Lisko’s American Life

Chapter 655: Zhang Li's thanks

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Therefore, because he did not want to go to work in the society, he planned to continue his postgraduate studies. After he went to graduate school, he could continue his studies. In the future, he could consider staying in the school and become an academic talent, which was quite comfortable. .

If you do not succeed in staying in school, then go home and take the civil service exam. He has already understood this aspect. The government has always welcomed talents with high academic qualifications. Some places have talent introduction plans, not only allocating housing, but also high subsidy,

This job is not only more pleasant to talk about, but also has a high social status. Huaguo, no matter what, is always an official-based world. The rich are not as powerful as the powerful. This has become an inscribed in the bones of this nation. longing for.

For the older generation, there is no better job than civil servants, not only do they have no worries about food and clothing, but also do not worry about the dangers of business, they may not earn much, but they are stable.

Especially Zhang Kui, who often has this kind of emotion. In his restaurant, he is often greeted by people. Naturally, he has experienced all kinds of life.

No matter how much wealth you have, you still need to cater to these officials. These people are the middle pillars of society and support the operation of this government.

So for Xiaoyu's idea, everyone agrees and is very happy.

"What about Xiaowei, you are in your second year of high school now, what university do you want to go to, and what do you like?"

Zhang You drank the lipstick tea and asked Xiaowei's thoughts with a smile. For girls, everyone's expectations are not so high. They only hope that her life will be stable and healthy, and she will do what she likes.

"I, I, I like to draw, and I want to go to an art academy."

Xiaowei couldn't help being a little shy when everyone's eyes were on him, but with the encouragement of his brother, he still mustered up the courage to speak his mind.


Zhang Kui was a little confused, although in the past he always saw Xiaowei like to draw on this book, but he never took it to heart, thinking it was just something for a little girl to pass the time, but Xiaowei's real thought was I want to go to the academy.

It was the first time that he heard the other person's wish, but he thought that Xiaowei was shy in the past and not very good at expressing words. The subject of painting might be really suitable for her. Here, Xiaoyu is still here, as long as she likes it, that's enough, her brother and father will help her with other things.

Hearing this idea, Li Ke glanced at Xiaowei in surprise, but he was relieved quickly. For Xiaowei, he is shy and doesn't like to be in contact with the outside world. On the contrary, this kind of person is very attentive. It is really suitable for painting.

Zhang Li also lovingly touched the top of his little sister's head, his eyes full of encouragement.

"One of my friends is a painter. She is a female painter. She is very famous in Europe. How is the foundation of Xiaowei? Do you have any works of your own? I can ask the other person to give you some pointers when the time comes."

The person Lisko was talking about was Haas's girlfriend, Al. The other party was really famous in the circle of artists. He was obviously overkill to point out Xiaowei. Guy-level people's guidance is also very helpful for small and micro.

After Lisko said Al's full name, status and works in the circle, Xiaowei's eyes lit up visibly, and his expression was full of anticipation and longing.

Her favorite is the Impressionist oil painting. She feels that this can best express her mood and the world in her eyes, so she can often read books about the big cows in this area.

For a painter of El's level, the price of a painting has almost reached one million euros, which is exactly what she wants to be in the future.

"Will it be too much trouble?"

Zhang Kui was also a little moved, but he felt embarrassed at the thought of bothering Li Ke again.

"Uncle, they are all good friends, it's okay."

Zhang Kui originally wanted to say that he could pay a sum of money as a fee for the other party's guidance, but when he thought of the information that Li Ke had just introduced, a painting of other people basically topped his entire net worth. Small money, don't say it, it's not shameful enough.

Furthermore, what should I do if I am mistaken for an offense.

After chatting for a while, Zhang Kui's family was obviously a little tired. After all, they came here from China. Although the journey was relatively comfortable, it was also affected by jet lag. Lisko ordered Payne to send everyone to his room. Take a good shower, take a rest, and adjust the jet lag.

"Scoo, thank you."

After arranging everyone, Li Ke went upstairs and was about to go back to his room to read a book and spend the next afternoon. Suddenly Zhang Li walked in, hugged him, and thanked him.


Lisko didn't understand a little, and he wanted to thank himself for something.

"Thank you for your respect for your uncle and your help to Xiaowei."

Zhang Li looked at Li Ke, his eyes were full of love. His husband is a wealthy rich man in the United States. Many politicians and rich people want to invite each other, and there are many top-ranked colleges and universities. To each other to give lectures for their school.

It can almost be regarded as the top group in American society, which shows Lisko's detachment in the United States.

But in the face of his father, mother, and uncles and aunts, he still respects him so much. If it wasn't for the combination of the two, maybe Lisko would never look at a restaurant owner and a retired old man differently.

She is really grateful to Li Ke, UU reading www.uukanshu. com has always maintained respect and etiquette in view of its own identity.

"It doesn't matter, we are husband and wife, your relatives are naturally my relatives, and uncles and aunts are also very good people, and they also entertained us very carefully when they were in China. Xiaoyu Xiaowei also respects me very much, I like them a lot too."

Li Ke smiled helplessly and touched the top of Zhang Li's head. These words he said were from his heart. People live in this world, and their attitudes are not determined by their status. The Chinese culture has always been engraved in the In his bones, respecting his elders and caring for his younger siblings are human instincts.

"Okay, okay, you can also go and rest for a while, don't think about it so much, we are a family now, if you say that next time, I will be sad, husband and wife are one, don't think of me as a an outsider."

Lisko touched the top of Zhang Li's head and said warmly. Some people say that love is two people sticking together for a long time, but in Lisko's view, love is more like the fusion of two people.

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