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Chapter 1964: Sarlayan's parenting experience

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Sarlayan has never believed in superstitions such as magic spells, but his sudden attack scared Caliya who had just given birth.

When Alsace was born, Calia, who was a few years older than him, could already remember things. She heard her father whisper these words in the ear of young Alsace.

Considering what Alsace did later, Caliya really had some PTSD.

"Shut up! Is it okay to say this?"

Seeing the angry look on Jia Liya's face who had just given birth to her eldest son, Sarlayan smiled and waved his hand: "It's just a joke. Don't worry, with me and so many mothers here, this child will definitely not grow up." Crooked...unless he wants his **** to blossom."

As the saying goes, rough words are not rough.

spoil? No. Although Sarlayan is not the kind of unscrupulous parent who only knows how to make trouble without having any ability, he will not sit back and watch his child progress rapidly on the wrong path without any bottom line.

If the child does something wrong, Sarlayan will try to reason with him first. If he still refuses to listen...then he will serve him fried meat with bamboo shoots. No one will cry or persuade him.

Although Sarlayan was joking about Alsace's experience with a smile, he was actually deliberately using Alsace to remind Caliya not to spoil this child. His late uncle Alsace This is a lesson learned from the past.

...It is said that he is deceased. If Calia needs it, Sarlayan can take her to the Shadow Realm at any time to meet Arthas who is trying to atone for his sins in Revendreth, but she did not make this request herself.

To put it bluntly, Sarlayan's vaccination was indeed necessary.

As his first child, Sarlayan himself is relatively calm as a father, but well... the same cannot be said for little Sabonis's mothers and grandmothers.

It can be seen from Inas's love for her eldest grandson at this moment that if Sarlayan does not personally check it, the possibility of this child being spoiled in the future is really high.

Due to a pre-discussed decision, Sabonis's surname was not Deep Shadow, but Menethil from Calia... After all, this child would inherit the throne of Lordaeron in the future.

With the powerful bloodline of Sharlayan, the colorful dragon king, little Sabonis showed extraordinary vitality and potential right after he was born.

The little guy learned to crawl in just one month, walked crookedly in the second month, and started babbling in the third month.

It just so happened that there had been nothing major that required Sharlayan's personal intervention in the past year or so. He simply temporarily moved his office to the Palace of Lordaeron. Stella Gosa and his team of secretaries would deliver the documents that needed to be signed every day. He spends most of his time with Sabonis, who is growing rapidly.

Of course, while he was busy raising children, Sarlayan did not forget about business. He had been paying attention to the latest progress of preparations for the war in the Shadow Realm.

The Pantheon reports relayed through Ulduar have never been interrupted, and Sharlayan can understand the general situation of the void side invasion in real time.

Just as Sarlayan predicted before, with the gradual recovery of the functions and prestige of the Pantheon, with the active activities of the core members of the Pantheon headed by Aman'Thul, at least within the known universe that the Order camp can directly control Inside, the seemingly menacing invasion and infiltration from the void side did not have a catastrophic impact.

However, the star field that the Pantheon can control is only a corner of the vast universe. Sarlayan is more worried about the unknown star fields that the Pantheon cannot reach.

There is a saying in the barrage that the unknown is the scariest thing. No one knows what the Void Side is doing in those dark corners.

Fortunately, Elune, who had been traveling outside Azeroth before, finally had a definite response.

This true **** on the side of life, sister of the Winter Queen, left a message by possessing Tyrande.

Sarlayan didn't want to dwell on those confusing riddles. In short, through the translation of the secretarial team, Sarlayan understood the general meaning.

The bosses on the life side still do not plan to formally form an alliance with Azeroth, but they will guard their own territory to ensure that the Lord of the Void cannot interfere in their territory.

As Turayan once again took command and went on an intensive patrol within the star field that originally belonged to the Holy Light Legion, Sarlayan only had to worry about the shadow side and chaos side spheres of influence for which the specific situation could not be determined for the time being.

Let’s talk about the chaotic side first...that is, the star domain controlled by the former Burning Legion’s external troops and now the demon warlords.

As a faction of the demon clan that is not close to Sargeras, Shahras has always maintained contact with those independent demons.

Anya, the matriarch of Xivalla who joined the Black Temple later, also retained some contacts with the former Burning Legion warlord.

Although after the disintegration of the Burning Legion, her personal network was not as good as before, but she was still able to get some useful information.

Without the restraint of Sargeras, the demon warlord's attack on the void side is indeed not as strong as before, but that is only a relative term.

Years of mutual conquest have long forged an intractable feud between demons and void creatures. Even without the mission targets issued by Sargeras, the demon warlords will not sit back and watch enemies from the void encroach on their territory. , Find Book Garden After all, this is related to their own interests.

The situation in the chaotic camp is still barely knowable, but the situation in the Shadow Realm is completely dark.

Until now, Sarlayan was not sure whether the shadow side still existed. No pure high-level shadow creature had ever appeared in front of him.

Sarlayan even suspected that the Shadow camp might have long been usurped remotely by the Void Lords from the Great Hollow beyond the universe to usurp their territory and status.

But thinking about it carefully, he felt it was impossible.

The shadow side is not a chaotic side that fights against each other all day long. Logically speaking, it should be able to spawn god-level bosses to dominate the formation.

Although the Lord of the Void is theoretically on the same level as the true gods of the shadow side, they are isolated from the material universe and cannot take action directly. The true gods of the shadow side fighting locally should be able to handle it with their hands.

So the question is, why is there still no news about the shadow side?

Are you deliberately keeping a low profile like your life side? Or is there another reason?

In any case, early reconnaissance of the territory belonging to the Shadow camp was necessary, and Sharlayan left this arduous task that might offend people to the Pantheon.

In addition to paying attention to the movements outside the sky, Sarlayan has also been monitoring the latest situation of the colorful dragon eggs.

Just three months after little Sabonis was born, Alexstrasza, who had been personally in charge of the Ruby Rebirth Holy Land for the past year, sent an invitation.

According to what the Red Dragon Queen wrote in the invitation, the colorful dragon eggs should hatch within a month.

After receiving the notice, Sarlayan temporarily put aside his parenting skills and handed Sabonis to Valeera, Calia and others to take care of him. He hurriedly took Stellagosa and Melinthela back to the Dragon Islands. Attend the dragon egg hatching ceremony. (End of chapter)

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