Lisko’s American Life

Chapter 641: Certificate one

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With the passage of time, the news of Zhang Li's award has finally settled down a bit. Although there are still some reports from time to time, it can only be regarded as a small wave of calm on the lake.

After a period of recuperation, Zhang Li's weight also began to soar, from the original 48kg to 54kg. Although the appearance has changed, people who are familiar with it know that the waist is fuller and looks more mature.

The daily physical examination is still in progress, once in the morning and in the evening. Every time I get good news, the fetus is normal. As long as this situation continues, there will be basically no crisis.

Today is also two months old for Zhang Li. After checking his body in the morning, Zhang Li and Li Ke changed their clothes. Today they are going to do a very solemn thing, which is to receive a marriage certificate.

Although Zhang Li's body and thoughts have no intention of holding a wedding at the moment, but as a responsible man, Li Ke is bound to give an explanation to the other party, and also give Li Feng and Zhang You a proper result.

This is no more useful than receiving a marriage certificate. After all, legally speaking, the two people who have received the marriage certificate are the real newlyweds and have legal effect.

The process of obtaining a marriage certificate in the United States is not the same as that in China. Here, as long as you are 16 years old, you can apply for a marriage license with the municipal government. After obtaining permission, you can continue the following process.

Afterwards, the itinerary is also very cumbersome. A simple wedding is held, and then the certificate is collected. After the certificate is in hand, the wedding needs to be signed by the wedding witness or priest, and the marriage formalities will take effect at this time.

The certificate also needs to be returned to the government agency for the other party to enter the file, and then a copy is issued to the newlyweds as a souvenir.

And because Zhang Li has a green card and Lisko is a real American citizen, he also needs to go to the Chinese embassy for notarization. In this way, the marriage certificates of both parties are truly valid in both countries.

Naturally, Lisko doesn’t need to be so cumbersome. The above process was done by ordinary citizens before, but he was much simpler. He notified the familiar members by phone, and directly completed the previous procedures, only two people needed to sign. Write down the words, then take a group photo, and then find a friend to sign the name of the witness, and you can file it immediately and complete a series of tasks.

This is the benefit of power, not to mention that the United States is a capitalist country. Here, as long as there is money, there is nothing that cannot be done.

As for the witnesses, he had already determined them. Although he struggled, he had no choice between Rooster and Colt. Instead, he chose another friend, senior brother Haas.

Haas, as Lisko's friend, has helped Lisko a lot in his life. In addition, if he chooses a rooster, Colt may have an idea in his mind. If he chooses Colt, the same is true for the rooster. In the end, Lisko simply chooses. Haas, who neither of them knew very well, so everyone was speechless.

Charles was also dressed to attend today. He was dressed in a black suit and had bulging muscles. He looked extraordinarily imposing. In addition, he was wearing sunglasses, which made it difficult to find his sight, and he looked a lot more powerful.

The security team had already prepared and was ready to go. Four black commercial vehicles were lined up like a snake, leading Zhang Li and Li Ke to sit in the penultimate car, and everyone got on the bus in a row.

"Mom. Dad, let's go back. Scoo is all done. We'll just go and sign. Others will help with the rest. You wait at home. I'll be back in an hour or two."

Li Feng and Zhang You followed them to the gate, their faces full of worry, for fear that the bumpy road would cause Zhang Li to change something.

"Uncle, aunt, don't worry, I will be optimistic."

Li Ke also followed suit, so Li Feng and Zhang You were relieved.

In the eyes of the second old man, Charles made a gesture, the car in front started to drive slowly, the cars in the back row followed, and the four cars left the ranch one after another and drove towards the agreed destination.

Li Ke glanced at the time, there was still a while before the agreed time, enough for everyone to arrive, so naturally he was not in a hurry, loosened his tie, and began to look at the distant scenery.

"We're getting married."

Zhang Li was also full of sighs. Looking at the flowers and plants by the roadside, his thoughts seemed to return to the day when the two just met.

"Hey. Do you remember this place? We met here. At that time, you even rode a motorcycle. The speed was the same as that of a snail. I surpassed you."

Zhang Li looked at the familiar road, and his memories suddenly flooded into his mind, pulling Lisko and shouting in surprise.

Lisko also has the same expression. It seems that these things happened yesterday. In fact, he always has a different kind of feeling for Les. Les is a testimony of the love between two people. will not meet each other.

And if it wasn't for the locomotive incident, the two would never have known each other.

"I love you, Li Li."

Li Ke knew that no matter how much he said at this time, it was useless. He took Zhang Li's hand and expressed his feelings at this moment affectionately.

Zhang Li smiled gently and did not continue to speak. For her, this sentence was enough. She looked at the man in front of her, and felt extremely fortunate in her heart. God made her meet the right person, which is the greatest happiness.

The two snuggled up in the back row, the words in the car disappeared instantly, and they were both experiencing a beautiful moment.

It was very slow along the way, but Charles was already prepared, so he still arrived at the destination before the agreed time.


As soon as the door opened, Lisko got out of the car and hugged the burly figure in front of him.

The other party was Haas who had made an appointment for a long He was also very surprised to receive a call from Lisko. After inquiring about his purpose, he was very happy to learn that he was invited to be his marriage witness. Can't be added.

In the United States, being able to be a witness to the other party's wedding is regarded as the best friend in life. Haas is naturally very happy to receive this recognition.

"Li, Ms. Zhang Li, congratulations."

Haas looked a lot thinner than the last time we met. It seemed that Al's weight loss strategy was still effective. The whole person seemed to be in a lot of energy, and he slowly regained the handsome appearance that Lisko had in mind.

"Okay, the congressman has already called, let's go ahead and deal with the matter, and then we can talk about the old days."

After a simple hug, Haas began to exercise today's responsibilities, reminding the two to get things done as soon as possible.

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