Some people who were lazy in their usual work and just thought about eating and drinking were also directly driven out of Richard's territory.

  The reason why he has such a severe method is because Richard does not want the refugees to think that he is kind and deceiving.

  If you want to get food and shelter from Richard, you have to pay something of the same value. Even if some older people are slower, Richard will not dislike it.

   However, if he is young and strong, but deliberately lazy, that nature has changed.

   After the second wave of refugees joined, the number of people in Richard’s territory reached 6,000.

   However, Richard still feels that there are too few people at this point.

  The number of his army has been increasing, and it has now exceeded five hundred.

   There is a tauren, and there is no need to worry about a war of a thousand people.

   But you can't expect the enemy to always be in the size of a thousand people, right?

   In any case, Richard's territory is constantly growing.

   And on this day, another guest came on Richard's territory.

   This guest is a baron next to Richard's territory, his name is Laurie, Baron Laurie.

   "Are you going to sell the territory to me too?"

   Baron Laurie's intention is quite simple.

   He is also going to sell the territory to Richard, and then take his family to some big cities inland.

Chapter 0069 Territory Expansion! Satellite town!

Hearing Richard's words, Baron Laurie sighed and said: "Yes, the days at the border are too harsh. It's better to go to some inland cities to be a businessman, not to mention the threat of horse thieves. It is said that there are now dozens of horse thieves active on the border."

   Richard said: "Horse thieves are not limited to the border, right? If this continues, horse thieves will also appear in the inland."

   Baron Laurie said: "It's safer in a big city after all."

   Richard pondered for a while, and said, "What price are you going to sell?"

   Baron Laurie said: "Give me two hundred gold coins, and I will sell them to you."

   Richard didn't even think about it, and said, "It's high."

   "If you don't sell it to my master, you can only move away, otherwise you will be ruined if the horse thief comes in the future."

   Next to Richard, Mia started to make up the knife.

   Baron Laurie sighed and said, "Then you can make a price."

   Richard did not say much, he took out three mirrors, five lighters, and a magnifying glass.

   He flicked a lighter, and the flame appeared all at once.

   Baron Lowry's eyes lit up.

   Richard gave a demonstration of the magnifying glass again, and Baron Lowry's eyes were wide open, as if he had never thought that there would be such a magical thing.

   "Can you show me?"

   Baron Laurie said.

   Richard passed him the magnifying glass.

After    Baron Laurie took it, he held it in his hand and looked at some small items.

  While looking at it, he was still amazed by his mouth.


   Baron Laurie watched it for several minutes, but he hadn't enjoyed it yet.

   At the end is a mirror.

   When he saw his incomparably clear face in the mirror, Baron Laurie was also shocked.

   Such a miraculous thing, Baron Laurie has never seen it before.

   Richard pushed those things to him, saying: "These, change your territory, and when you sell these things, if someone asks where you got them, you say it's in my city."

   Baron Laurie looked at the things Richard took out and seemed to be evaluating their value. After a few seconds, he finally made up his mind!

   "Okay, I'll change with you!"

   Baron Laurie said.

   There is more arable land in Baron Laurie's domain, which is more valuable than Baron Ted's domain. However, the two hundred gold coins he opened before were actually sold at a low price.

   But for Richard, he still thinks it is too high. In addition, he doesn't have many gold coins in his hand, and it is impossible to exchange them for gold coins.

   Therefore, it is also quite a bargain for Richard to take out something with a total value of no more than fifty yuan on a certain treasure and exchange it for a larger territory.

   The value of these things has been magnified about a thousand times.

   Well, on a certain treasure, I don’t know how many things like this are left.

   Of course, if you take out too much at once and let the world be everywhere, then it is worthless.

  Things are rare and expensive.

  This truth holds no matter where it is.

   Baron Laurie brought the title deed to him, so he signed an agreement directly with Richard.

   This time he only sold the territory, not his own title.

   Well, the title of this world was not so easy to buy and sell, but the baron has to be more open.

   Richard didn't care either.

  He already has the status of a baron as a nobleman, so he can buy another...and two barons can't become a viscount together.

   So, it's not necessary.

After    Baron Laurie sold out the territory, he hurriedly left Richard's castle with the things Richard gave him.

   Seeing him, it seems that he doesn't want to stay for a moment.

  Actually, Richard can still lower the price, but Richard is not too cruel.

   He still hopes that Baron Lowry will make more publicity with other nobles after he arrives in the big city.

