Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 518: Proto-Turtle

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Sharlayan once heard the barrage mention the tortoises, a human-like intelligent race. It is said that they are followers of the tortoise Loatoga, who are naturally peace-loving and like to collect knowledge.

Although the big turtles in front of us are very similar in name to Tortoise tortoise, the origin of the two is completely different.

Tortoises are descendants of toga, and most of them live within the Zandalar Islands, and they can occasionally be seen in Kul Tiras.

However, the ancestor sea turtles are the family members of the tortoise demigod Tortola. From the perspective of origin, they are more closely related to the druid lineage.

Tortola is one of the demigods living in the holy mountain Hyjal. He once assisted the defenders of Azeroth in the tragic battle of the ancients. He is one of the only three surviving demigods.

Tortola, the tortoise demigod, is not particularly aggressive, but his defense is the best in Azeroth.

It was because of its strong defense ability that Tortola barely survived the battle of the ancients that led to the fall of a large number of demigods.

Even so, Tortola and Goldrinn, who were lucky enough to survive, were also severely injured in the Battle of the Ancients. After the war, they fell into a long sleep and still haven't woken up.

There is only one demigod of the wilderness who is still alive and kicking today—the forest demigod Cenarius, who was saved by his father Malorne at the risk of his life.

The descendants of the Tortola Familia can be roughly divided into two factions.

One is the tortoise that lived on Hyjal with Tortola, and the other is the ancestor turtle that was left in Pandaria.

According to Shen-zinko, before the catastrophe, there was no turtle family in Tortola, because all the turtle family lived in the interior of ancient Kalimdor at that time.

After Pandaria split from the mainland, the Tortola family, unfortunately trapped in the mist, had no choice but to adapt to life by the sea. After years of evolution, they gradually became the current ancestor sea turtles.

Most of the demigods will fall into confusion after leaving their parents. The most typical negative example is the self-willed wild boar.

But this is not absolute, there are also positive examples of furbolgs who are constantly striving for self-improvement.

The Proto-Turtles are somewhere in between. They haven't completely degenerated like the wild boars, but they haven't been able to continue to grow their group like the furbolgs.

Sharlayan could understand that the unique circumstances of Pandaria limited their ambitions.

No matter how much you expand, you can't leave this fog-shrouded continent.

The resources that can be controlled by the sea turtles along the coast of Pandaria are limited after all. They are naturally peaceful and don't want to compete with other races for territory, so they just lie down in a Buddhist way.

The legendary experience of Shen-zin Zi is the most worthy story among the ancestor turtles.

When Sharlayan took out Shen-zin Zi's back shell, even the most stable patriarch Ji seemed a little excited, let alone the other young Proto-Sea Turtles.

After the excitement, we still have to return to reality.

Ji took a deep breath, and solemnly looked at Salayan who was holding Shen-zin Zi's back shell.

"Mr. Salayan, you have been approved by our ancestor Shen-zin Zi. Logically speaking, we should trust the judgment of our ancestors and provide you with unconditional help, is not easy for our family to survive in Pandaria."

Sharlayan nodded understandingly: "I understand, I won't let you pay for nothing, this is not in line with my life creed."

With the growth of experience, Sharlayan became more and more able to understand the principle of equivalent exchange.

This is not only the essence of alchemy, but also applicable to the way of life.

A relationship that blindly asks others to pay will not last long after all.

Favor can be used for a while, but it is absolutely impossible for the other party to give freely for a long time. The exchange of interests is the basis for maintaining the relationship.

"Mr. Ji, have you, the ancestor sea turtles, ever considered returning to Tortola?"

Ji Na's somewhat dull eyes suddenly widened, and the other big turtles who were listening made a commotion.


Under the greeting of patriarch Ji, the commotion was quickly subsided.

Those big turtles looked at Sharlayan with anticipation in their eyes, and they couldn't wait to hear his next words.


Ji took a deep breath before letting out a long one.

"I want to, why don't I want to? I want to dream about it."

A humanized bitter expression appeared on Ji Cang's old face: "Since leaving the protection of our lord Tortola, the days of the ancestor sea turtles have been very difficult."

"As you can see, my family doesn't like to fight with others."

"Whether it's the Mogu or the Pandaren, as their population grows, they will gradually expand to the beaches where we live, taking away the resources our race needs to survive."

