
328. Chapter 328 Infected with Blood Corpse Blood 328. Chapter 328 Infected with Blood Corpse Blood

Chapter 328: Infected with Blood Corpse Blood

Reba was so frightened that she suffocated.

At this moment, Lin Mo also turned around and looked towards them.

Without almost any thought, he rushed over with all his strength and kicked over the two bloody corpses in front of him.

“Follow me quickly.”

After hearing Lin Mo’s words, Yang Mi finally came to her senses, and then pulled Reba and ran behind her.

However, Reba’s hand was directly held in the next second.

When she looked over, she saw a ferocious bloody corpse pulling her away.

At this time, the blood had even adhered to Reba’s body.

“Oh my god! Who will save them? Don’t let them suffer like this again.”

“Those are blood corpses. The director with cerebral palsy has to let them participate in such a dangerous show.”

“I feel sorry for my Reba, now I can What should I do? Don’t let him be in danger.”

Bingbing was already in a hurry and didn’t know how to explain the situation in front of her.

Even Professor Bai was really shocked.

But he didn’t expect that there were actually bloody corpses in this world.

Since watching this program that Lin Mo participated in, he has really benefited a lot.

“That bloody corpse must be of great research value. It’s a pity that there is no way to bring him out. Otherwise, we can definitely observe it carefully.” After

hearing Professor Bai’s words, Professor Xu couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

“What’s going on now? Why don’t you worry about their safety and still want to study the results.”

At this time, Professor Bai also realized that his behavior was a bit excessive.

So he quickly closed his mouth and didn’t continue talking.

Lin Mo finally discovered Reba’s situation at this time.

At the same time, he also slashed directly in that direction.

The corpses around him had already awakened.

They slowly approached in this direction, as if they wanted to keep Lin Mo and the others here.

Lin Mo pulled Reba and Yang Mi toward the intersection they had just found.

No matter what, you have to leave this place first.

However, just when he was in a hurry, Lin Mo suddenly heard a sound in his ears.

It looked like someone was chewing the bones.

The sound got louder and louder.

Lin Mo also felt a little annoyed.

They quickly walked towards that location, and the corpses around them followed.

But I don’t know if it was their illusion, but those bloody corpses stayed in this corridor.

Didn’t move forward any further.

It seemed as if there was something terrifying in the place they were going to.

Lin Mo didn’t have time to worry about other things.

Even if there is any danger ahead, there is really no need to care.

After all, survival is important now.

As long as you can survive, you can then find ways to deal with other things.

Reba’s body felt a little hot at this time.

She felt a stream of air rushing through her body.

The severe pain also made her frown.

They had just experienced strenuous exercise, so several of them were a little tired.

Yang Mi was about to rest next to Reba.

But suddenly she felt that something was wrong with Reba’s state.

“Reba? Reba!”

Lin Mo was still thinking about how to take them next.

After hearing Yang Mi’s cry, she subconsciously looked over.

The next second he also noticed Reba’s state at this time.

Lin Mo couldn’t help but frowned.

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He looked at Reba’s wrist carefully.

I couldn’t help but be shocked for a moment.

At some point, dense red spots appeared on Reba’s wrist.


And there are a lot of them.

The appearance of this thing was really too weird, and Reba subconsciously grabbed the red spot at this time.

The painful and itchy feeling was too much for her to bear.

“How are you, Reba?”

After hearing Yang Mi’s words, Yang Chaoyue and Liu Yifei also looked over.

“What’s going on? Weren’t you fine just now?”

Lin Mo suddenly remembered that the bloody corpse had just held Reba’s wrist.

Could it be that there was some toxin in the bloody corpse?

Even if there was no toxin, the bloody corpse had stayed in the tomb for such a long time.

There are already countless unknown objects on his body.

“Stop scratching, Reba.”

Yang Mi looked at the red spots on Reba’s body. What frightened her was that as Reba scratched, there were more and more red spots.

It has even spread to the arms.

Terror overwhelmed her.

The current situation also made her look in Lin Mo’s direction.

Only Lin Mo can handle this situation now.

“Lin Mo, Reba…”

Before Yang Mi finished speaking, Lin Mo had already walked over.

At the same time, he grabbed Reba’s wrist.

But at this moment, the hand was shocking.

The red spots on it even burst into water droplets.

When it landed on Reba’s body, another red spot appeared.

Even slowly evolved into blisters.

And when Reba is scratching, the blisters will burst.

Blood kept pouring out of it.

“What should I do? If this continues, will she die?”

Yang Chaoyue could not help but shrink into a corner at this time.

There was no danger during their process.

But that doesn’t mean they won’t happen.

The occurrence of this incident in front of her at this moment directly destroyed her confidence.

“Don’t talk nonsense, she won’t be in any danger.”

It was also the first time Sha Yi saw this situation. There was no such danger in the past.

And the red spots seemed to be spreading.

There will be traces like that wherever it has been scratched.

“Catch her.”

Yang Mis thought for a moment, then resolutely reached out and grabbed Reba’s hand that was scratching the red spots just now.

“Isn’t it possible that we, Damimi, are also infected? I feel that the red spots are really scary. They will appear as soon as they are infected.” ”

If a beautiful person like Reba is ruined by these red spots, then she will She definitely can’t accept it.”

“Please, I’m willing to trade my twenty years of singleness for their safe return.”

“Big Brother Lin Mo must have a way. Since he said this, he must have thought of dealing with it. How to solve this situation.”

Lin Mo looked at Reba’s position at this time.

Probably due to excessive blood loss and physical discomfort.

Reba’s face was extremely pale at this time.

There was no blood at all.

Yang Mi and the others present were also very anxious. They had shared the joys and sorrows for so long, so naturally they didn’t want to see Reba get hurt like this at this moment.

Lin Mo carefully observed the red spots on her body.

It was from the blood on that wrist that it spread.

It seems that it is not so easy to deal with this situation.

But who is Lin Mo?

He will definitely find a way.

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