Live From The Murder Scene

Chapter 129: Extra Huai 02

In the photo, the facial features of the person still have a bit of green taste, and the eyes are smiling rebelliously, so they look straight at the screen.

This modeling is not similar to Fan Huai in reality, but the charm is very lifelike.

The firmament stared at the photo for a few seconds, and then looked away.

At this time, another young man knocked on the door and came in, stopped at the door and said: "Captain, Ning Dongdong is here."


Fan Huai sat in the closed interrogation room, motionless, staring at the desk, his whole body was full of anxiety. Even if he tried to hide it, his muscles still crumbled into one piece.

The firmament glanced away, and he could see the suppressed resistance in his expression.

He Jueyun walked in front, opened the chairs on both sides, and took a seat with the sky. After confirming that the camera is turned on normally, turn on the computer in front of you and prepare to record.

Fan Huai raised his head slightly when he heard the movement. His gaze towards the upper firmament, the hedgehog-like aggression on his body was a little removed, and he breathed heavily, waiting for them to ask questions.

The firmament asked: "Where did you go last night?"

"HY community." Fan Huai's voice was flat, repeating what he might have said countless times. "Accurately speaking, I was not going to the garden community, but it rained heavily last night. The person who asked me to meet was She took shelter from the rain and hid in the community. I was more familiar with that place, so I agreed to meet her in the shelter."

The crisp and loud keyboard sound sounded tightly, and the high-speed tapping frequency seemed to promote the rhythm between the two.

Firmament: "Then what?"

Fan Huai: "Then I went to buy a second-hand camera."

"Where does the money come from?"


"How did you make it?"

"Earned in class."

"Can you make money in class?" Qiuqi smiled without emotion, "Don't answer me perfunctorily."

The speed of the conversation between the two was very fast, even with a taste, which surprised the audience in the live broadcast room.

They originally thought that the firmament would guide their students patiently and patiently. However, after sitting in this position, she seemed to be a different person.

Fan Huai still lowered his head, letting the bangs on his forehead cover his sight a little. He paused, and continued to explain: "Liu Lu asked me to help her attend the class, record the content of the class, and investigate the students in the class. Twelve classes, seven thousand yuan."

"Whose class, where, and why? Have you ever doubted it?" The firmament raised several questions one after another, and the scorching gaze seemed to dig a hole out of the other party. "What are the students in that class? What is special?"

"No. I don't know. I didn't think so much when I saw money." Fan Huai shook his head. "That was a few courses in social psychology. She asked me to attend the class and I went. She said there was no gain. It’s okay, just leave the course recording to her then. I think it’s normal, after all, it’s an open course at a well-known university."

The sky raised his eyebrows: "That's it, seven thousand yuan?" The tone was clearly smiling, but the smile at this time would not make people feel any friendly.

Fan Huai lowered his voice: "Yes."

The firmament changed its posture, put one hand on the table, held a pen with his fingers, and kept turning up and down.

Fan Huai knew that this gesture meant that she was thinking, or that she was skeptical.

He also knew that his explanation was not so credible and even somewhat absurd. However, when he was questioned and visited once again, the cold feeling inevitably emerged from the soles of his feet and slowly spread upward.

I don't know how long it took before the firmament finally looked away. For the first time, she opened the papers on the desk, flipping back and forth between the papers with her long thin fingers.

"You said that you saw the deceased at around 9:20, and then you said goodbye to her. But when you arrived at the camera shop again, it was almost 9:45. According to the distance between the two places, no matter how slowly you walk , It’s impossible to take that long.” The firmament raised his eyelids and looked at him sharply, not letting go of every detail on his face, “Where have you been during this time?”

Fan Huai gave an unexpected answer: "I wore a pair of new shoes."

The firmament was unknown, so he turned his head: "Huh?"

"My mother bought me a pair of new shoes, and I don't want them to get wet." Fan Huai said, "Later, the rain fell and heavier, the way out, the terrain was relatively low, and there was a lot of water in front of it. The shoes were soaked. So I waited under the eaves of a family. I want to wait for the rain to get a little bit lighter, and then go over the side."

As he spoke, his Adam's apple rolled slightly up and down, and his fingers on the table tightened, revealing his mood.

The firmament asked: "Can someone testify for you?"

Fan Huai still shook his head, moving very lightly: "No."

Firmament: "Is there any internet record?"

"...No." Fan Huai's voice became low and dumb, "I was playing a single-player game."

The sky was silent, and He Jueyun also stopped the recorded action because of the silence of the two.

This suffocating silence made Fan Huai's face appear in a trance.

This scene is too familiar, and Fan Huai has a sense of unreality in the clouds, as if his own soul is floating outside, watching this ridiculous scene from the perspective of a third party.

A criminal, in the absence of sophistry, defended with ridiculous reasons. The policeman in uniform opposite him will look at him with a disdainful, cold, and ironic look, evaluate him, and label him a despicable person in his heart.