"Of course, we also know that the pandaren are not malicious, this is just a stage that the group must go through in the development process."

"Thanks to Chi Jing-sama's care, my family can still live in seclusion on this sea reef leisurely, but..."

Ji sighed in distress: "How long can this peaceful situation last? If you retreat again and again, one day there will be no retreat."

Sharlayan could give the Proto-Turtles the courage to defend their territories.

But it's like the sentence that the pandaren often hang on their lips.

Nature is inalienable.

The ancestor sea turtles are quiet and peace-loving by nature, and do not like to fight with others.

Even if they could summon up their courage for a while, facing the huge base of Pandaren, they would still choose to give in in the end, and the previous struggle seemed meaningless.

The original sea turtle thought about leaving Pandaria to go out and venture, but over the years, only one Shen-zinko has put it into practice. It is difficult for the meek turtle to make a decision before being pushed to the limit.

What Sharlayan needs to do is provide them with a visible and worth fighting for.

Mount Hyjal will not be easily opened to outsiders. Pandaren adventurers who have left the Wandering Isle to travel have never been able to enter this sacred mountain that hosts a large number of wild demigod souls.

The pandaren on the Wandering Isle only know that Tortola is still alive, and no one knows where the turtle demigod is hiding to recuperate.

But Sharlayan knew.

Tortola has been recuperating at the bottom of a great lake between Essina Glade and Malorne Sanctuary.

With this clear goal, the Progenitor Sea Turtle headed by Ji excitedly agreed to Sharlayan's deal.

They will continue to secretly transport the titan creations produced by the engine of Nalaksha to Northrend, and Sharlayan will use his connections to help the ancestor turtles introduce them to Mount Hyjal, allowing them to return to the shelter of Tortola.

This deal will last until the Mists of Pandaria dissipate, at which point Kul Tiras' regular troop carriers can replace these hardworking Primordial Turtles.

But everything has pros and cons.

During the period when Pandaria was not unsealed, the Pandaren's "good" neighbor, the Zandalari, would not notice this side for the time being, and the Progenitor Sea Turtles could relatively safely transport the completed Titan creations to their destinations.

Once the Mists of Pandaria dissipate, Kul Tiras troop carriers will need to keep in mind the threat of the Zandalari Gold Fleet as they travel between the two places.

After negotiating with the ancestor sea turtle, Sharlayan made a promise to the patriarch Ji that when he left Pandaria, he would take a big turtle with knowledge of the way as a mount.

This ancestor sea turtle will carry Sharlayan and others to the continent of Kalimdor, first go to Uldum to unlock the furnace of origin, and then go all the way Finally arrive at the holy mountain of Hyjal, and meet with the long-lost Meet the demigod master Tortola.

After leaving Pandaria to return to the civilized world, Sharlayan rushed to the last stop before leaving Pandaria without stopping.

Mogushan holy platform.

The week agreed with the three of Valeera hadn't arrived yet, and Sharlayan ended the trip ahead of schedule.

Azadas is still dutifully debugging the initialized Nalaksha engine.

With him, the engine builder, in charge, the restarted Nalaksha engine will no longer have the oolong incident of misproducing flesh and blood creatures.

Sharlayan wisely did not bother Azadas who was working hard.

With the remote assistance of the starlight serpent Eragon and the blue dragon Yulong, Sharlayan established a magic net connection with Liu He and others far away in the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, and imported the magic net energy of the Valley of Eternal Blossoms into the engine of Nalaksha.

As Sharlayan and Danmaku guessed, Thor used this method to power the Nalak'sha engine earlier.

Although the energy of the Pool of Youth is unlimited, its output is not large, and it is impossible to violently generate an army of hundreds of thousands of Titan creations in a short period of time.

But this kind of steady flow of water is just right, and the ancestor sea turtles responsible for transporting troops will not bear too much pressure.


After connecting the power supply lines, Sarlayan breathed a sigh of relief sitting in the engine core room that smelled of engine oil.

"Thank you, Sharlayan."

Azadas, who had been silent since entering the working state, finally spoke.

"I've got it done on my side too, come on, let's start the engine and give it a try."

"The good days of that traitor Loken end today!"

Azadas gritted his teeth and pressed the start button of Nalaksha's engine: "His punishment will begin here!"

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