Lisko’s American Life

Chapter 678: wedding

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After busy with these things, it was the last day before the wedding, which was the legendary bachelor party.

However, because Catherine and the rooster are in a different situation, the woman is with children, so Catherine decided to cancel her bachelorette party, on the one hand, because she has been married once, and this kind of party has been held once.

The second is that she can't worry about leaving her daughter to be taken care of, and there are no good friends around her to invite. After she divorced, she cut off all contact with her former friends. She is a proud person. , I don't want my embarrassment to be seen by familiar people.

As for the rooster, he was not asked to cancel it together with Katherine, but considering his wife's mood, the rooster decided to cancel all the party itineraries planned before, and replace it with a more soothing way,

For example, everyone gets together to drink some wine, talk about hearts and the like, and spend the night.

Although this proposal was considered boring by Colt, with the unanimous approval of Lisko and David Reiter, the other party had no choice but to accept this ending.

On the night of the king, Lisko took out last year's rye beer that was not much left in the ranch, as well as expensive red wine. A few big men really took these wines and started chatting while watching the game. Heaven and Earth, drinking like this until everyone was overwhelmed by alcohol, fell asleep.

And Catherine spent the night at Colt's house, chatting with Gorrie and getting closer to the relationship between the sisters-in-law.

In the early morning, everyone got up at the prompt of the alarm clock, and the rooster changed into the special wedding clothes that he recently went to the high-end suit shop, shaved his beard cleanly, and at the same time looked excited and unable to hide joy.


All the best men were also dressed up. Lisko was wearing a black suit. Looking at the rooster's sloppy image, he reached out and slammed his fist on the other's chest, congratulating him.


Rooster looked at Lisko in front of him, with mixed feelings in his heart. Speaking of his changes in the past few years, it seemed that all happened with Lisko's help.

Whether it was the first time he took his own steps to become independent, became the head of a ranch, and then successfully took over his father's ranch, and everything after that, everything was closely related to Lisko.

Even the acquaintance with Catherine, if it wasn't for Lisko's acceptance of the other party, he would never have met this person who could be entrusted to him for the rest of his life.

He felt that he should thank Lisko the most.

So he reached out and hugged Lisko, and the two of them were quiet for a while before patting each other on the back.

"Let's go, let's go."

Seeing that everyone was ready, Colt shouted excitedly, and then jumped out of the room first, the car at the door was ready, the first one was a beautiful black Lamborghini sports car.

It was also pulled from Lisko's garage as the lead car for the wedding, driven by the ranch cowboy Weiss.

"Congratulations, rooster, get in the car, we're going."

After greeting each other in turn, the rooster also took a deep breath, suppressing the excitement and longing in his heart, and the car drove slowly towards Colt's house.

Before arriving at the house, there is only a bridesmaid group in this house, and the composition of the bridesmaid group is also full of familiar people, including Ge Li, Zhang Li, El who came to participate after hearing the news, and someone who was dragged over to fill in the number of people. micro.

A few people were all dressed in white bridesmaid outfits, and everything seemed to be going smoothly. After the rooster had overcome many difficulties, he was allowed to pick up Katherine in white bridal makeup, and Wei Wei, who was dressed as a little princess. Lo.

The wedding was held in a hotel in the small town of Garrison. Almost all the people in the town came to join in the fun. As a rooster who has been watched by everyone since he was a child, everyone regarded him as his own son and nephew. His eyes were full of love.

"Mr. Bennett, would you like to marry Lady Catherine, live with her according to the teaching of the Bible, become one body with her before God, love her, comfort her, respect her, protect him as you love yourself . Whether she is sick or healthy, rich or poor, will remain true to her until she leaves the world?"

The rooster also successfully appeared in the book for the first time. He looked at Catherine, who was more beautiful than ever before, and his eyes were red involuntarily at this sacred moment.

"Yes I do."

Everyone in the audience who watched this scene began to applaud. Zhang Li was a little sentimental during this time, and he didn't know what to think of. At this time, he was looking at the happy two on stage with tears in his eyes.

And Li Ke had to pat the other person's shoulder comfortably, and then hugged the tearful Zhang Li into his own arms.

The priest on the stage nodded and continued to ask, but this time the target was Catherine.

"Ms. Catherine, will you marry Mr. Bennett, live with him according to the teaching of the Bible, become one body with him before God, love him, comfort him, respect him, protect him as you love yourself . Whether he is sick or healthy, rich or poor, will remain true to him until he leaves the world?"

Catherine looked at the excited rooster, and the audience was looking at her parents with relief, as well as little Willow next to her, she couldn't help but see every picture of her getting along with the rooster after she met~www.wuxiamtl. com~ When she was first pursued, Katherine was not so happy. After all, she was hurt by a relationship not long ago, and she was with a child. She had already learned a lesson, and she was even more afraid of what she was entrusting to her. Inhuman, even his daughter suffers with him.

Although the days of mother and daughter relying on each other were difficult, they felt extremely safe and fulfilled, and she was unwilling to change all of her own circumstances.

However, under the constant pursuit of the cock, she was still a little shaken. Girls are all emotional animals, but she did not express her position. She still responded to the **** with a cold attitude, hoping that he could retreat by himself.

But the rooster was not frustrated by this. Not only did he care about himself all the time in his life, but he also had a very good attitude towards Little Willow. He successfully used his unremitting efforts to make Catherine change her point of view.

Getting along with Willow is also very good. Up to now, Willow is holding the **** and calling Dad without any barriers. This is what he did little by little through his own efforts.

Thinking of this, Catherine nodded without hesitation.

"I would."

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