   At that time, there will be a steady stream of caravans coming to Richard’s city, and Richard can develop his city’s commerce.

  Well, this border city, in the eyes of others, is a place where birds don’t shit, and it also faces threats from orcs from time to time.

   However, in Richard's opinion, it is a pretty good position.

   Baron Laurie left his territory that day.

   After he sold the land to Richard, the people on his land also became the people of Richard.

  His territory and Richard's territory are completely next to each other.

   Richard took 50 tauren and some soldiers to his territory, arrived in the small town in front of the castle, summoned the people in the small town, and announced the news.

   After the news was announced, the residents of the small town were not only not depressed, but were somewhat happy.

   These people have all been to work on Richard's territory before, but later they had to come back to grab food.

   After looting the grain, these people were worried that the robbers would come and guard the grain at home every day. Some people wanted to work in Richard's territory, but they were worried that Richard would not take it.

   Now that Richard has actually bought this territory, it is a great thing for these people.

   There are quite a few people on the territory of Baron Laurie, more than 3,000 people, and some floating population.

   Of course, these migrants have left here long ago out of fear of horse thieves.

   Of these three thousand people, only less than one thousand live in a small town, and the others are scattered around the territory.

   In several other directions in the territory, there are also villages with a few households or even dozens of households.

   Richard was naturally not prepared to get everyone into the new city.

   Even if his new city is repaired, except for soldiers, craftsmen, teachers and other types of skilled people in the army, other people who want to live in need to pay for it.

   If there is no money, after the assessment, you can use the installment method, that is, part of the monthly salary is deducted.

Nothing is free in this world.

   Although these people built a new city for Richard, Richard also paid them a salary and included food. There is no question of who owes whom.

   People in the territory of Baron Laurie, Richard quickly made arrangements.

   He plans to build several satellite towns with his new city as the center. These satellite towns will also have quite good defenses and are also military towns.

   The small town will have its own military camp and granary, so it can be self-sufficient.

   These satellite towns can serve as the first wave of buffers when large groups of enemies come to attack.

   And these people in Baron Laurie's realm can build a satellite town for Richard.

   Richard will also conscript some of the young men inside and enter his army.

   He plans to expand the army of human soldiers to more than a thousand as soon as possible.

   As for the large tracts of arable land on Baron Laurie's territory, Richard was prepared to wait for the locust plague before going to cultivate it.

  With so much land, in the hands of Richard, can the land be used to the maximum.

Chapter 0070 Chaos Orc Kingdom! Sell ​​food! Rabbit ears mother!

   "Lord, another slave merchant is here."

   On Richard's territory, several more slave merchants came.

   This time, the number of slave merchants is not small, and they have brought more than a dozen carriages.

   However, the iron cages of more than a dozen carriages were all sealed with wooden boards to form a sealed carriage.

   These slave merchants, Richard has also seen them.

  They are the ones who sold the tauren to Richard.

   "Lord, is there any food for sale?"

   asked a slave merchant.

   Slave merchants started buying food?

   Seeing that Richard seemed to be puzzled, the slave merchant said, "Under the locust plague, the most valuable thing is food. Orc slaves have no one to buy."

   Richard said: "Did you come from the orc kingdom?"

   The slave merchant nodded and said, "Yes, the orc kingdom is too chaotic now. There are wars everywhere in order to compete for food. It is said that some large tribes are even preparing to join forces to attack the city and **** food from the city."

   Beside Richard, Mia and Dorothy both showed a little surprise when they heard the slave merchant's words.

   "Has the orc kingdom been messed up to this point?"

   Richard whispered softly.

   The slave merchant sighed, and said, "Yes, this time the locust plague is too powerful. What I am most afraid of now is that the orcs will fight and decide to go south to looting, and it will be even more chaotic."

   Orcs go south?

   is a certain possibility.

   When a person is on a dead end, he can do everything, not to mention the orcs.

But Richard is not particularly worried. The best route for the orcs to go south is not to pass through his territory. There are many mountains between his territory and the orc kingdom. There is a flat area to the southeast, where the orcs are. The best route to the south.

   Richard started talking about business.

   "What is the price of food?"

   The slave merchant said: "The dried wheat is 5 copper coins per catty. I will charge as much as there is."

   5 copper coins per catty?

   The price has risen several times.

   You need to know that the price of wheat used to sell was at most 2 to 3 copper coins per catty.

  The average family, after paying taxes, will live with hundreds of kilograms of wheat throughout the year.

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