All this is iron-like evidence, so that the foreign experts and scholars who were still questioning the Shennongjia civilization before shut their mouths!

Of course, such a scale and well-preserved ancient city ruins also shocked foreign experts and scholars!

This can be said to be the best-preserved and most existing ancient city site found by mankind so far, and there is no one!

Of course, at this time, foreign experts jumped out and began to express their opinions in disbelief!

[Sumerian civilization, opinions have developed to an extremely high level, forming the prototype of the feudal system, even if the Shennong civilization does exist, it cannot reach the height of Sumerian civilization! ] 】

[That’s right, even if the Shennong civilization exists, it is too much behind the Sumerian civilization! ] 】

[The two, or not at all, can not be compared! ] 】


In this regard, Z scholars and experts have also expressed their disbelief and debated with them.

However, when the foreign experts and scholars said a word, the experts and scholars on the Z side were speechless!

[Sumerian civilization has formed its own unique language, has its own writing, has a proprietary way of recording, and has unearthed a large number of valuable sculptures and cultural relics, which can show the development of Sumerian civilization! ] 】

[Shennong civilization in addition to the ancient city? What’s there? Nothing! Therefore, it can only be said that the Shennong civilization is relatively inferior and cannot be compared with Sumerian! 】


And foreign experts and scholars are also telling the truth, in the Shennong civilization, in addition to the ancient city, as well as the murals of the Savage Cave, there is nothing else of value.

The degree of its development, from the current point of view, cannot be compared with Sumerian!

However, Jiang Chen didn’t think so!

Because the Shennong civilization has just discovered it, what is displayed in front of everyone’s eyes is just the tip of the iceberg!

For example, at this moment, Jiang Chen and the others walked along the streets of the ancient city to the central area of the ancient city!

I saw that in the central area of the ancient city, there was actually a long staircase leading to a careful pyramid!

Pyramids again!

Why are there pyramid buildings all over the world?

At the top of the pyramid building, a huge stone house is built!

From a distance, the stone house is different from other stone houses in the ancient city, it is more tall and magnificent, obviously not for people to live, but like a temple-like building!

Jiang Chen and the others glanced at each other, without any hesitation, and walked up!

However, the gate of the temple is closed, and two huge stone gates block the way.

Jiang Chen tried to push the stone door.


For a while, a loud noise roared!

I saw that the huge stone door actually turned itself under Jiang Chen’s gentle push, and then opened inward, revealing a gap that could accommodate two people entering side by side!

This discovery shocked everyone!

You know, this temple was built more than 6,000 years ago!

And the stone gate of this 6,000-year-old building can still be used, and the ingenious design and the degree of finesse can be imagined, it is really surprising and has to be convinced!

After all, among all the ancient ruins in the world, this is the only one!

This is why we have to admire the wisdom of our ancestors!

At the same time, it also let the whole world see how huge the wisdom of the ancient Chinese is!

Of course, all over the world, among the ancient ruins excavated, temple-like buildings are not rare, and some gods and statues believed in by ancient people are generally enshrined!

Therefore, experts and scholars, whether domestic or foreign, are curious about what gods will be enshrined in the temple!

After all, if there is really an idol, then it proves that the Shennong civilization has religious beliefs, and the level of civilization will be raised to a higher level again!

However, when Jiang Chen and the others entered the temple, they found that the temple was empty, except for a monument erected in front of it, there were no statues of the gods!

For a while, foreign scholars and experts were happy!

[O my God! I originally thought that there would be some god statue to worship inside, but it turned out that there was nothing! 】

[This is enough to show that the Shennong civilization is a civilization that has not even developed faith, how can it be compared with the Sumerian civilization? 】


At the same time, the experts of country Z no longer refuted, and they all looked at the live broadcast with ugly faces, some grievances and anger!

And Jiang Chen, naturally, also saw the sneers of foreign scholars and experts from the barrage, as well as the evaluation of yin and yang strangeness!

This is obviously belittling the Chinese nation!

As a son and daughter of Huaxia, how can Jiang Chen be convinced!

He walked to the only stone tablet in the temple and said, “Who said that our Shennong civilization has no faith, but we are different from the West, the West has believed in ethereal gods since ancient times, and our country Z has only believed in our ancestors since ancient times!” ”

Saying that, he pointed the almighty eye of the photo at the stone stele and photographed: “It is not difficult to see from here that all the carvings on the stone stele are human names, which means that the Shennong civilization worships here is not some ethereal god, but the ancestors who have contributed to people and sacrificed!” ”

As soon as this remark came out, not to mention Zhou Zhiyao and Wang Hao, even all the audience in the live broadcast room, the audience around the world, were shocked!

And Jiang Chen, that’s right, since ancient times, the people of country Z have believed in their ancestors!

Even the mythical immortals have been transformed into prototypes of their ancestors!

This concept can be described as a fairly advanced and mature ideological concept!

I dare not imagine that when the Sumerian civilization 5,000 years ago was still believing in ethereal gods!

When the ancient Egyptian civilization, 4,000 years ago, still believed in the dog-headed god!

When the indigenous tribes of Africa and South America were still in Rumao Yingxue more than 3,000 years ago, taking human sacrifices!

Shennong civilization already has the tradition of worshipping its ancestors, and believes in its own great ancestors, learning the abilities of its ancestors, and consolidating its own foundation!

Such ideas have definitely surpassed the ancient civilizations in the world for at least 10,000 years!

Moreover, from the stone tablet, the text was also discovered!

This also proves that as early as more than 6,000 years ago, the Shennong civilization already had a writing system, and the ancestors who contributed outstanding contributions were enshrined here, more like an ancestral hall, forming a unique system, I don’t know how much more developed than the Sumerian civilization!

Not to mention, all this is more than a thousand years earlier than the Sumerian civilization!

Of course, everything is not over yet, when Jiang Chen walked to the depths of the mountain temple, he also found a bronze artifact that had been deformed, but he could still see the approximate bronze!

This bronze ware is a square ding!

According to legend, Shennong refining a hundred medicines!

Originally, everyone thought it was just a legend, but they never expected that it was actually true!

Shennongding, found!

The point is that Shennong Ding is a bronze vessel!

It should be known that the earliest copper artifacts found in the world were copper lions found in the Sumerian civilization in the Two Rivers Valley!

This discovery shook the world!

It shows that Sumerian civilization had the technology of copper smelting more than 5,000 years ago!

This, once considered by the world, was the first region where copper smelting technology appeared, and it is also one of the evidence that Sumer is the most developed civilization in ancient times!

However, this record has been completely refreshed!

Because, Shennongding, has a history of more than 6,000 years!

Long before the emergence of the Sumerian civilization, the Shennong civilization already had copper alchemy, more than a thousand years before the Sumerian civilization!

Who, who dares to say that the Shennong civilization is inferior to the Sumerian civilization?

At this moment, the advent of Shennong Ding completely established the title of Shennong civilization as the world’s first civilization, and also showed all mankind the brilliance of Shennong civilization, and the world was shocked!

PS: Customize yourself! Ask for support! [Attached is a photo of Sumerian bronze, very similar to China’s copper style, let’s open your brain! ] 】

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