Lisko’s American Life

Chapter 608: Horseback Ranches

"In general, what else can I do, I can only adapt slowly."

Li Ke shrugged his shoulders and watched Zhang Li speak helplessly. He didn't dare to mention the things he had already adapted to. If he said so, Zhang Li would definitely be in a bad mood, and felt that Lisko didn't miss him at all.

This is the little trick for a man to get along with a woman. No matter what, you must make the other party feel that he can't be separated from you at all. This feeling of being depended on can make a woman feel safe.

Especially pregnant women, their emotions are more changeable, and if they feel unsatisfactory, they will continue to defer to other things, and then start to complain and feel sorry for themselves.

Although Li Ke has not experienced these things, but getting along with women is still self-taught.

After hearing the satisfactory answer, Zhang Li was relieved, and then he patted Li Ke on the shoulder with a reassuring expression, and comforted him.

"Okay, be good. It'll be fine when I'm done giving birth. Then I'll hold you to sleep. No matter how uncomfortable you are now, you have to persevere. Everything is for the baby, right?"

Although Li Ke was happy in his heart, his face was still calm, as if ten months were an incomparably long time for him, which added to Zhang Li's overflow of sympathy, and kissed him on the forehead. He took a sip, and then continued to walk upstairs, preparing to continue his career in chasing dramas.

Seeing the other person's figure disappearing at the entrance of the stairs, Li Ke was relieved, and then patted his chest, with a little fear in his expression. If he didn't hide it just now, then his next consequences would be incomparable. tragic.

He admired his acting incomparably, and was still scolding in his heart.

"Just graduated from the drama school, I think I can also get an Oscar."

With pride, he hummed an unknown tune and walked towards the door.

Come to the stables. I randomly found a horse that looked good. It was a brown quart. It looked exceptionally strong and had a very docile personality. The stables that were able to enter the castle were all selected by Payne many times. Select the most docile and most suitable horse in the horse group to enter here.

Because most of the people living in the castle are Lisko's family and friends, and they are the guests of the Li family. If something goes wrong during the ride, the consequences will be very serious. As a qualified Steward, naturally, all these aspects should be considered and perfected.

Having said that, Lisko remembered the horse he rode before. He has been riding for about two years. Basically, he has a very harmonious relationship. He feels that as long as he makes a little movement, the horse under him You can quickly understand your own mind, follow the command and start to turn, run fast.

But because it was the last virus incident, all the horses in the entire ranch were reluctantly sent to be destroyed. Although he was very reluctant, Lisko still had no choice but to watch the other side go away.

He hadn't had time to name the horse properly, and thinking of this made him feel a little gloomy.

He took out a few washed carrots from the carrying pocket next to him, and Lisko fed them to the horse that he had taken out. Watching the other side chew happily, he neatly pulled the reins and straddled the horse.

Carrots are the favorite food of quarter horses. Whether it is the stable of the pasture or the stable of the castle, some carrots produced by the pasture will be placed next to them, washed and placed in the carrying pocket, ready to be used by others.

Shaking the reins, the horse happily moved forward. After a certain distance, it began to trot, and finally began to gallop.

Always bored at home, Lisko was also bored in every possible way. Now that he came out, he just went to see the B&B hotel in the ranch.

After the last decoration, the hotel has basically been put into use, but in order to consider the impact of formaldehyde, Lisko decided to leave it for a while.

The hotel is a service industry, and it pays special attention to the reputation of the guests. If there is any bad scandal due to the formaldehyde incident, even if it is covered up at that time, it will have a great impact on the homestay that has just set off.

If the ranch is involved, it will be even worse than the loss, so Lisko and David have the same opinion on this aspect, and they pay special attention to it.

Riding a horse all the way forward, looking at the ranch that was much larger than before, Lisko felt very comfortable.

No matter how much his assets are, Lisko has never had an intuitive feeling. After the amount of money reaches a certain point, it is more like a series of numbers, and most of these assets are under the management of investment companies~www.wuxiamtl .com~ He can use it at will, but it is bound to have an impact on the future.

Lisko knows very well that the stocks currently held by his company have not reached the peak they should have, so they will not be sold easily at all, so these assets are more placed on shares and can be circulated through mortgage loans, but There are also many reasons to consider.

Only the ranch, which developed under his eyes, has basically tripled from the territory held by his father before, and has become the largest ranch base nearby.

And now the pasture is profitable by cattle, rye beer, vegetable bases, and Denver's largest lavender planting. The bases are neatly divided and wrong, and they look very comfortable.

David's work ability has also continued to rise during the continuous expansion of the ranch. Originally, he only managed a few cowboys. Now the entire cowboy group has developed into a team of nearly 30 people, plus now all industrial machinery. , everyone's burden has been reduced a lot.

Lisko saw a lot of unfamiliar faces along the way alone. Because he was the owner of the ranch, although he appeared less often, everyone was still familiar with this face. Seeing Lisko passing by, Cowboy. They all take off their cowboy hats and bow down to pay their respects.

Nodding all the way to the location of the hotel, Lisko got off the horse neatly, tied the reins to the post beside the door, then took a carrot from the horse's back and stuffed it into the horse's mouth.

Seeing the juice flying, he touched the horse's long face and praised it.

"Really a good boy."

After simply cleaning off the dirt on his riding boots, Lisko walked across a cobblestone paved road, and then walked to the gate of the hotel.

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