Lisko’s American Life

Chapter 628: director's phone

"Eh? It's really good."

Tina pulled Zhang Li to stand up, looked left and right for a while, and then said her own evaluation, while Sunny on the side nodded in agreement, and gave Zhang Li a thumbs up to the short-haired Zhang Li.

Zhang Li likes to have short hair in his previous life, it should not be a coincidence, but after the advice of a senior designer.

Zhang Li with short hair looks extraordinarily heroic and sassy. Her face shape is very suitable for short hair. Against the background of short hair, she looks a lot more eye-catching than before. In addition, she herself has the kind of temperament that is very suitable for Western aesthetics. like a model.

Zhang Li touched his hair in disbelief, because it was the first time in his life that he experienced this hairstyle, so he felt that his neck was empty for a while, and he was a little uncomfortable.

I found the mirror for the first time, and observed myself in the mirror for a while. At first glance, it seemed a little weird, but after getting used to it, it still felt good.

However, she also found some clues, stroked the tip of her hair with her palm, and turned to look at Lisko next to her.

"Didn't I just talk about the neck, how come it's the chin now?"

Lisko naturally wouldn't say that he made a mistake. His face was calm, but his heart turned instantly, thinking of a suitable reason.

"You are a layman, I don't understand, your temperament is suitable to stay here, you see, is it very beautiful, what does it matter if it is longer or shorter? Trust my expert's advice, I feel this length More suitable for your aura."

After listening to his explanation, Zhang Li stared at him suspiciously, but he didn't find any clues. Instead, Li Ke's calm expression made her subconsciously drop the topic.

Just finished cutting his hair, although the preparations were done well, but perhaps because of habit, Zhang Li always felt that he had hair residue on his body, and prepared to go to the bathroom to wash and change his clothes by the way.

When he saw her figure disappear, Li Ke was relieved as if he was relieved. He was about to reveal his secrets just now. If it weren't for his quick reaction and extremely strong psychological quality, he might not be able to hide Zhang Li. It's time to meet him again with a powder fist attack.

However, his movements were not hidden from Tina on the side. Tina, who was always watching his movements, saw his movements, and a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. She held the tea cup on the table in her hand and remained silent.

This matter is more like a little love between the two lovers, and she naturally won't be in vain to be a good person. Maybe the final result will be counterproductive. She still has the eyesight of being a person.

Zhang Li moved very quickly. After a while, she wiped her hair and came out. She has the same hobby as Lisko, that is, she doesn't like to use a hairdryer to dry her hair after taking a shower. She prefers that A wet and naturally air-drying feeling.

And this is also good for the health of the hair. In addition, it is summer and the weather is hot. Even if it gets wet, it will quickly become dry in the warm air.

"really not bad."

Although she had just washed her hair, Zhang Li already felt the comfort of shampooing with short hair. Compared with long hair, it was much more convenient, which made her worry about short hair not looking good instantly become more adaptable. .

Just as she was walking to the coffee table, the cell phone in her pocket rang instantly. Zhang Li continued to wipe the moisture from her hair with a towel in one hand, and took out the cell phone from her pocket with the other hand, looking at the stranger. number, a trace of doubt flashed between his eyebrows.

Because she is in the United States, she has used American phone numbers for a long time, and her friends in China mostly use the Internet to contact her.

There are very few friends in the United States. Basically, the familiar ones are in front of me. I don’t know who is calling this unfamiliar number. .

"Hello? I'm Zhang Li."

You can't hear the specific content of the call, but looking at Zhang Li's expression, you can understand that the opposite must be a familiar person.

Zhang Li listened to the voice on the phone, her face became happy for a while, and a little depressed for a while, so that the few onlookers really didn't know what her mood was.

"Okay, I know the director. I'll discuss it with my husband and reply to you later."

The phone was hung up, and Zhang Li's hair was wiped clean. She walked to the coffee table with a depressed look and threw the towel on the table. She didn't seem to be in a good mood.

"What's wrong?"

Lisko next to her carefully observed her expression and asked cautiously.

At this time, a pregnant woman’s mood has changed a lot. It is even more terrifying than when her relatives came before. Not to mention the heavy breathing will make her angry, even if the first foot to stand up is wrong, it is like a storm. attack.

Tina and Sunny on the side also turned their attention to her, waiting to hear Zhang Li's explanation.

"The director just called me. He said that the film we shot has been completed, and all the post-production has also been completed."

After listening to Zhang Li's words, Lisko was not surprised. After all, this film is just a feature film, and there are no special effects clips. The main work in the later stage is editing, which naturally doesn't take that long.

But he still can't understand, even if the post-production is completed, it is a happy thing. It means that this film can be seen with everyone, and the film that he participated in can be launched online. What is there to be melancholy about? .

Tina and Sunny also looked confused, and then Zhang Li continued to speak.

"The director has just been notified that our film has been shortlisted for the main competition of this year's Cannes Film Festival, that is to say, all our personnel need to go to the film festival, and according to the wind heard by the director, our two leading actors, It's very hopeful to win the award for Best Actress, after all, our films are exclusively for the female market."

Lisko recalled the information about the Cannes Film Festival in his mind. This is a film exhibition held in Cannes, France. It is known as one of the three major international film festivals in Europe. It is an A-level film festival in the international scope. are all famous.

Moreover, the director of Zhang Li's filming of this film is Christian Mongy, who is the darling of the Cannes Film Festival. In 2007, he successfully won the best picture in Cannes with his work, the Palme d'Or Jackpot.

It is said that many Cannes judges are very optimistic about this up-and-coming director in the literary and film industry, and are very much looking forward to his works.

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