Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 205: The little lotus shows its sharp horns

September 5, 6:30 in the evening. The 7th round of the group stage is about to begin.

China, Headquarters of the Poetry Association.

"Lao Liu, Lao Bai, who do you think?" Han Zhong asked. He did not clarify the question, but Bai Yi and Liu Yuan knew who he was asking.

Bai Yi smiled and said, "If it's no surprise, it's Li Fan. Unless Du Feng performs exceptionally well and comes up with a poem that far exceeds his previous works."

Liu Yuan said: "It's about to start soon, let us wait and see who wins and loses."

At the same time, Zheng Jie, Yu Qiu, Yu Hai, Liu Zheng, Tang Quan, Su Qing, Lin Hai and others have also been waiting in front of the computer. They are also very concerned about this focus battle tonight.

When the time came to 7 o'clock, the interface of the official website of the Poetry Association changed, and the 7th round of the competition started on time.


Countless people waiting in front of the computer were all refreshed and unanimously switched the game interface from the default first group to the sixth group.

In the biggest game field in the sixth group, Li Fan and Du Feng's had a strong dialogue.

Li Fan is on the left and Du Feng is on the right. The big red and blue "vs" symbol in the middle is particularly conspicuous.

Those who support Du Feng chose to look at Li Fan's poems on the left first. Those who support Li Fan also chose to look at Du Feng's poem on the right first.

It seems that everyone chooses to look at each other's standards first.

"Well, yes, yes. Du Feng's "Summer Lotus Pond" is really good, much higher than the previous works." Han Zhong praised sincerely.

Bai Yi also nodded and said: "Du Feng really did not disappoint, this poem is enough to see its level. The four young masters in the poem are indeed well-deserved."

Liu Yuan also said: "Well, this song is still not as good as "Spring Dawn" and "A Garden Is Not Worth", but it is also eligible to compete with it."


"Well, "Summer Lotus Pond" is very good, and Du Feng is not an idler."

"Yes, yes. Only in this way can we be worthy of this game, which is known as the strongest dialogue."

Many famous artists across the country nodded secretly after seeing Du Feng's "Summer Lotus Pond".

"It's just, it's a pity. After all, this "Summer Lotus Pond" is still inferior to Li Fan's "Little Pond"."

This is the voice of many famous artists afterwards, and they are quite regretful for Du Feng's "Summer Lotus Pond".


Beijing, the headquarters of the Chinese Poetry Association.

Han Zhong sighed:

"The spring eyes are silent and cherish the trickle;

The little lotus only showed sharp horns, and dragonflies had long been standing on their heads.

Li Fan's "Little Pond" is still of the same high level, it's really a poem, every sentence is picturesque! After all, Du Feng's "Summer Lotus Pond" is a bit worse. "

Bai Yi also said: "The two of them chose the same subject, both depicting the beauty of the lotus pond in summer. I don't know if it is a coincidence or providence."

Liu Yuan smiled and said: "Whether it is a coincidence or providence, this duel is destined to become one of the classic duels in the history of the Mid-Autumn Festival Poetry Society. The same subject matter, the same excellent poems. Such scenes are rare."

One "Little Pond" and one "Summer Lotus Pond". The same is about summer, and the same about lotus pond. Undoubtedly, this game with the most attention has added more points to watch. It's no wonder that countless netizens are more excited than before after seeing the works of both sides.


Li Fan was also taken aback when he saw Du Feng's poem. There is such a coincidence that he chose a poem by Yang Wanli, "Little Pond", and Du Feng's poem also describes the lotus pond in summer.

And this song "Summer Lotus Pond" is really good, even Li Fan has to compliment it. It can be regarded as the best work since the beginning of the Mid-Autumn Festival Poetry Conference, except for the poems I copied.

All the works of the other three in the group stage, including the previous works of his own, are much better than the fourth in the poem.

It seems that this is the highest level of the four young masters in the poem. Li Fan nodded secretly, the higher the level of poetry in this world, the more excited he would be.


Du Feng naturally saw Li Fan's poem for the first time.

He was also very surprised that Li Fan and him chose the same subject. But after being surprised, there are no extra thoughts. This kind of opponent in the same game chooses the same subject matter to compose poems. They are not the first group, nor will they be the last group.

He read "Little Pond" several times carefully, and sighed, "The same is written about the lotus pond, after all, it is still not better than him."

Mo Bai comforted: "Brother Du don't care, this is Li Fan's best subject matter after all. The online masters have a very high evaluation of your "Summer Lotus Pond"."

Wang Ling also said: "Brother Du's poem may be inferior to that of Li Fan, but the final result may be good. You two have very tight votes now."

He laughed one after another, "Why should Brother Du care? Your poem is enough to make the outside world know us again. It should be celebrated. Brother Mo has a lot of fine wines at home. How about a drink?"

"Haha! Good idea, Brother Du, go!" Mo Bai and Wang Ling said at the same time.

Du Feng knew what the three of them wanted, and he readily agreed.


Whether it is Li Fan or Du Feng, the comparison game seems relatively calm. However, fans on both sides are not so calm.

While calling friends and calling friends to canvass votes for their idols, they chattered with locals on the Internet.

"You Li Fan's works are just like that. Before I started, I thought it was so powerful."

"Our Li Fan's works are indeed like this. But it seems that many famous artists say that our "Little Pond" is better than your "Summer Lotus Pond"."

"Cut, he'll be fine. Do you know what "Wu Wu is the first, Wu Wu is the second"? If you don't know, please go home and ask you Li Fan, haha!"

"You guys, this is hard-mouthed. You know? I know that my work is really not good, but I still have to hold on to it. I am worried for you."

"What do you do with so much nonsense with them. Victory is the last laugh. It is enough to surpass them in the number of votes."

"Haha! Are you acknowledging that the work is not as good as ours?"


Fans of Li Fan headed by Fanlou's poems and phrases, although they have the upper hand in words. However, there is no advantage in the number of votes, and the votes of the two sides have been tightly bitten.

This made fans on both sides secretly anxious, while continuing to attack each other with words in an attempt to disrupt the other's military spirit. While grabbing all resources to canvass for votes.

For those neutral fans, the mood at this time is particularly refreshing.

"Haha! It's really exciting, this is the real strong dialogue."

"Hey! Fans from both sides are canvassing votes while fighting. It's really interesting. This has never happened in the first few rounds."

"In the first few rounds, the two sides are either too famous or too far apart in strength. Naturally, such a scene will not appear."

"Then you say, who of them will win?"

"It's hard to say now. First, it's too early, and second, the difference in votes between the two sides is too small. But if you must choose, I still prefer Li Fan."

"I also choose Li Fan. The influence of the first few poems of this servant is too great, which Du Feng can't compare. In the end, the advantages should gradually become apparent."



The National Day holiday is over, everyone is having fun, don’t forget to vote for this book!

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