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Chapter 2002: Why does life fall asleep?

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Sarlayan has never been a very ambitious leader. He does not have the perverted desire for control like Sargeras. Otherwise, he would not be the uncrowned king recognized by the leaders of Azeroth. Wear that crown yourself.

When Sharlayan was managing Azeroth, he allowed it to develop freely most of the time. He would only stand up and take responsibility when encountering major events related to the survival of the world.

Seeing the big from the small, if Sarlayan can grow to the extent that his influence covers the entire universe in the future, he will still not change his behavior.

"Is that so?" Chuang smiled with relief: "Well, as the biggest variable in the universe we have created, and also an important stabilizer, you with an open-minded mentality are indeed more suitable to manage this than us who are unable to integrate internal opinions. universe."


Chuang smiled and pointed his right hand at the center of Sarlayan's eyebrows. A colorless and transparent light spot followed his fingers and blended into Sarlayan's forehead: "Child, the future of this world is in your hands. I hope you will I can remember the answer I gave at this moment and always stick to my original intention."

Including the founder himself, the projections of all the Firstborn were gradually shattered with the precipitation of this light point, and only Sarlayan was left in the center of the Holy Tomb.

Accompanying the light that poured into Sarlayan's mind was a large amount of knowledge and related experiences that he had never been exposed to before.

In the words of the barrages that are still flooding the screen at this moment, this thing is like a digital encyclopedia, which packs all the experience and knowledge accumulated by the first creation into Sarlayan. in the soul.

Senius and the Shadow Realm soldiers who were waiting outside the Holy Tomb were very concerned about the outcome of Sarlayan's trip, but due to the restrictions set by the Firstborn, they were unable to enter the Holy Tomb and watch directly.

Stellagosa, who maintains a soul link with Sarlayan, is relatively calm. Although she cannot penetrate the special mechanism of the Holy Tomb to communicate directly with Sarlayan, she can at least feel that Sarlayan's soul state is still stable. , obviously did not encounter any danger.

In this case, there was no need for Little Xingxing to be anxious. She patiently set up a temporary tent in front of the gate of the Holy Tomb, and moved in happily under the anxious and incomprehensible gaze of Senius and others.

Of course, Stellagosa did not just lie down. She was still learning about the latest battle conditions on both fronts through the information passed on by her family members.

As the Pantheon gathered all its existing forces and moved out, the Shadow and Void coalition forces were caught off guard and were almost taken away from their nest by surprise.

After receiving a signal for help from the rear, they had no choice but to slow down their attack on the Garden of Life and began to dispatch troops to the rear.

At this point, the raid battle was successfully dragged into a stalemate, and no one could do anything about it in a short period of time.

In addition to the Pantheon who set out to attack from the front with chariots and horses, the Holy Light Legion led by Turayan also took the lead and launched surprise attacks from the flanks of the overstretched battle line of the Shadow and Void coalition forces.

With the assistance of the highly functional flagship Zenidal, this small but elite raiding team of the Legion of Light came and went without a trace.

Whenever the Lord of the Void tried to mobilize a large force to encircle and suppress the enemy, Turayan, who resolutely adopted guerrilla tactics, would immediately flee and specifically identify the enemy's weakly defended areas to attack.

The situation on the battlefield basically maintained a balance of power, but the Shadow and Void Alliance forces were surprisingly not impatient.

Azshara, who was sitting at the back and coordinating the overall situation, calmly made a prediction. The Lord of the Void should be trying to use the help of the shadow side gods and the legacy of the Firstborn to try to break the existing rules of the material universe and enter directly with his body.

Since no definite news of Sharlayan's presence in the Holy Tomb of the Firstborn has been returned, many gods from various forces, including Aman'Thul, Elune and the War Lord, are a little uneasy.

If the stalemate continues like this, the Lord of the Void may actually be able to find a loophole in the rules and force his way in.

Life Garden, who didn't know much about Sarlayan, once proposed to take advantage of the victory to charge in the opposite direction, directly attack the lair on the shadow side once and for all, and cut off all thoughts of the Lord of the Void.

With the calm persuasion of Aman'Thul and the Warmaster, who were particularly familiar with Sharlayan's abilities, and the help of Elune, the Garden of Life still maintained restraint for the time being, patiently waiting for Sharlayan to emerge from the Holy Tomb of the Firstborn. China brought back good news that could influence the direction of the situation.

The creation experience and related knowledge of the Firstborn were so vast that Sarlayan's passive retreat lasted for a whole year.

Even little Sabonis, who had been sensible since he was a child and knew that his father had an important responsibility, began to constantly ask where his father was. Azshara, Valeera and others also began to feel restless and began to frequently rotate to Zaresanti. Get the latest information.

Fortunately, during this year's stalemate, the situation on the battlefield and the front lines did not change much.

The Shadow and Void Alliance forces are obviously fully promoting the Void Lord's "Prison Break Plan" and have not fully exerted their strength on the battlefield.

The four original forces of life, order, death and light are waiting for Sarlayan to bring back the key to solving the problem from the Holy Tomb of the Firstborn.

confusion? Forget about them, neither of the warring parties focused much on this group of demons who had their own way of doing things.

For short-lived mortals, although a year is not a long time, it is definitely not a short time.

But for immortal people at the level of demigods and gods, a year is just a blink of an eye.

After spending the initial period of anxiety in front of the Holy Tomb of the First Born, Senius has recently begun to boringly discuss with Valeela and others who still maintain the normal routine of mortals, why they still behave like mortals. It’s the same problem of eating and sleeping.

"I also asked Sarlayan about this question."

There was nothing to do, and Valeela didn't mind chatting with Senius about this topic.

"The answer given by Sarlayan is that he wants to maintain some sense of ritual in life so that he will not be separated from the masses due to the leap in life form, thus neglecting some details that he cared about before."

Melinsela, who happened to be here on shift, gradually got used to the current routine of ordinary people under the influence of her family members. Looking for Shuyuanwwww. She added with emotion: "In Saryan's words, sleep is actually a rehearsal for death."

"If we lose the fear of death due to the leap in life forms, then sooner or later we will also lose the reverence for life, gradually become insensitive, and regard the people who sacrificed in the war as mere numbers rather than individuals. Living life.”


The unexpected answer made Senius stunned for a moment, and he suddenly began to reflect on how long it had been since he had cared about the fellow Kyrians who had been killed in battles due to various reasons.

Valeera noticed the change in Senios' demeanor and said with a smile on her face: "By sleeping regularly every day, we can divide our lives into different stages based on days."

"To use Sarlayan's half-joking words, every day's sleep time is equivalent to us taking the initiative to leave a new saving point in our lives."

"If we make some mistakes the next day, we can also reflect and sort them out before the new day's sleep time to avoid making the same mistakes next time."

"That's all I can say, a more detailed answer..." Valeela suddenly felt the familiar soul aura fluctuations, and turned to look at the Holy Tomb gate with a smile, which was finally opened again after a year: " Let him answer it himself."


From the outside, there is no difference between Sarlayan who has been in seclusion for a whole year and what happened before entering the Holy Tomb. His growth is from the inside out.

Facing the question suddenly thrown by Valeera, Sarlayan smiled and gave his answer: "It is precisely in order to realize the preciousness of life that we repeat the rehearsal of death day after day." (End of this chapter. )

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