Bai Yiming looked inside the wall in shock.

"Production workshop?"

He gave his sister medicine several times, but sometimes the ointment worked and sometimes it didn't.

Lu Xuan happened to have a friend who worked in the laboratory of a certain bureau, so Lu Xuan asked his friend to help him do a comparative test of the ingredients of the ointment.

Two tubes of ointment were identical, but the ingredients inside were completely different.

The one bought in first-tier cities is the real thing.

If you buy it in a third-tier small city, it is fake.

Bai Yiming and Lu Xuan have both reported it, but every time they reported it, the result was nothing.

When the commotion got too big, the superiors sent people to check, but every time they checked, they couldn't find any problems.

It turns out the problem is here.

Does Shining Star have another production line hidden in the Yili Hotel?

No wonder the hotel is closed to the public above the 14th floor.

Looking at the staff wearing operating uniforms and the production equipment inside, Bai Yiming turned his head and yelled at Ji Sinian, "This is where you faked it!"

Ji Sinian's eyelids twitched and he denied it, "Don't talk nonsense! This is Xingyao's laboratory!"


Jiang Ningning had already passed through the torn wall and walked in.

A wall was suddenly smashed down, and the staff inside were frightened and stared dumbly at Ji Sinian who was bruised and swollen outside and Jiang Ningning who came in.

"Dean Xiao?"

JM Mr. Zhao looked at a woman in her forties inside in astonishment.

"Didn't you die suddenly after the accident because you couldn't bear the guilt in your heart?"

Why do dead people appear in Ji Sinian's "laboratory"?

Mr. Zhao was not a fool. He understood something in an instant, and his anger boiled over. He rushed in and asked angrily at Dean Xiao, "Did you and Ji Sinian collude to kill those children?"

"Don't talk nonsense. I don't know who you are, let alone Dean Xiao!" When the woman saw Mr. JM Zhao rushing towards him, she turned around in a panic and was about to leave.

Jiang Ningning glanced at her.

There was black mist above Sha Nizhong's head.

What a good thing it could be!

He turned around and gave the weasel and fox a look.

How thoughtful the fox is, I suddenly understood.

He rushed to Dean Xiao in two steps, stopped him, and said angrily, "Dean Xiao, you have come to this point. I'm afraid it's unjustifiable to deny it? Why, let me help you recall those old stories of yours. ?”

Dean Xiao was terrified.

She didn't know why Ji Sinian's most capable bodyguard stopped her and said such things.

Dean Xiao looked towards Ji Sinian.

When things got to this point, Ji Sinian just wanted to turn around and run out. As long as he ran out and sealed this place, everything could be solved.

But all his security guards have been defeated.

The members of Team JM and Team Dahu surrounded him and Ji Yang like a human wall, blocking the way.

There was no way he could escape.

As for those reporters, they are useless!

Ji Sinian went straight to 160 with his heart beating fast. He suddenly remembered that there were security guards on his production line.

And in order to ensure the top secret of the production line, the number of security guards is very large.

Ji Sinian immediately shouted to the employee opposite, "What are you doing standing still? Call security!"


Jiang Ningning turned her wrist and smashed a landline phone next to her.

"You!" Ji Sinian was so angry that he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

Jiang Ningning smiled at him, "Sorry, it's easy."

There's nothing a woman who can break down a wall can't do!

No one in the "laboratory" dared to move.

The fox grabbed Dean Xiao's collar and lifted Dean Xiao off the ground like a chicken.

Dean Xiao, who was in his forties, was so frightened that he screamed.

Fox raised his hand and slapped her, "It's not like I don't hit women. Do you think you want to wait until the same as Ji Sinian? Anyway, you say it or not, I am clear about your business in Yemen, and the charges will be the same when the time comes. I'll sentence you a lot, it all depends on whether you want to get beaten before being caught!"

Every time Ji Sinian went to see Dean Xiao, he was followed by the same security guard.

He does know a lot.

Facing Ji Sinian's bruised and swollen face, Dean Xiao shuddered and gave up all his desire to speak harshly.

"It was Ji Sinian who forced me. I didn't want to. It was Ji Sinian who forced me to use the children in the orphanage for his experiments."

【WTF? 】

[Experiment on children from an orphanage? What experiment? Is it what I think? Damn, this is not enough! 】

[As expected, none of the people who were approached by the funeral sister were good! 】

[Keep smashing! 】

Dean Xiao shouted out with fear in his voice, and Ji Sinian shouted at her angrily, "Shut up!"

The fox grabbed Dean Xiao's neck and added a little more strength.

Dean Xiao felt like he couldn't even breathe, so he kicked his legs in the air.

Ji Sinian angrily scolded the "security guards", "You are breaking the law! Even if I have done something wrong, there are laws to judge me. Why do you convict me? You are breaking the law! Live broadcast of beating people is of a bad nature and must be sentenced. !”

Jiang Ningning rolled her eyes.

I only live broadcast, and I don’t beat anyone.

The fox rolled his eyes.

It's this security guard who beats people. It has nothing to do with me, the fox.

Anyway, this security guard is not a good person and deserves to be arrested.

He immediately said to Dean Xiao: "I am going to do justice for heaven today, and you will be the first sacrifice!"

Everyone in Dean Xiao was frightened.

"It was Ji Sinian who gave me five million."

"Xingyao Phase 1 and Phase 2, other medicines from before."

"He also cooperates with other orphanages."

Dean Xiao was pinched by the neck, his voice was filled with fear, and he was trembling uncontrollably.

It makes people's scalp numb.

But what was even more mind-numbing were her words.

【brute! 】

【Call the police! Shoot this beast! 】

【ah! ! ! I'm going to explode! He uses the banner of a conscientious pharmaceutical company, but he does things worse than animals! 】

JM Mr. Zhao gritted his teeth angrily.

"Dean Xiao! I ask myself, I don't treat you lightly, but how can you do it! Those children are miserable enough without their parents. They have been pitiful compared to others since they were born. Are you still a human being! Ah? Can you deserve those children? Do you want to call you Dean Mom?"

Mr. Liu from Team Dahu patted his friend's shoulder and wanted to comfort him, but he was too angry to say a word.

Ji Sinian gasped.

Not only Jiang Ningning is live broadcasting.

Lu Xuan is also live broadcasting.

Countless spectators looked on, wondering how he could just admit it.

Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, there is someone above him who can definitely protect him.

Live broadcast is live.

He had to hold on.

Ji Sinian took a deep breath and said to Dean Xiao, "That's nonsense! Can't I keep five million flowers for myself? Why should I give them to you? You can make up a decent lie!"

Filled with righteous indignation, Ji Si Nian stood on the commanding heights of patriotism and said, "Xingyao Group has grown bigger and stronger in recent years. Who has it offended? Whose cake has it been tampered with? You want to hinder the development of traditional Chinese medicine in this way!"

Jiang Ningning didn't want others to show off.

Kick directly to the wall next to you.

There is one more chapter, wait for me~

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