Lisko’s American Life

Chapter 332: Les' decision

Leith is discussing with the campaign team the next step of the publicity strategy.

During this period of time, the main brand of "Cowboy Born, Garrison Local" has attracted the votes of many cowboys and ranchers. Now the number one problem is how to collect the votes of those local middle-class families in Colorado.

Less is more and more calm now. He is extremely grateful to Lisko. When he went to seek Lisko's help, he was still a little uneasy and worried.

He felt that he would become Lisko's thug and the umbrella to bless his business in the future, so he was worried that he would lose his freedom.

Now it seems that if there is no Lisko, how can you recruit such a high-efficiency team by yourself.

Moreover, he didn't receive any request for Lisko.

He thought helplessly, guessing that his official position was too small, and there was nothing he could do to help Lisko.

Looking at the think tanks who were talking loudly in front of him, Les kept his mysterious smile and didn't express any opinion.

This trick is what he learned from the lawmakers he visited these days. Don't show your thoughts easily.

It seems that I have learned something, and some people in the think tank have also changed their thinking that they are just helping, and are ready to do their bit. Les has taken off the most image of you before, and now it can be said that you are A promising politician.


The phone on the table lit up, interrupting everyone's discussion. Les picked it up and saw that it was an unfamiliar number. He stretched out his hand to signal everyone to be as usual, then took the phone and pushed open the door and walked out.

"Hello? This is Les."

Les's tone is very gentle, which is also the result of the team's packaging. In order to make him look more approachable, he deliberately maintained his state during this time.

After playing for a long time, I'm almost used to it.

"Hello, this is the Denver Police Department, do you know a guy named Rooster? He asked to call you, something happened to him.  …332 Leth's Decision (page 1/4),."

Leith's expression was deep and uncertain. He listened carefully to what was said on the phone, and then hung up the phone after finding the detailed address.

"Everyone, I have a private matter and I need to seek your opinion."

Les walked in, interrupted the ongoing meeting, then stood in the main seat, unbuttoned his suit, propped his hands on the table, and glanced at everyone in front of him. Hungry wolf ready to go.

No matter how disguised he was, Tares was still that cowboy in the wilderness, and he couldn't hide the western flavor in his bones.

Now Les's identity is different. At the beginning of the formation of the team, he made an agreement with everyone present. During the campaign, everything that happened to him should be told to everyone in detail. After all, the seniors in the political arena have already Great lesson given.

Maybe even an inconspicuous little thing can be seized by your opponent, and then you can turn the tide by relying on these small threads.

Now, Less has to report to his team even when he goes to the toilet. Although he is very uncomfortable, he still holds back for his political future.

After Les finished speaking his words and his own opinions, there was a rare collective silence in the entire conference room.

"Sir." Leith's secretary stared into his eyes. Although Leith's eyes were very aggressive now, she didn't look afraid at all.

"If you do this, our previous efforts may fall in vain, and this matter will be used by your political enemies as a bargaining chip to attack you. Therefore, based on the possibility of these occurrences, I do not recommend you to do this."

Les looked at the tall girl in front of him and admired her a little. Before he said his suggestion, he thought about this matter. Maybe it would interrupt his political path, but he still had to do it. .

This is also the reason why he behaved very differently from the past as soon as he came in. He wanted to rely on his own deterrence to make everyone accept his behavior, and believe that the old man who was present to study politics...332 Leth's Decision (page 2/4), . The foxes, each saw Les's purpose.

Only this, in Les's eyes, was the girl who came over to gild her, and she directly spoke out about the consequences of Les's actions, which really changed Les's impression of her.

But Les still decided to go ahead. He wanted to go to the police station to see the rooster, and then find a way to excuse him. No matter whether the rooster violated the law or not, he would protect the man.

There are many reasons. Les is the president of the livestock association, and the rooster is also a detective under his own hands. He politely said that if he does not protect his own people, then he will not be trusted. This is the way of a cowboy. .

Taking personal relationships as an example, I and the rooster are very good friends. It is normal for my friends to hide from each other when they do something wrong.

The deeper reason is that he knows the position of the rooster in Lisko's mind, and believes that the rooster can easily find Lisko's help, and Lisko's energy can easily suppress this matter. As for why the rooster did not do that, Les can also guess one or two.

If he ignores it this time, he may lose Lisko's blessing and support in the future. With his own ability, there is absolutely no way to go up.

The boasting of various aspects during this period did not disturb Les's basic judgment and reason.

Thinking I might lose my political line this time because of the rooster, and that's not a loss.

For Lisko, Les has been with him for so long, and he has long understood each other's character.

If he suffers losses because of this, according to Lisko's way of doing things in return, he will also compensate him elsewhere.

Listening to the dissenting opinions from the audience, many thoughts ran through Les' mind.

"Bang bang!"

Les tapped the table, then stood up and fastened his suit.

"That's it, think about how to end it, I'm going to the police station."

Les took the car keys on the table, turned and left, leaving behind the entire office's think tank, looking at each other.

In...332 Leth's Decision (page 3/4),. In the car, Leith called the police chief, a popular candidate for Congress. Of course, the police chief knew about Les, and the other party might be bigger than him, so he didn't take it lightly.

Regarding Les's request, he happily agreed, not just to visit an incarcerated person, but not to let him go. There is no problem.

"Thank you, Chief Shiles, we'll talk about it later."

Les walked out of the director's office, looked at the rooster that had been brought to the reception room, and thanked the director.



The rooster raised his head and looked at the familiar face in front of him, feeling extra kind at this moment.



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