
Chapter 168: The characteristics of race, the whole network vomits Chapter 168: The characteristics of race, the whole network vomits

Chapter 168: Characteristics of Race, Vomiting on the Internet

Reba also covered her mouth and nose and asked in confusion.

“You should ask Lin Mo.”

After Yang Chaoyue said this, he hurriedly covered his nose and mouth, making dry sounds from time to time.

“Mr. Lin Mo, what’s going on? Why are these little snakes hiding here?”

Director Guo also frowned and asked in confusion.

“These big snakes are used to attract enemies. The small snakes will enter the nose of the poisoned person and eat the internal organs of the human body so that they can grow up as quickly as possible.” ”

The three corpses you saw That’s the principle.”

“This kind of snake is called a black-scaled snake. It has always lived in the darkness. Its only weakness is that it is afraid of light. They are not afraid of flames, nor are they afraid of various sharp weapons.” “They have been

in the darkness for a long time. Surviving in the environment, their physiques have changed, so they have been moving around here and never left here.”

Lin Mo knew that they were full of problems, so he simply solved them all at once.

But there is also a part that is not said out loud. The reason why these little black-scaled snakes smell like this is because they ate the female snake.

After these black-scaled snakes lay eggs, they will incubate them. When they hatch, the first thing they eat is their mother, so that they can survive.

This kind of creature is the most cruel, but he doesn’t intend to say it, otherwise they will be even more disgusting.

The crowns on these heads are not because they are born, but are supplies for them at the last moment, giving them hope to survive.

After everyone heard the sound, they seemed to understand.

But netizens couldn’t stand the excitement.

“Oh my god! Can it be done? I’ve already vomited out the dinner I just had. It’s so disgusting!” ”

No, this looks too disgusting. Eat human internal organs? This is really difficult. I imagine, mainly because when I think of this scene, I want to vomit!” ”

I’ve kept this powerful tool for losing weight. I’ll show it to you when you want to eat in the future. This is absolutely… vomit…” ”

I used to I also kept a pet snake. Now I understand, is this a danger? Or is it a potential danger that can eat me at any time?” ”

I really feel sad for those grave robbers. , it’s better this time, I didn’t get any money, I lost my life, it’s such a pity.”

“What a pity, this is a tomb robber, this is stealing our cultural relics, people like this deserve to die. ”

At this moment, Bingbing has gone out and vomited. Only Dean Bai and Dean Xu are still sitting there, staring at the big screen.

Fortunately for Dean Xu, it’s not like he has never seen snakes before, at least they won’t have such a big reaction.

Dean Bai didn’t care anymore, his eyes wanted to stick to it.

It would be better if I could bring it back for study, but I don’t know if I can make this request?

This is really…

people have different ideas. Some people find it disgusting, but some people like it very much and even want to study it.

In the high-level meeting room of the program team.

Only Director Lin and the assistant director are here now, and the rest have already gone out.

Let’s not talk about the small mountain of snakes, and let’s not mention the hair on the body, but the fleshy balls have lost their light one by one and are hanging on the snake’s head.

Just looking at it made them want to grab it. The more they looked at it, the more disgusting they became. In addition, the snake had to enter through the nose to eat the internal organs…

Just thinking about it, their stomachs were filled with acid.

Then the senior officials left in a hurry.

There were only two people in the huge conference room, the assistant director and Director Lin.

Director Lin was still trying to stay calm, and the assistant director would chatter from time to time, trying to control everything.

The whole space became quiet.

Inside the tomb.

Lin Mo glanced at the snakes on the ground without changing his expression. They were densely packed and smelly. They were indeed disgusting. It was better to leave here as soon as possible.

“Let’s go.”

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Lin Mo said calmly.

Then he will walk towards the location inside.

The people from the Supernatural Bureau and the mercenaries behind them were about to follow.


There is really nothing left to stay in this place, and I might be vomiting later.

When Reba and Yang Mi saw Lin Mo leaving, they hurriedly followed, but the fleshy feeling under their feet…

made them feel timid and subconsciously pulled back their feet.

Surrounded by a group of black snakes, I suddenly felt nervous, stopped looking at my feet, and boldly walked inside.

Wu Jing also pulled Sha Yi and followed Lin Mo inside.

In the end, Sha Yi could only cover his mouth and was pulled by Wu Jing.

When Yang Mi walked towards the secret passage, she glanced at the portrait of the queen on the wall.

At this moment, the Queen’s portrait is slowly closing its eyes at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was as if the one who just opened her eyes was not her.

After Yang Mi saw it, she felt suspicious, but she didn’t say it out loud and didn’t think about it too much.

Everyone followed Lin Mo into the secret passage, and a passage suddenly appeared in front of them.

But there were still footsteps coming out of the passage.

The steps of the group suddenly froze.

Everyone was looking at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo also made a stop gesture.

Everyone was holding their breath and listened quietly to the approaching footsteps.

Could it be that the people inside have come out?

But why walk towards the door?

At this moment, the footsteps suddenly stopped.

The passage is very quiet, so quiet that you can even hear breathing. With so many people like them, the breathing is naturally heavier.

Just ten seconds later.

The footsteps suddenly became faster and farther away!

And this footsteps did not belong to just one person.

Lin Mo narrowed his eyes, felt wind under his feet, and rushed towards the front like a bow and arrow.

He rushed back very quickly.

Before Captain Zhao could react, Lin Mo’s figure had already rushed to the front.


Captain Zhao gave the order, and the mercenaries behind him quickly followed.

Bureau Guo watched them all catch up and wanted to chase inside.

But the machines on them were making beeping sounds again and again.

“Guo Bureau, there is a heavy Yin Qi in front of us, and it is very strong.”

One of the people from the Supernatural Bureau said hurriedly.

They had already felt it when the black-scaled snake came out. At that time, they thought it was because of the black-scaled snake.

But now it seems that it is not the black-scaled snake, but the Yin Qi in this passage that affects their equipment.

“Isn’t it dangerous ahead?”

After hearing this, Reba suddenly thought that when they presented the king’s tomb, it was also because of the Yin Qi that they got into the stronghold.

Now it’s here again, who can bear this?

Will it be dangerous?

“Indeed, we will find out when we go in and take a look.”

Director Guo nodded solemnly, and led the people from the Supernatural Bureau inside.

Reba and Wu Jing followed closely behind.

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