I uploaded more images. It was a battle scene between the Crusaders and the Hijikans. The response of these images was also quite good.

– The video I uploaded was so ridiculous that it seemed normal, but it seems to be a more exciting scene.
-Ah. What did the crusade fly against? Does the Yongjong attack the invisible? Anyway, the Crusaders are struggling like that. It's really great. It's not your country either.
– Even though there was such support, the United States said 'Vittorian cooperation.'I just said, and brushed my mouth. The sacrifice of our Vitorial school is thoroughly undervalued.
-Too cool. I wonder why the battle of the Crusaders is better than the fight between the Suho and the Hsinchu. From this day on, my idol is a temple.
– The temple is a true hero. They are ordinary people. I have received a little strength from God, but I have heard that the physical skills have only become a little stronger and that the combat skills are learned by self-effort.
– What do you do to become a holy warrior? I want to be a temple.
– Can I be like that when I become a non-tellyist?
– I just prayed to Vitel, and it was really strong. I feel like a superhero. That's great.

The Battle of Hila and the Elves was far from reaching the ordinary people, but the battle of the Crusaders seemed to be able to do themselves if they worked hard. In fact, the battle of the Crusaders was enough for the superhuman, but after seeing the battle of Hila, it seems to be normal.

I was aiming for it. People want to think like this.

'If you are gifted and trained, I will …'

After the invasion of the Yi people began, the power of the individual became more important. Power was needed to fight against the heterogeneity, but it was necessary to live a world that was confused by the war with the heterogeneity.

The military and the police were compelled to fight against the Yi family, and the rest of them had to be neglected. Then the outlaws began to run, and soon after, the stronger one took away the weaker ones, and it became a strange world.

So I had to have the strength to defend myself and to protect my family. The increase in the number of people was accelerated as it emphasized that the image of the crusader spreads and the power to enter the non – telly is stronger.

Especially in Africa, where growth was slow, the growth rate rapidly increased. It was more confusing than anywhere else in the world, so it needed more power.

Even though Muslims, who strictly forbade them from becoming non-Teluschist, soon learned that Muslims were acquainted with the power of Vitoria, they received information that they were acquiescing. They also needed strength. We needed a strong soldier to fight the Yi family, and the quickest way to get a strong soldier was to make Vita pray.

'Only once. It is only prayer by necessity, but our God is Allah. "

This is what they claim to convince themselves or others around them.

In this way, strength need Vittel those prayer to pray only once, for the first time since it was not a prayer, as did the fascinating experience of cunning Vittel believers as believers and experience obtained several privileges because of the favorable feelings about Vittel certainly seemed.

Soon many people began to pray to Vitell.

I did not know myself in their minds, but gradually they developed awe and intimacy with Vitel.

The world became so fast and surely the world of Vittorianism as I planned.

*** The success of Detroit's recovery operation surprised the world. The Detroit Rebellion was the largest reconnaissance plan ever made, but it was the most successful reconnaissance campaign ever.

It was everyone in the world knew that this tremendous success was made possible by the collaboration of VITEL. The reconnaissance operations that the US military had carried out on its own had failed miserably and thoroughly. We and the US forces continued the recapitalization of the remaining four cities, and there was also great success.

The public opinion in each country was filled with the question why they did not ask for cooperation in non-telecom, and each country quickly revised the law and asked for cooperation in non-telecom.

We have been involved in the recapture of 25 cities around the world, including eight in the United States, eight months after the invasion of the Yi family, four months after the Detroit recapitalization.

Three operations in North America, four in South America, five in Europe, three in Southeast Asia, three in China, one in Japan, and one in Japan, and two in Africa did.

And it did not fail in one place, and it succeeded in the operation with all the least damage. Thanks to it, the shinto grew faster than ever.

At present, the number of non-Telitans is 3.7 billion. Not only does it have the greatest number of believers in all religions, but it has exceeded half of the world's population.

The world was so watered by teletubbing, but there still remained a sluggish growth in Vittel. It is a Muslim country. Although there was quite a bit of Vittorian growth there, it was not enough. Among the total population of Muslim countries, non-Telit cults are less than half of the total population.

I had to attack the Islamic state to create a non-telly-unified earth I want.

And today, I heard great news.

"Saudi Arabia has collapsed."

Bensen rushed in and reported. Saudi Arabia, the leader of the Middle East tradition, has collapsed. It was quite shocking to hear that many of the African nations were collapsed by the ethnic group, but it was not the first to fall.

He has been trying to overcome the attacks of some kind, and he has been requesting help from around the world four months ago. But there are no countries in the world that are not confused. It is hard to take care of your own country, but the United States, which recaptured all the cities with our help, tried to help, but a new heterogeneous group did not come to attack.

Soon after that time, the Saudi royal family declared today that they lost their right to self-defense. It happened after hundreds of royal families died and a prince was far from the throne. He did not have the strength or will to protect Saudi Arabia.

It is stupid. We refused to say that we could not get help from the pagan even though we said we would help. Is it that the power of the pagan can not be borrowed even if the state collapses?

True religion is a religion that is poor.

And today I have decided on a historical event to be recorded in the non-Telly Bible, no Vittor Pride, but in all the history of the world.

"We recapture Saudi Arabia."

We will go to Saudi Arabia.

189 End of Operation

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