Chapter 567 Drunk

Wu Yong also poked his head out of the sleeping bag at this time. This guy was still wearing a blindfold. He put the blindfold on his head and saw Jimmy's appearance. He immediately asked Jian Heng in Chinese: "What's wrong with your old man?" Did you drink too much in the morning?"

  Jian Heng replied speechlessly: "How would I know!"

Seeing that Jimmy was drinking a little too much, Wu Yong immediately lost the interest to sleep. In fact, this guy has slept for no less than ten hours, from about ten o'clock last night to less than nine o'clock now. The sun was already hanging on Lao Gao, it would be strange if he could still sleep.

   As soon as he got out of the sleeping bag, Wu Yong said: "Jimmy, let me have a drink with you?"

When people are drunk, no matter they are Chinese or foreigners, they all look the same, that is, when they hear that they want to continue drinking, they immediately dance with hands and feet. Jimmy is no exception. Hearing what Wu Yong said, he immediately waved to Wu Yong: "Okay, Come quickly, I have prepared a cup for you!"

How could Jian Heng let Jimmy drink any more? This wine is not a good thing. It’s okay to drink less, but if you drink too much, it will really hurt your body, so Jian Heng glared at Wu Yong fiercely. With a glance, he turned his head to look at Jimmy and said with a smile: "What about the wine, let's not drink it now, let's get some fish at noon and everyone can drink it, okay?"

"You can't drink when you're fishing, that...that!" Pointing at Wu Yong, his fingers couldn't point straight after drinking. Of course, Jimmy couldn't remember Wu Yong's name, so Jimmy gave up after thinking about it for a while. Now, he waved at Wu Yong: "Come here, come here, Gene, if you don't believe that I can still beat you when I go fishing later, don't think that you are a good cook and good at cooking. Hunting is better than ordinary people, so I have nothing to teach you..."

Jian Heng was suddenly taken aback by Jimmy's words. He didn't understand why his father-in-law wanted to say such things all of a sudden. Jian Heng didn't understand Jimmy's mood. Firstly, it was because of cultural differences, and secondly, because his age hadn't reached that level yet. On my side, I am still young and try my best to score four or five degrees in the evening. I don’t understand the voice of a man of Jimmy’s age.

  Wu Yong doesn’t understand either. He is also educated by traditional Chinese culture. Father and son are usually staring at each other. You can’t understand me and I can’t understand you.

  The only bodyguard who could understand Jimmy's mood was standing at the door of the house, performing wooden stakes, keeping his eyes on his nose and mouth, pretending to be a wooden man without saying a word.

   It seems that the mention of fishing made Jimmy excited again, and immediately said to Jian Heng: "What? You don't believe it?"

   What else can Jian Heng say? To be honest with a drunk man? Isn't that stupid, so Jian Heng took two steps to support Jimmy who was staggering and trying to stand up, and said repeatedly: "I believe it, I definitely believe it, fishing is not in a hurry, let's go after breakfast, okay? We all I just woke up and haven't eaten breakfast yet, not only haven't I eaten breakfast, I haven't even brushed my teeth yet!"

Jimmy was really drunk, and immediately grabbed Jian Heng's arm with his backhand to stabilize his body: "No, no, let's go now, I must let you see my fishing skills, let me tell you this Well, since I was twelve years old, I have been fishing with my father, Ashley and the others. We have fished in Alaska, Africa, Europe, and Japan. We have caught countless fish !"

   Speaking of which, Jimmy made a swing, which made Jian Heng almost miss him.

Just as Jimmy was supported, he saw a fluffy melon seed resting on his arm. He turned his head and saw that Pooh also stood up. It’s not surprising that the bear stood up, even if it was When looking at the animal world, you can often see bears sometimes stand upright for observation.

   It’s not scary for the bear to stand up, but the scary thing is that this guy is still swinging like Jimmy. Simply put, Jimmy not only got himself drunk again in the morning, but also brought Pooh down again.

   "Hey, hey, look, Pooh is about to fall!" Wu Yong stood aside and watched the excitement.

  Jian Heng yelled at him: "Come here, help me lift Jimmy up!"

  Wu Yong came over after hearing this. The bodyguard winked at this moment, and walked over together and helped Jimmy put him on the bed.

   "I don't want to sleep, I'm going fishing!"

  As soon as Jimmy touched the bed, he immediately rolled over again, and staggered towards the fishing gear he was carrying.

   Neither Wu Yong nor the bodyguard could control it!

Facts have proved that drunk people are sometimes more difficult to deal with than bears. Like Pooh, Jian Heng put it down and said softly twice to sleep. He let out a soft snort like a baby, and started snoring after a while.

Jian Heng was going to look for instant noodles again, and found that this guy was sleeping upright under the bed, with his belly upside down. Afraid that this guy was frozen and disabled, Jian Heng squatted on the bed and reached out to touch the instant noodles I noticed that the little belly was shrinking, and only then did I know that it was fine, it was really just drunk.

