Lisko’s American Life

Chapter 74: back to the ranch

Back at the ranch, Lisko put the luggage in the bedroom and fell on the sofa.

He suddenly remembered that something was missing in his hand, and habitually stretched out his hand to stroke it.

I just remembered that Mag was fostered with Willow when she left. She liked being able to sleep with Mag Mag in her arms.

Lisko crooked for a while, planning to inspect the ranch.

As soon as he went out, he ran into a rooster who had heard the news.

"Hey, Li."

The rooster is still dressed in denim as usual.

"Here, it's for you." Lisko took out the gift he had just prepared specially for going downstairs.

It's a model car. Lisko saw it in a corner store in Los Angeles and bought it as a gift for the rooster. The rooster had a hobby of collecting model cars since he was a child. Model.

This is a red Ferrari 288GTO model, the original model was produced by Ferrari to participate in the World Rally Championship.

"Wow~ Li, is it really for me?" The rooster's expression was full of surprises.

He wiped his hands on himself and took it carefully. The model was wrapped in a small glass package, and his eyes were fixed on the fiery red model inside.

"Look at how beautiful it is, this elegant streamline, this is the model of my first classic car, and I'm going to put it on my tallest cabinet."

The rooster looked a little drooling. If it wasn't for the glass cover, Lisko wouldn't doubt that he would kiss him.

In order to collect models, he. I also specially made a cabinet, which was divided into small compartments, specially used for this, and then took it out and wiped it with a cloth in my spare time.

"Okay, I'll take it home and enjoy it later. How's the pasture going?" Lisko scolded him with a smile,

"It's fine, everything is normal," the rooster said as he took off his coat, carefully wrapped the model, and hugged it firmly.

"How about going out this time?" Rooster asked casually. He only knew that Lisko was going to see his company and visit his teacher this time.

When Lisko heard the words, his eyes dimmed for a moment, and then he regained his spirits.

"It's very good, the company is operating normally, and the tutor is in good health."

The rooster has no doubt about him, and he is not a very careful person.

"It's mid-May now, and the rye in our pasture is about to be harvested recently," the rooster reported.

"Harvesting rye? Is it the same as the normal way of harvesting wheat? Do we have any machines?" Lisko was interested. He had never seen rye harvested before. When he planted rye, he also considered using it to make wine.

Rye can be used to make rye beer, as well as many types of whiskey, such as rye whiskey, Canadian whiskey, and Irish whiskey. Moreover, rye bread is a very healthy whole-wheat bread, which is particularly loved by Russians and is also the main means for people to lose weight. Rye bread is rich in dietary fiber, which can help detoxify and clear the intestines, and can also make people feel full faster. , as well as low sugar, high calcium, rich in selenium characteristics.

As for the winemakers used in winemaking, the brothers Colt and Rooster are good winemakers. They learned from Maggie. Maggie has the inheritance of a family of winemakers. His father was very famous on the West Coast. Now his son, Rooster's uncle, is still doing the job.

"Have you bought the tools for making wine?"

"Okay, I've discussed with Colt and asked him to help during the brewing period at the price of five boxes." The rooster's smile was a bit treacherous, and he was not at all in command of his younger brother, who was always pranking him. distressed.

"Eh? Why didn't you see Colt?"

"He proposed to Gorley. Gorley's parents are living in Da Schenk after retirement, and the two of them went to visit Colt." Rooster's tone was full of relief, and the next step for his unassuming younger brother was to get married.

"When did you propose?" Lisko felt that he had just been out for a few days and had missed a lot of things.

"You know, Colt, this idiot, lost his engagement ring and finally found it in the refrigerator. Fortunately, Gorley didn't mind this matter."

Lisko could think of Colt's expression at the time, and he also laughed along with the rooster, discussing other people's gossip behind his back.

He got up and went to the refrigerator to get two bottles of beer, ready to gossip.

"This idiot always has the ability to screw everything up,"

"That's right," Lisko touched the bottle and took a sip.

Although their voices were filled with disgust, their eyes were still full of blessings.

"I remember Gorley's father never wanted to see Colt, would he beat him up?" Lisko teasingly discussed with the rooster.

The **** straightened his face. "He may be shot. Do you remember that he has an expensive shotgun?"

"Then he's finished."

The two looked at each other and started laughing again.


Colt sneezed suddenly when he was a guest at Gorley's house. Of course he didn't know that two buddies were talking about him behind his back.

He was wearing a suit today.

It is a handmade suit specially made to order, UU reading www. is for today's meeting,

He knew that Geli's father, Gison, had always had opinions on him, not to mention that Geli broke up with the lawyer who was preparing for the wedding for himself.

So Colt had no complaints. He knew that he was a big child before, and he had no sense of responsibility, let alone a husband.

Since he went home to work, he has grown a lot in getting along with Lisko, Rooster, and Bo. After thinking for a long time, he decided to propose to Goree. Although there were some twists and turns, the result was good.

Since he came in, old Gieson has been by the fireplace wiping his shotgun that all Garrison is famous for.

Gorley and her mother were busy with dinner in the kitchen, leaving room for two men.

Colt felt that he was wearing too thick clothes, and the sweat kept on staying. He took a sip of the coffee, his hands trembled so badly that he almost knocked over the coffee.

Seeing him clumsily holding the coffee cup, Old Gison felt that he was even more stupid.

"I heard that you were a football coach at Garrison School recently?" Gison glanced at his shotgun and inadvertently aimed at Colt.

Colt was so frightened that his back was against the sofa, although he knew that this one was not loaded, he was still frightened.

"Well,,,, yes,,,,"

Gison looked at him,

"Just you? Is Moss blind?"

His expression was disdainful.

Old Gison was the former principal of Garrison School, and he was succeeded by Dean Moss after he retired, so although Colt was the pride of the school when he was at school, he still didn't like this pig who hooked up with his little cabbage.

"We've already entered the state game," Colt replied, watching the muzzle of the gun move elsewhere, gulping.

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