Chapter 242: One Stone Stirs Up a Thousand Waves!!

Jiang Chen had long guessed that Brother Ma’s side would definitely make a move, after all, according to the penguin’s past practice, he would never allow his competitors to develop smoothly like this

But he really didn’t expect that this little horse brother would use Jiang Chen and Teacher Ma in this way The biggest weakness compared to the little horse brother was in the aspect of publicity

If you want to talk about capital, Teacher Ma will definitely not be inferior to Little Brother Ma’s side and develop strength, although there is still some gap between Jiang Chen and Little Brother Ma

But at least a Jiang Chen’s current game development team has absolutely no problem with the game of eating chicken, and if it is calculated by a separate game, even the development strength here is at the top

But now the problem is here, in itself, Jiang Chen and Teacher Ma and their combined publicity channels are relatively lacking relying on the anchors of these major platforms, and they can also pull many players in during the live broadcast

As a result, as soon as the announcement of Xiao Ma’s ban was issued, it suddenly added a big problem to the propaganda aspect of chicken eating, and I have to say that the direction that Xiao Ma is looking for is really very accurate, and there are really many smart people under him

I know how to deal with eating chicken, but for Jiang Chen, although the situation is not very optimistic now, it is not the slightest helpless “Boss, now the penguin side has directly banned our live broadcast of eating chicken, if this really continues, then I am afraid we can only publicize it through our own channels, but the publicity effect has now entered a bottleneck period.” ”

Although Jiang Chen and Teacher Ma’s publicity channel is also effective, after such a long time, the potential of each publicity channel has been almost tapped, which means that how you publicize at this time will not have much effect

That is, it has entered a bottleneck period of publicity, they must rely on some external channels to pull some new players in and this platform live broadcast is a very good channel, but after Xiao Ma blocked this channel, it naturally hit them very hard

Jiang Chen also knows this situation, and when Jiang Chen discusses with these executives in the marketing department, everyone also has a very pity attitude towards this matter, if they continue to develop

Then the live broadcast of these platforms alone can be pulled in by them to bring in a large number of new players, and coupled with these preparations they have made before, it can be said that they can ensure that the chicken eater can directly become the leader of domestic games in a short period of time, but now all this is impossible

“Let’s not worry for the time being, although Penguin has temporarily banned the live broadcast of all their platforms, I believe that this matter is not so simple, his move will definitely cause a great repercussion, we just wait and see.”

Jiang Chen naturally knows very well that this chicken eating can be said to have fed a large number of anchors

These anchors are completely dependent on the high popularity brought by eating chicken, and after maintaining their live broadcast content and now banning, it can be said that a stone has stirred up a thousand waves, and someone will definitely stand up

In the field of games, no one can really compete with penguins, even with the size of a beaver to compete with penguins is very difficult, because everyone’s audience is different

Even if the beaver himself is large, his audience does not coincide with the audience of the game, only a small part of it coincides but the penguin is different, and the speed of the penguin can be said to coincide with 80% or even more than 90%.

That is to say, if it is also publicity, then if it is a propaganda game under the hands of the beaver and under the penguin, it is two completely different situations, and it is naturally the best to promote it under the penguin

And all games actually rely on these publicity channels under Penguin to increase their popularity, and eating chicken also depends on Jiang Chen’s block hands, so it can be achieved to this extent

But now this publicity effect has reached a bottleneck stage, if it continues like this, there will be no too good results, so we must rely on some publicity channels under Penguin

But now Penguin has banned all its own live broadcast platforms from eating chicken at once, which has suddenly reduced the popularity of eating chicken a lot, and the number of registrations has begun to decrease

Including Jiang Chen, although he also felt very troublesome about this situation, he was not very pessimistic because he felt that with the current situation, this decision like Brother Ma would definitely cause many people to be dissatisfied

“Boss, even if someone really dares to stand up and speak, I’m afraid this won’t have much effect, after all, even if these anchors have fans, they are relying on the Penguin platform, in case the platform suppresses them.”

I’m afraid they can’t broadcast live, so how can they help them talk?

When it was said that these anchors would have someone stand up to talk to the chicken, the person in charge of a marketing department on Jiang Chen’s side also directly felt that this method was actually not so good

Because even if someone speaks up, their influence is simply not enough, and even if they can really speak to the designer, the problem is if the classmates target them for this

I am afraid that they themselves will not end well, so on the whole, these people will only be forced to move forward according to the rules set by the penguin sooner or later, which means that everyone as a whole has a very pessimistic attitude towards this matter

“You don’t have to worry about this, I’m afraid that it will not only affect these chicken-eating anchors but also affect a lot of players, even some different audiences, we just wait for the fishing boat to ferment.”

Jiang Chen naturally knew what kind of situation would be, but Jiang Chen also had another idea, that is, if you look at it in this form, I am afraid that the impact of this matter may not be limited to this, although this decision of the penguin temporarily limited the actual development

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