   Neither Wu Yong nor the bodyguards could control Jimmy.

"What should I do??"

  The bodyguard said: "I suggest that we follow his wishes. It is very unwise to go against him at this time!"

  Jian Heng was a little depressed when he heard that, Damai and Xiaomai said that Jimmy could not fight him when he was sober, and the bodyguard also said that he could not be against him when he was drunk. I dare say that the old man has to follow his mind at any time!

  Jian Heng didn't have any good ideas either. Since the bodyguard said it, everyone should leave. Anyway, there were a lot of us last night. As for whether the bodyguard is hungry or not, that's not Jian Heng's concern.

   "Fishing, let's go!" Jian Heng carried the ice pick in the house here, and then went to lift the fishing gear box in his hand.

   Fishing in winter is not so particular. A fishing line with bait is enough. Unlike summer fishing and fishing rods, this season does not need it at all, as long as a hole is cut in the ice.

  Since this is the case, let’s go, so Wu Yong and the bodyguard helped Jimmy walk to the lake side by side. Old Walsh's hut is not far from the lake, which is 50 meters away, but if you don't know it now, you will definitely not be able to find the lake below, because both the ground and the lake are covered by a thick layer of snow. Covered, let alone walking on the lake, even driving a car is no problem.

  Arrived at the edge of the lake and walked about 50 meters in, Jian Heng pushed away the snow and began to make holes in the ice with the ice pick. I played with this thing for a year last year, and I seldom played it since the beginning of winter, so Jian Heng used it very smoothly, and made a hole in the ice in a short while.

   Reached out his hand and took out the ice floe, and an ice hole about the size of a washbasin was exposed on the ice surface.

   "Okay, Jimmy, this is where you go fishing!" Jian Heng said.

Jimmy was dozing off here, and suddenly heard Jian Heng's words. He didn't know whether he understood or didn't understand. He let out a sound, and suddenly he seemed to be energetic. He stood up suddenly, turned his head and asked : "Where is it? Where is it!"

   There was no way, Wu Yong and the bodyguards carried him to the side of the ice hole, and Jimmy looked at it for a while before saying, "It turned out to be an ice hole."

   "This is your fishing spot!"

   "Okay, wow!"

  Before he vomited the word GOOD, Jimmy felt a nausea in his stomach, and immediately vomited into the ice hole.

   It’s a coincidence that after I vomited, I didn’t spit out a little bit of it, but all of it was vomited into the ice hole!

   Just having this mouthful was not enough. Jimmy fell to his knees beside the ice hole and vomited several times in a row.

  Jian Heng saw that this was not going to work, so he told Wu Yong and the bodyguard to let them watch here, and went into the house to get some sake and tea by himself.

  While waiting for Jian Heng to come back, Jimmy hadn't finished vomiting yet, and stood beside him waiting for him to vomit for almost two minutes, and then Jian Heng passed the warm water in his hand to Jimmy.

   This burst of violent vomiting seemed to have almost vomited out the wine in Jimmy's stomach, and his whole body was no longer as depressed as before.

   Gudong! Gudong!

   After drinking two cups of wine tea, Jimmy wiped his mouth and said, "Fishing!"

   Jian Heng took a look here, hey! Then keep fishing!

  So Jian Heng drilled two more ice holes, one for himself and one for Wu Yong, about twenty meters away from the first ice hole.

Although Jimmy is slowly sobering up, the alcohol does not disappear in a short while. He just sat next to the ice hole and put the fish into the water. There was no bait on the hook. , Just go fishing like this!

But with the vomit just now, it was like making a nest. Many fish gathered around and ate those things, so Jimmy’s ice hole was very lively. After sitting for an hour, Jimmy's wine was getting weaker and weaker, but the fish was not harvested.

   After waking up, Jimmy remembered what happened sporadically just now. He was a little embarrassed, and finally pretended to be asleep.

   Hoo! call! call! There was a loud snoring, and Jian Heng and Wu Yong could hear it even when they were so far away.

   Jian Heng saw that the old man could not fall asleep in this place, so he simply put the old man on his back, and carried him all the way back to the house.

  Put Jimmy on the bed, Jian Heng helped take off his shoes and jacket, and then stuffed him into the sleeping bag.

   "Look at him here, if he is thirsty, there is a warm water bottle over there, just pour warm water over there, be careful not to let him drink cold water at this time.

Jian Heng specifically instructed that it is because Americans are used to drinking cold water, because the tap water in the United States can be drunk directly, just take a cup to drink the water, so they don't boil water to drink except when making tea habit.

   Jian Heng didn't think of his simple words, which moved Jimmy who was pretending to be asleep.

  (end of this chapter)

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