Fan Huai took a deep breath and drove out the front part of the fragmented picture in his mind.

Firmament: "What is Liu Lu investigating? Does she have any enemies?"

"do not know!"

Fan Huai's answer this time seemed a bit blunt. He was angry at his weakness and dissatisfied with his situation, so he couldn't control his emotions.

With a slight sound, the file was closed.

The firmament put one hand on the title page, it was clear that there were no ups and downs, but there was an unkindness that could provoke people's anger instantly.

"So, you don't know any of the key issues. You don't have any evidence to prove your innocence. Do you?"

An anger popped out of Fan Huai's eyes. He stubbornly raised his head and stared directly at the person opposite. That was the only way for the 16-year-old "Ning Dongdong" to express protest.

The viewers in the live broadcast room were already unbearable. Their fingers almost smashed the keyboard with their hard typing fingers, which made them feel resentful towards the sky.

"I love Fan Huai. After knowing that he is innocent, I can no longer look at him showing any hurt expressions. Bao, let me hug and comfort him. [Crying]"

"Don't abuse it, don't abuse it! It's almost torture! [Pain over my heart]"

"The firmament, if you treat Fan Huai like this, your sons will run away. [Smile] Did you get the wrong camp? How come there is a wave of reverse output?"

"The real situation should be more uncomfortable than it is now. After all, Fan Huai was really only 16 years old at that time, and the interrogating police were not as neutral and calm as the sky. During the interrogation, the police would definitely exert a lot of pressure to obtain effective confessions from the other party. of."

"[Highlight] Fan Huai has never pleaded guilty! Never! Not once!"

"Frankly speaking, if the interrogator was me, I would really think that Fan Huai was the real murderer...what a coincidence! I would think he didn't even want to quibble."


Fan Huai didn't know much about the details of Liu Lu's death. The firmament soon ended the interrogation, got up and went out, leaving Fan Huai sitting alone in the room, waiting for the next player.

When He Jueyun was packing his things, Yu Guang looked at the gloomy aura that lingered on Fan Huai's body, his chest aching.

But he knew very well that compared to the comfort and care that never existed, that **** reality was the life that Fan Huai had truly experienced.

Fan Huai no longer needed the expiration of comfort. Those sufferings that no one knows about being soaked in the bottom of the silt pond should surface and see the sun again.

Qiu Cang strode out of the interrogation room, quickly wrote a paragraph on the blank space of the paper, tore it off, and handed it to the detective aside.

The police officer who received the task gave a quick glance, put on his hat, and ran out.

Qiu Tian took out his cell phone and sent a message in the group: "Notice, meeting. Half an hour later, the big conference room."

Half an hour later, the detectives who were able to rush back all gathered in the spacious conference room. The police officers who were investigating outside also found a relatively quiet location and connected to the group chat channel to listen to their discussions.

Qiu Cang sat in the upper position with his feet up, raised his watch and glanced at it. Seeing that the time was almost the same, he said grimly: "Let's start then."

He Jueyun slid his mouse and sent a video request to one of the accounts.

On the projection screen, it is the policeman who was sent out by the firmament not long ago to perform the task. He was standing in a place similar to a balcony, carrying a pair of white shoes in his hand, showing the camera in all directions.

"It has been washed. It is very clean."

When everyone saw this scene, they began to discuss in a low voice.

"Such expensive shoes are generally not washed so roughly, right?"

"Ning Dongdong's mother said that she thinks that Ning Dongdong likes these shoes, but the soles and uppers are dirty with muddy water, so she can't help but wash them."

"Then there is no way to see the contamination of the shoes, and there is no way to extract useful evidence from the soles."

"I said, Ning Dongdong must be lying? I don't believe the reasons he said. Is it such a coincidence?"

The person on the screen puts down their shoes and then closes the video.

The meeting room quieted down briefly, and everyone turned their heads to look at the sky.

The firmament raised his hand in an inviting gesture, motioning them to speak freely.

The few people were not polite and elaborated calmly.

"Ning Dongdong has many fatal doubts."

"First, the seven thousand dollars. Why did Liu Lu give him seven thousand dollars? Just a few classes? The seven thousand dollars are given away for nothing, right? Why do I have to look for Ning Dongdong? If you want to give money, why would Liu Lu choose at night?"

"Second, Ning Dongdong did not have an alibi. To be precise, none of his explanations are convincing."

"Third, there have been multiple eyewitnesses who can confirm that he is the only one who appeared at the murder scene!"

The firmament looked at the speaker indifferently, and when he had finished all the words, he nodded and asked calmly, "Do you know that there are fatal doubts in your speculation?"

The person who had spoken earlier was surprised, sat up a little bit, and asked, "Where?"


Happy Chinese Valentine's Day~ By the way, ask for another nutrient solution?

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