Lisko’s American Life

Chapter 322: johan

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Qiaohan is forty-five years old this year. He is an officer of the Indian customs. His daily job is to issue an official letter to the shipping company here to allow passage.

This position is very lucrative. If his brother-in-law is not the secretary of the administrator above, how could this good position come to him.

Early in the morning, Johann stretched out his belly and went to the office.

Pick up the coffee that the subordinate brewed early, and rub his temples.

Since he took office, he hasn't eaten at home. Every day, countless companies want to invite him to dinner. Yesterday was another hangover day.

Recalling the beauty from last night, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth again, and he can visit again today.

As soon as I opened the newspaper on the table, I saw the headline on the headline.

"The government has stepped up efforts to crack down on official corruption."


All the good mood of the whole day was ruined, and Johann threw the newspaper in his hand.

Corruption? Who would want to be an official without corruption? This is India, so corruption? Then you have to clean up all the officials of the entire government.

What's more, he is a Kshatriya, and those pariahs are themselves enslaved by them, and now they are just trying to avoid the influence of international public opinion, and they have changed their way.

Abhishek, Sharma is a local broker in India. What he is good at is helping foreign companies to contact relevant local government personnel in India. This means of matchmaking is his job of earning a living.

And he is a local Brahmin caste in India, just because he is the second son of the family, but this background is enough in front of government personnel.

He is only responsible for helping to contact relevant personnel. As for whether things will be successful or not, he does not worry at all. Regardless of success or failure, his share is indispensable.

Payne contacted the staff yesterday, and the broker he selected was Abhishek. In India, the foundation of the caste system is imprinted in their bones, and Payne did his homework when he came over.

The $10,000 referral fee has already gone into Abhishek's pocket, so now he's working extra hard.

Regarding shipping, the most useful person is Qiao Han. Although there are many people with higher rank than him, they are separated by several floors, and only he is the direct person in charge.

According to Payne's request, he took Payne and guard Yu Qing directly into the customs office building.

Watching Abhishek walking to the office with ease, he kept responding to the people who greeted him along the way.

Payne glanced at Yu Qing next to him, and nodded tacitly. It seemed that he was looking for the right person this time.

Abhishek is very popular in every department of the government, not just because he is good at dancing, but because of real interests.

Every time Abhishek brings people, if the bribery is successful, the leaders above will give the corresponding share to the people who work under them. This is also the tacit understanding that every government personnel participates.

In India, corruption has become a relatively mature ecological chain from top to bottom.

So when Abhishek came over, everyone knew that there would be another bonus income, and of course he didn't mean his smile.

"Bang Bang Bang."

Qiaohan is enjoying the aroma of coffee. Although India is also a coffee-producing country, Qiaohan prefers Brazilian coffee, which will distinguish him from the untouchables below. Brazilian coffee makes him look a little more noble.

"Come in."

Qiao Han was interrupted at tea time in the morning, and a burst of dissatisfaction suddenly surged in his heart. I don't know which subordinate who didn't wink came to disturb him at this time, and he must give him a good look.

Abhishek pushed open the door and looked at Johann who was putting his feet on the desk, lying on the sofa chair for a while.

"Our director is very hardworking."

When Johann heard the sound, he opened his eyes, and in the next second, he stood up immediately and respectfully saluted Abhishek.

"Sir, good day."

As a beneficiary of the caste system, Qiaohan of the second class will naturally guard the smooth operation of this system. This detail is reflected in every place. For example, now, whether there are outsiders or not, he will immediately salute Abhishek.

Even if he is a government customs officer, and Abhishek is just a broker.

Of course Abhishek wouldn't let Johann salute, he reached out to support him, and then patted him on the shoulder.

"Okay, let's get down to business first. This is the manager of a trading company in the United States. Their company has just entered the Indian market. This time the cargo is a sum of iron wood and will be shipped by sea. You can talk about the following things."

After speaking, he sat down on Johann's sofa chair to avoid suspicion, flipping through the newspaper on the desk.

As a customs officer, his daily work is also very busy. There is also a living room next to Qiaohan, leading Payne and Yu Qing to walk there.

Yu Qing didn't follow, but stopped at the door. His task today was to protect Payne's safety.

And he wasn't interested in what was going on next, for fear that when he saw the faces of these officials, he couldn't help but throw his fists up.

When he arrived in the living room, Johannes changed his humbleness outside and his expression became very serious.

"What is your company shipping this time?"

"Sir, Ironwood, this time the quantity is very small, because our company's original supply in Australia is temporarily unable to cope with the order, so the company boss wants to open up the Indian market."

Payne replied with a smile. He didn't think it was an insult to bow his head to the man with the smell of curry in front of him. This is a trophy related to the Li family. This grievance is nothing.


Qiaohan said that he understood. This kind of thing is not unusual. He often encounters this kind of situation. First, he leads the line with himself. The first batch of goods is just to test the water. If he gets through this joint Increase the number and frequency.

He pulled out a cigar and lit it for himself.

Since he took office, he has already made a lot of money. Every company will pay tribute to itself in order to save tariffs, not to mention those who are smuggled.

After getting rich, he began to be arty and learned the daily habits of the upper class, such as drinking Brazilian coffee, smoking cigars, playing golf, no matter how hot, he was all in suits and leather shoes.

"Sir. Our quantity this time is only about 30 tons, mainly iron wood and some Buddha statues. Some of our customers are Buddhist believers. If they can go back to the statues of Buddhist holy places to bathe in the glory of Buddha, they will pay a lot of money. Yes, the future business scope will cover sandalwood, coffee, rubber. Well, I will give you this number for every ten tons."

Payne opened his palm to Johann and gestured with three fingers.

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