Lisko’s American Life

Chapter 652: dining

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"Come on, let's sit down. After your sister-in-law came to the United States, her craftsmanship has improved by leaps and bounds. If you have nothing to do, you can study and cook at home. You should try it out today."

Zhang You called his brother, sister-in-law, and nephews and nieces to sit down one by one, showing off Li Feng's craftsmanship.

"This is in the United States, it's not easy to do anything, just eat enough beef, not to mention that the family still runs a ranch, that is to eat big chunks of beef hard, and don't even need to drink it. I just eat good meat. Every time I come here, I will gain a few pounds."

Zhang You touched his belly, which was much larger than when he was at home before, to prove that what he said was true.

"Hahahaha, that's great, big brother, you've liked meat since you were a child, and it's fun now. I remember one year, when the conditions at home were not good, I finally bought a piece of meat to prepare for the New Year, but my brother I’m so greedy, I just boil the meat with white water, sit in the kitchen by myself, and eat oily face, but I’ve been beaten by your grandma.”

Zhang Kui also opened his mouth to recall the past, and shared with Zhang Li the embarrassment of Zhang You in the past.

"Oh, you are so old, why are you talking about this? This life is really getting better day by day. Now, if you want to eat meat, you really want to eat enough, and the doctor told me that you need to eat meat. Temperance, eat less meat, and prevent the three highs, then it will be over, what's the point of my life if I don't eat meat."

Zhang You patted his belly and sighed. At the same time, everyone began to take their seats. Zhang Kui himself runs a restaurant and is rather picky about food.

Looking at the dishes on the table, he glanced at Li Feng in surprise. Because he gets together every year to celebrate the New Year, he still has a good understanding of his sister-in-law's craftsmanship.

Although Li Feng said that cooking tastes good, but because he has been cooking some home-cooked dishes before, he does not pay much attention to things such as plate setting. Although it is delicious, the appearance is definitely not good-looking.

This time, he came here by surprise. The platter is much more beautiful. He is also a restaurant veteran. With the other party's platter skills, if you go to any big restaurant, the minimum salary is 7,000.

"What's the matter, what I made when I was at home didn't taste good?"

Li Fengbai glanced at Zhang You, and pretended to be angry and asked.

"No, no, you can cook delicious food any time, mainly because the ingredients in our son-in-law's house are good, and your craftsmanship has also improved. After all, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, right?"

Zhang You saw Li Feng's appearance, as if a mouse saw a cat, and immediately explained.

This is also the normal way for two people to get along. Everyone is not surprised. Even Xiaoyu and Xiaowei have a dull look. After all, there are no outsiders here, and they are no strangers to the way the two of them get along.

"Today, when Kui Zi comes over, I won't block you. You can drink, but don't nag around me. If you drink too much, go to bed. If you nag to me, you won't drink this year."

Li Feng had something to say first, and looked at Zhang You's warning. In fact, Zhang You didn't have any opinion on drinking, and the other party knew it, basically keeping the amount once a week, so that it would not cause any harm to the body.

After all, there is a saying that a moderate amount of alcohol can promote blood circulation, which is good for health, but you can't drink too much.

But Zhang You has a problem, which makes people a little unbearable, that is, he is extraordinarily nagging after drinking. A sentence can be repeated many times, which makes everyone tired. Based on this, Li Feng is particularly disgusted with Zhang You. Drink, after all, Zhang You after drinking is like a duck, who can nag in your ear for hours, who can bear it.

"Certainly not, well, don't talk about it, Kuizi is here today, everyone is happy, you save me some face."

Zhang You admitted that it was very smooth to be counseled. Hearing that Li Feng did not stop him today, he could have a good drink, and he was immediately overjoyed.

"Come on, Xiuying, Xiaowei, and Li Li, let the men drink it, let's have some soup first, it's very tiring to take the plane, this soup is fish soup that I have been cooking for a long time, it is very good for the body. To supplement it, there is also ginseng in it.”

Li Feng didn't pay attention to Zhang You. She held the soup bowls and handed them over one by one. She had been boiling this fish soup since the morning, and it had been boiled on the fire for many hours. .

"Okay, let's start, Xiaoyu, pour the wine, this is your task today, let your uncle and your father also enjoy it."

Zhang You saw that everyone had eaten a la carte dishes, and it was time to start drinking. He greeted Xiaoyu on the side, and then the whole person lay comfortably on the seat with the sofa, with a very comfortable expression.


Xiaoyu put down the chopsticks in his hand, then spit out the bones of the sweet and sour pork ribs he had just eaten, trotted to pick up the wine bottle, and began to pick up the wine one by one. His movements were extremely skilled, and it seemed that he was quite used to this job. .

After all, they are young. According to the customs of China, people who serve the wine table at this age are generally the tool people who pour the wine. This is the traditional wine table culture.

Poured a glass of white wine for everyone, Xiaoyu was about to take his place, but was stopped by Zhang You.

"Hey, you pour yourself a little too. Today is your own family, and I have two drinks with my uncle. I know you can drink, don't shirk."

Zhang You waved his hand and motioned Xiaoyu to do as he said, and Xiaoyu's first reaction was to look at his father first. Zhang Kui is the representative of the kind of strict father in the hearts of children. The father, Xiaoyu is still more afraid.

"Okay, listen to your uncle."

Zhang Kui is also happy today, and naturally he will not have any objections to this request. Besides, Xiaoyu also drinks at After all, as the son of a restaurant owner, it seems that he does not know how to drink. Kind of embarrassing.

Xiaoyu would party with her classmates when she had nothing to do at school, and also had a drink at the dinner table. Hearing his father's permission, he also poured himself a glass with ease, and there was no fear in his expression.

"Good boy, uncle likes you."

Zhang You looked at Xiaoyu's actions, praised loudly, then picked up the wine glass in front of him and opened his mouth to everyone.

"Come on, let's have a drink. First of all, to celebrate Li Li and Sko getting their certificates, because they are pregnant, it is not convenient to hold a wedding, so we will simply celebrate. After that, Kui Zi came from China, It's not easy, I want to welcome them here and talk to Li Li."

After speaking, he drank the liquor in the cup first, and Li Ke, Xiaoyu, and Zhang Kui on the side also followed Zhang You's actions and drank the liquor in the cup.

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