Chapter 1090

“The French food in this restaurant is too expensive. It seems that the rest of the day will be very tight!”

But when Asma looked at the sunset, he felt that it was all worthwhile.

Dinner is always the most important of the three meals in France, appetizer-pre-dinner wine-appetizer-first main course-second main course-coffee, after dinner chocolate wine. Every step is full of rituals and human emotions.

A few slightly salty sticks, a slice of crisp and delicious croissant and chocolate to compliment, with warm coffee or milk, simple and satisfying.

French cuisine always treats food as love. Every dinner, every candlelight raises a cup, and the laughter after every meal shows the unique feelings of life in France.

In this environment, Asma and the red body of the setting sun also entered the countryside. Under the slightly swaying candlelight, they raised their wine glasses and collided with each other.



The four eyes are facing each other, full of love.

Take a sip and focus on the food provided by the waiter.

French cuisine is small but exquisite. From tableware to food, it reflects the artistic atmosphere and gentlemanliness inherent in France.

French onion soup originated in Lyon. This unique local dish was initially unacceptable because of the spicy onions and the taste in the mouth after eating. However, who can really refuse the sweetness of fried onions and the deliciousness of veal? Use cheese to lock the aroma in a warm bowl, every spoonful of happiness.

Burgundy snails, known as “the gold in meat”, are the best raw material for Burgundy snails. With “snails on the vineyard” as the main raw material, with butter, garlic puree, and parsley roasted appetizer, you can hear the crunch of oil from the snail shell when it comes out of the oven for the first time.

The Mediterranean fish soup of Marseille was originally a simple dish used daily by fishermen. The fishermen fry the fish that is the least easy to sell for a day, deep-fry them with a little olive oil, add a little pepper and saffron to increase the flavor and color, and finally add a slice of dried orange peel to increase the aroma. The “Sunshine Golden Soup” heats up.

Cocoa cake is native to Brittany, France, and comes in two flavors: sweet and salty. Sweet cocoa cakes are mainly made of popular cream and chocolate, while salty cocoa cakes are made of goat milk and mung beans. In France, February 2 is the annual “Cream Day”, and people take part in a grand parade in the street with biscuits in their hands. Singing and dancing seems to celebrate and appreciate this delicious and magical food invented by our ancestors.

The delicious and lovely Madeleine is a traditional French dessert. The name of the rectangular cream cupcake is taken from its inventor, Ms. Madeleine. It is said that Madeleine was designed and produced in response to the sudden departure of the king’s banquet chef, which resulted in a sweet royal banquet.

In Nice in the south of France, besides the water monster, there is also a very famous dish. Serani Gonesi is rich in ingredients, so you can only eat grass and you can feel satisfied. Unlike other salads as appetizers, they are served at dinner.(Read more @

Exquisite and affectionate French cuisine, exudes charm and aroma from historical deposits; draws passion and nourishment from sunlight and sea water. Food and art, this is an epic combination.

Enjoying this series of delicacies, Asma and the red of the setting sun are completely speechless, immersed in the sea of ​​food, the air is silent, and occasionally the sound of knife and fork touches each other.

Not only that, there are four secrets to the small cup of coffee before a meal: when your lips are gently sipping by the coffee cup, the burning feels like hell, the dark one is like a devil, the mellow one is like an angel, and the sweet one Love is as wonderful. This cup of coffee makes all those who have drunk its fragrance sweet and eager to relive their old dreams.

Food is the highest state of enjoyment in the world, regardless of age or status. It gives people the ultimate beauty and spiritual enjoyment, while the operator is tolerant and elegant.

At this moment, Asma was tasting this god-given food while thinking about the clever blind people, Zero, which was really painful and happy!

Don’t want to say too much, hurry up and work hard!

Food is the highest state of enjoyment in the world, regardless of age or status. It gives people the ultimate beauty and spiritual enjoyment, while the operator is tolerant and elegant.

At this moment, Asma was tasting this god-given food while thinking about the clever blind people, Zero, which was really painful and happy!

Don’t want to say too much, hurry up and work hard!

Of course, when it comes to French desserts, the most important thing is the “girl’s breast”-Makaron.

Macaron is not from France, but from Italy.

At first, some vegetarian nuns used egg whites and almonds instead of meat to make macaroons, but later Catholics were gradually introduced to France due to oppression by the Revolutionary Party during the French Revolution. After the competition and improvement of French chefs, various fruits and jams were added, and the handsome macarons were born.

Women are born to eat desserts, and sunset red is not without vulgarity.

Elegantly stretched out five white jade ivory-carved fingers, twisted them gently, put them into your mouth, and chewed slowly like a lady, feeling the taste and lifestyle that a lady possesses, and feeling one wholeheartedly Kind of sincere joy.

“This macaron is so delicious!”

In the red heart of the setting sun, he rolled his eyes and looked at the next dessert.

French finger smoke means “lightning” in French. Just because it is so small and delicious, people have to destroy it with the speed of lightning. The elegant French made them into long finger strips so that people don’t have to worry about the cream in their mouths when they taste it.

When the sunset’s red eyes lit up, Cherry’s mouth opened slightly, closed one by one, and bit a small piece of smoke. The sweet taste was like the muttering of a river, and tears were shed with emotion.

Every country has its own “pancake fruit”, which is a sweet and beautiful biscuit for France.

Biscuits originated in Brittany, France. Long ago, in order not to die of famine, people there took out the flour stored in the cellar and baked it into pancakes.

Now, at noon in Brittany, you will see people squeeze into the alleys and taste a kind of biscuit covered with fresh fruit and cream during lunch break.

With a soft sound, the sunset is red, and I only feel crispy. Sprinkle the juice and cream on the tip of the tongue and feel full, feeling the tip of the tongue is wrapped with a sticky taste. The tip of the tongue rolls slightly and swallows it into the stomach. The satisfaction is really indescribable.

After eating a series of French dinners, because the French dishes are too delicate and small, the setting sun sticks out his tongue and licks the cream that falls from the corner of his mouth.

Her eyes turned, looking brightly at desserts from other countries on the menu, as if she could shine.

See, Asma didn’t know what she was thinking. She didn’t need to kneel and washboard in order to go home. Asma could only endure the pain of meat and ordered these desserts to the waiter.

After a while, the waiter pushed the car in. The sweet smell that melts people’s hearts, just a little taste can make people’s hearts empty.

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