Lisko’s American Life

Chapter 312: welcome party

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There were already a lot of cowboys working near the bonfire. David had no sense of presence around Lisko just now. After all, because of the identity gap, he didn't seem to have much communication with these guests.

Now seeing a group of people with the same occupation as himself, he immediately got into the group of cowboys, like a fish like water.

After a while, they were already familiar with each other, holding up their beers and accosting each other.

Lisko also found a lot of girls in the crowd, dressed in very cool clothes, gathered together holding beer bottles and clinking glasses with each other.

As if seeing Lisko's doubts, Ian put his arms around Lisko's shoulders.

"Anything you like? These are employees of nearby companies. I heard that there is a party here, and they all came to participate."

After all, the men-only party didn't seem to have much enthusiasm, so Ace let in a lot of girls who had gathered at the door.

Perhaps it is a unique feature of Texas. Most of the girls here have wheat-brown skin, and a large piece of softness leaks out, attracting the glances of all the men present from time to time.

At the same time, each woman's body is very well-proportioned.

Lisko heard Ian's teasing and waved his hand to refuse.

"I have a girlfriend, and I love her very much."

Hearing this, Ian seemed a little disappointed, but he still gave Lisko a thumbs up. In Lisko's current position, it is really rare to be able to stick to his bottom line, to establish a relationship very early, and to be so loyal.

Like him, while he is still young, he will sway his youth recklessly. When he meets the person who wants to be together forever, he will take back his wandering heart.

Seeing that the party participants are almost here, mainly because the important guests have arrived, Ian climbed up to the height of the DJ booth, touched the tableware next to him with the wine glass, the wall of the glass made a crisp sound, and the music behind him also Then stopped.

All eyes were on Ian, who raised his glass high and addressed the people on the stage.

"This party is to welcome our guest from Colorado, the great writer Mr. Lisko, let's toast him first."

Under Ace's push, Lisko could only reluctantly step onto the high platform.

As soon as he appeared, his handsome appearance attracted the attention of all the ladies present, and the screams were endless.

At the same time, the girlfriends who were still pulling together in a friendly way all let go of their hands, looked at each other with hostility in their eyes, and then stretched lazily on the stage to make themselves beautiful The body is exposed.

The people living nearby are very aware of Ian's power. The guests he introduced so solemnly are not destined to be ordinary people. Coupled with Lisko's appearance, even if he is a poor boy with nothing, it is not enough for him to be able to have a spring night. loss.

It doesn't matter if you don't get fancy, there are so many big men in suits and leather shoes nearby, and everyone in the neighborhood is developed.

Thinking of this, the girls who flaunted their amorous feelings worked even harder.

Lisko was hugged by Ian's shoulders and introduced solemnly.

"Our great writer, rancher of Lee's Ranch, and my dear friend, Lisko. Let us welcome him to Texas."

The cowboys on the stage were whistling one after another, and when they heard Lisko's identity as the rancher, the cowboys easily regarded him as their own.

Lisko raised the bottle in his hand cautiously. This is Lone Star beer for parties, which is very suitable for this occasion.

"I am very happy to be in Texas. The scenery here is very beautiful, and the people are very hospitable and warm, and everyone will not go home if they are not drunk."


Following his actions, everyone raised their wine glasses, including the politicians in suits and ranchers. Lisko arrogantly emptied the remaining wine in the bottle and poured it towards everyone. Express your pride.

Seeing Lisko's attitude, the atmosphere of the party became even more enthusiastic. The DJ on the bandstand behind him also controlled the machine, with a dazzling operation, and a passionate and dynamic dance music sounded.

The cowboys under the stage had begun to twist their bodies to the music, and Lisko followed Ian off the stage and mixed into the crowd.

Lisko is not very proficient in dancing, so he can only move his steps helplessly and clumsily. David is on the contrary. He is a master of party dance. With his own passion, everyone cheered and cheered.

After dancing with everyone for a while, Lisko resigned, walked to the dining room, took some roast meat cut from the whole cow by the waiter, added seasonings to it, and replenished his strength with big mouthfuls.

There are also ready-made cakes, sandwiches, hot dogs, drinks, special pairings for this kind of party.

After Lisko finished eating the roast meat on his plate, he took a few cakes, and then he was satisfied with the wine glass, and clinking glasses with everyone around.

When Lisko squeezed out to find him and surrounded his group of girls, the originally dressed hairstyle and decent clothes were messed up by the bold girls in the crowd just now, and Lisko even made a mess. I felt someone dig a few hands on my inner thigh.

"Li, you are very welcome."

The Governor, holding a glass of wine, laughed as he looked at Lisko who came over in a state of embarrassment.

"Lord Governor, don't make fun of me."

Lisko reluctantly tied the button of his shirt that had just been pulled open, and it took a long time to find out that two had been torn off.

"Just call me Rick, we are our own."

Rick Perry blinked his eyes. Lisko's senior brother occupies a large position in his party. He used words to test, hoping to bring Lisko, a rising star in the literary world, over to him. .

Lisko did not answer directly, but raised his glass to Rick, UU Reading www.uukanshu. The current situation of com is in line with its own plan. Both sides do not occupy it, only in the middle, and there are many backstages, which can ensure that it will not be targeted by any party.

If you really join one side, it will definitely break this balance, and the opposite side will be less merciful when dealing with him.

It was confirmed that Lisko didn't join. Although Rick felt regretful, he had no other idea. After all, Lisko moved his whole body at one stroke, and he was not so easy to resist as a governor when he fought back.

As long as he can guarantee not to join the other party's forces, everything will be fine. Thinking of this, Rick returned to his usual smile of being more than usual, and chatted with the people present.

The party went on until two o'clock in the morning, and Ian, who was already drunk, was supported into the bedroom by two blondes with exploding bodies with a winner's smile, and those politicians had already left a few hours ago. Their identities are not destined to be unscrupulous, and it is easy for their opponents to seize the handle.

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