Lisko’s American Life

Chapter 342: Program invitation

When he saw the title of the book "Black and White", he felt very interesting, and then flipped through two pages.

With his professional appreciation level, it is easy to find that this book is really great, and the reason why the editor rejected the manuscript is because of the subject matter.

As long as they write racially discriminatory books, they cannot pass the first hurdle in the editorial office, and they will be thrown away.

No matter how good it sounds or how high it is, the publishing house is still a profitable company in the end. This kind of subject matter that may not necessarily make money and will be attacked will of course be rejected.

And Lu Bo is not interested in this. As a cultural company, he is more concerned about the writer's future and writing style. The subject matter is trivial, and Lu Bo is not irrelevant in the literary world.

What's more, the cultural company has its own publishing house that has just been acquired, so it's no problem to test the water with this book.

Thinking of this, Lu Bo took a taxi directly to the address where the manuscript was mailed, and found Ian from a high school who was taciturn and out of tune with all his classmates.

He successfully persuaded the other's family, and of course, he would mention Lisko's name as his signature.

Hearing that he could become a writer under an agent with his idol, Ian felt so happy that he was about to faint.

"It's really good."

Li Ke, who was talking about it, looked at the manuscript in his hand, and then looked at Ian, who had a green face. He couldn't imagine that the boy opposite was so talented. Sure enough, talented people are introverted.

"Okay, I promise. I'll send you an email with the preface in a while."

"Boy, when you publish a book, remember to mail me a copy."

Lisko handed the manuscript to Ian, patted him on the shoulder and teased.

"Okay, sir, I will definitely do that."

Hearing his idol's request, Ian nodded solemnly, for fear that he would forget it, so he took out the inspiration notebook he carried with him, and solemnly wrote it down, for fear that he would forget it.

His serious and clumsy appearance caused Lisko and Lubo to burst into laughter.

"Right, let's talk about you."

After the business is done, it's time to chat with friends.

"Your recent interview is quite good. Everyone is very interested. I heard that the subscriptions of the newspapers you interviewed have increased a lot in the new year."

During this time, Lisko was also implemented according to the propaganda plan formulated by the publishing house and Lu Bo, but most of the interviews were written interviews. They sent some questions they wanted to interview through emails, and Lisko chose the ones that he could answer and replied to the past. .

Then the newspaper society published these replies in newspapers, because Lisko has been hiding behind the scenes, and many readers who are interested in him will rush to buy newspapers with his news.

And all the readers who didn't know him became interested after seeing a series of introductions and achievements of Lisko's identity in the newspaper, and tried to understand him.

"Are you interested in the last issue of "The Ellen Show"? The show team is very interested in you and has initiated several invitations. This is a top resource."

"The one from CBS?"

Lisko recalled that although he didn't know much about TV shows and watched very little, he still knew about the Ellen Show, the most popular variety shows in the United States.

"Yes, that's it."

The Ellen Show has been on the air for six years now, and host Ellen has also served as the host of the Oscars.

Lisko is a little interested. He has watched several episodes of this show, and each time there will be some tricky parts. A person suddenly comes up from behind you, wearing a funny monster outfit, and startling the guests.

"How could they be interested in me?"

Lisko has some doubts. After all, most of the guests on this show are Hollywood people, and he is just a serious literary writer.

"Who knows?"

Lu Bo also shrugged helplessly. When he received the invitation, he thought it was someone's trick, so he made a phone call to the show team to confirm, and then he believed the news.

"Maybe it's because of the popularity of your first appearance for an interview?"

Lu Bo guessed, but what he didn't expect was that Alan, the host of this show, was a loyal fan of Lisko. Under her strong request, the show team would invite Lisko many times.

"Okay, I can go to participate."

Lisko thought about it for a while, and decided to accept the invitation to participate in an Ellen show. On the one hand, it was to warm up the release of the new book for Christmas. On the other hand, the show was really good, and Lisko liked it very much.

"That's great, I'll inform them when I go back."

Lu Bo unexpectedly heard Lisko's decision and was overjoyed. The main purpose of his visit this time was to get Lisko to write a new preface for Ian. He did not expect such an unexpected gain.

Lisko has always disliked public interviews, which has always given Lu Bo a headache. He has persuaded him many times. According to him, if Lisko is willing to accept interviews and show his face properly, his popularity will definitely be higher than now. Comparable to those Hollywood movie stars.

It is also very beneficial to the sales of his books.

It's just that Lisko refused every time, and the relationship between the two was also dominated by Lisko, so he couldn't say anything more.

Now Lisko is moving. This is a good start. If there is a first time, then there will be a second time.

This iceberg was finally conquered by Lu Bo waved his fist in his heart, celebrating, but his face did not show any expression, for fear that the other party would change his mind.

We briefly talked about Haas's new book. Some time ago, in order to fear that there would be a collision with Lisko's new book, and there was an embarrassing fight between his family members, Haas's new book was released ahead of schedule at the suggestion of the publisher. Lubo said that the sales volume was very high. Excellent, not inferior to the previous romance novels at all.

Moreover, the public has a high reputation for this book, and some critics who often attacked Haas in the newspapers have also uncharacteristically affirmed Haas. The instructor also rarely commented on the newspaper, giving himself a platform for this lost apprentice.

The publishing house has even begun to prepare for the new year's literary awards to gild Haas, a popular writer.

Brother Haas, in order to avoid these troubles, directly took his girlfriend to her hometown of Romania for a tour. He has been there for several months now, regardless of the sales of his books.

Lisko can only see him through the photos he posts on his Twitter from time to time.

It was obvious to the naked eye that since he was with Ada, Haas's figure inevitably began to develop laterally like a balloon that was inflated.

However, there is always a happy smile on his face, and he looks really good.



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