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Chapter 1974: Wei Nali's long-cherished wish

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After several years, he came to the River of Souls again. While Renasor was busy boosting morale, Sarlayan was looking at this so-called "river" with great interest.

Sarlayan, who was busy rescuing the soldier leader last time, came and went in a hurry and had no time to study the details of the Soul Gathering River carefully. He evacuated quickly after rescuing Arthas.

The so-called soul-gathering river is actually just a nickname. This thing has nothing to do with water. The "river" flowing here is actually a strange energy flow that can disperse souls.

If the soul body is not solid enough, it will quickly dissipate under the impact of the energy flow in the Soul Gathering River, and the closer it is to the upstream, the stronger the erosion will be.

The place where Arthas was imprisoned was located near the Sinner's Forge at the lowermost reaches of the River of Souls. The scouring force of the flow of souls here was relatively weak and would not quickly disperse the souls of sinners, so it could be used for torture and torture.

Sarlayan tentatively put his hand into the rapid energy flow upstream of the Soul Gathering River.

Since Sarlayan entered the Shadow Realm in a physical body, the soul-washing effect of the River of Souls' special attack was of little significance to him. At most, he could only feel gusts of wind blowing across his arms, and there were no other special circumstances. occur.


Senius, who was following Sarlayan, couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. Sarlayan turned around and asked jokingly: "Do you want to try it too? It's quite cool."

"No, no, no, I can't do this. I haven't lived enough yet."

Senius was not stupid and hurriedly waved his hand to reject Sarlayan's invitation.

Sarlayan smiled nonchalantly: "Has Renasor finished his speech? When will we set off?"

"It should be soon." Senius smiled wryly and shrugged: "You can't blame him for making a long speech at this juncture. You have also seen the state of those soldiers. If he doesn't stand up and say a few words, I'm afraid... Not many people dare to pass through this secret passage with unpredictable fortunes and misfortunes, after all..."

Sarlayan glanced at Wei Nali who was following him: "Okay, I can understand your concerns, but I believe she won't joke about this kind of thing."

The Wei Consortium that Wei Nali originally belonged to was an out-and-out big boss in Oribos. Her competitor successfully took over the position of president of the consortium after kicking Wei Nali away.

However, such a boss-level figure was easily overthrown by Wei Nali's revenge... although there was inevitably the strong support of Sarlayan behind him.

To the Shadow Realm officials, there is no doubt that Wei Nali is an uncontrollable and dangerous person. If Sarlayan hadn't pulled the strings from him, Wei Nali wouldn't have been able to get the big intelligence order from the Shadow Realm officials so easily.

This is not the first time that Sharlayan has cooperated with Wei Nali, and he knows the exiled agent quite well.

Generally speaking, Wei Nali is a person with clear distinction between love and hate.

As long as someone can catch her eye, she is willing to give all the help she can... Of course, her help will not be free. After all, she is a businessman, and she still has to pay attention to mutual benefit.

Once she stands on the opposite side of Wei Nali, she will mercilessly use everything she has to bring down the other party. The unlucky former president of the Wei Consortium is a typical example, but this is all his own fault.

In addition, Wei Nali made no secret of her interest in Zaresantis. She seemed to have some intention that she needed to go to Zaresantis to achieve.

As for what the specific intention was, Sarlayan did not ask, and Wei Nali had not proactively informed her until now.

Sharlayan and Wei Nali have always cooperated happily. She helped Sharlayan and the soldier master escape from Zoval's hands. Sharlayan also used the ability of the Maw Walker to help her escape from the Maw and return to Ori. Persia.

After that, Sarlayan secretly assisted Wei Nali to successfully complete her revenge. As an honest businessman, Wei Nali would naturally give equivalent rewards.

At least until the deal is over, she has no reason to tear up the agreement and trap the coalition forces.


Sarlayan remained calm on the surface, but he was muttering in his heart: ‘We should find an opportunity to confirm what Wei Nali plans to do in Zaresantis later. ’

‘As long as it doesn’t interfere with the main body of my plan, I should be able to help her achieve her long-cherished wish. ’

Wei Nali is a very observant person. After watching Senius leave, she took the initiative and asked: "Are you curious about my real purpose of going to Zaresantis?"

"Oh?" Sarlayan asked with interest: "What? Are you willing to tell me?"

"Ha~" Wei Nali waved her hand freely: "With our relationship, there is actually nothing to hide."

"Let me put it bluntly, the Shadow Realm is still too small for me. I want to leave this kingdom of the dead and regain my life."

Life and death are orderly. For ordinary creatures who follow the rules of the Shadow Realm, Wei Nali's idea is undoubtedly deviant.

But for the well-informed Sarlayan, Wei Nali's desire to try to return to the sun is not surprising... anyway, this is not the first time he has brought someone back to life from the Shadow Realm.

Am I right? Nielas Elam?

"If you want to be resurrected, I can help you plead with Arbitrator Gristia."

"No, no, I want more than a simple resurrection."

Wei Nali's tone was a little playful: "My dear friend, do you know the origin of the Broker race?"

"Brokers..." Sarlayan muttered and touched his chin: "I only know that brokers are the largest and most powerful race in the eternal city of Oribos besides the God-servers. You are very good at doing business and making money. "

Wei Nali smiled and nodded: "Well, it's similar to Shuyuan It fits most people's stereotype of agents."

"Stereotype?" Sarlayan asked curiously: "You mean, the broker race has other secrets?"

" doesn't really count."

Wei Nali sorted out her words: "Did you know? The so-called servants of the gods are actually brokers in nature. The two are different branches of the same race."

"...Is there still such a thing?"

This is indeed information that Sarlayan has not yet obtained, but if you think about it carefully, it is actually quite reasonable.

All the servants of the gods wear various hats or helmets on their heads. If this face-covering part is removed, their appearance does not look essentially different from the brokers.

Wei Nali continued to break the news: "That's not all. Brokers are not actually a naturally formed race, but are transformed through other souls. Just like Gryen from Ascension Bastion and Wind from Revendreth. Same as Seal."

"That is to say." Wei Nali pointed helplessly at the soul fire on her head: "The weird face you see is not my true appearance when I was alive. What's even worse is that once it transforms into After being brokered, even if you are resurrected through conventional means, you can only continue to maintain your soul state and move around in the material universe."

"Oh~" Sarlayan suddenly realized: "No wonder you want to go to Zaresantis. Are you planning to seek the wisdom of the Firstborn to lift the Broker's...curse?"

"A curse? Haha~" Wei Nali smiled in a low voice: "This word is really appropriate. Yes, the resurrection I seek is a resurrection in the true sense. I don't want to continue to maintain this ugly posture. Back to the physical world.”

"Even though...the family members who were familiar with me were gone tens of thousands of years ago." (End of Chapter)

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