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Chapter 533: Xal'atath · Blade of the Dark Empire

The voice of Phaoris blessed by spells resounded across the battlefield.

Not only Pharaoh Takahen looked back, most of the Neferset soldiers also subconsciously turned their heads to look at their homeland.

Seeing this, Neferset's morale completely collapsed.

The battle situation on the front line went fairly smoothly. Although the enemy could not be repelled, the Pharaoh kept boosting morale, telling the soldiers that the situation must turn around, and it was just after the sandstorm ended.

As high as Neferset's previous expectations were, so deep is his despair now.

The huge psychological gap caused many Neferset soldiers to lose their fighting spirit on the spot.

Their families were still in the enemy-occupied city of Neferset, and they were rightly concerned.

"It's over..."

Although Takahen is not a wise and powerful monarch, he can at least see the overall situation clearly.

As Wadiye said, the overall situation has been settled, and there is no way to turn back the sky.

Under the ebb and flow, the high-morale coalition forces easily defeated the unarmed Neferset, and the situation that was evenly matched before was completely changed by a small change.

After the capital was breached, there was no suspense in the next battle.

No siege warfare, no street fighting.

The two Anubisas had already demolished the city wall from the inside with one punch at a time, and almost all the soldiers left behind were wiped out.

The coalition forces of Osis and Ramkahen entered the city without any hindrance, and quickly controlled the chaos in the city without bloodshed.

The captured pharaoh Takahen and the deputy prime minister Khufu looked unlucky. So far they still haven't figured out why the situation has taken a turn for the worse and why the enemy can sneak around and occupy the capital without anyone noticing. Where did Huo go again?

According to the agreement, Sharlayan and the others did not stay in the city for long.

After confirming that the coalition forces entered the city, the four-member team that occupied the palace floated away.

When Vadia and Phaoris led their personal guards into the palace, they only saw a large number of Neferset officials, guards and palace servants whose movements were restricted by spells.

"I don't agree!"

Takaheng, who has always been rebellious, has been clamoring since he was captured.

"Give me a clear death, at least let me know how I lost!"

Phaoris and Vatier looked at each other, with smiles in their eyes at the same time.

Vatier snorted happily: "Hmph~ Forget it, let me satisfy your humble wish."

The entrance to the Obelisk of the Sun is located in the middle of a low hilltop platform northwest of Neferset.

After the battle, no one was guarding the place, and the four of Sharlayan successfully entered the inside of the obelisk, unlocked the seal, and activated the mechanism that had been suspended for many years.

So far, all three obelisks have been activated.

The rays of light emitted from the tops of the three towers converged in mid-air, and finally pointed to the Temple of Uldum in the west of Osis City.

Sharlayan and his party continued to rush to their destination without stopping.

Azadas, who got enough rest, was already waiting here, and he was standing in front of a sarcophagus on the top of the temple.


Azadas lifted the Ark of Promise with one hand and put it on his shoulder: "Go on, the next stop is the ancient cradle."

The purpose of opening the three obelisks is to unlock the seal of the Temple of Uldum and get the key props to promise the Ark of the Covenant, which is the sarcophagus in the hands of Azadas.

Next, you need to take the Ark of Promise to the cradle of ancient times, use local special devices to unlock the Ark of the Covenant, and get the contents inside.

Under the guidance of Azadas, the next action flow was very smooth. The five people took out a very familiar plate from the opened Ark of Promise.

Sharlayan looked at this disc with golden energy flowing on its surface with some surprise.

"Isn't this a platinum disc? That's what's in the Ark of the Promised Covenant?"


Azadas explained with a smile: "This platinum disc records the authentication system that opens the main entrance of the Hall of Origin... You can treat it as a key."


With the Platinum Disc, the last obstacle to the Hall of Origins is lifted.

When flying across the river to the east of Uldum, Sharlayan and others also saw the Osis-Ramukahen coalition army marching towards the lost city of Tol'vir.

Neferset's senior officials, including Pharaoh Takahen and Deputy Prime Minister Khufu, were all captured. The great prime minister Mantuho died in battle, and the defeat of Neferset was settled.

After taking Neferset City, the Neferset clan had only one last stronghold that had not yet fallen.

That is, the ancient capital of the tol'vir, now the Lost City.

All the main forces mobilized were defeated by the enemy's tricks. The Lost City with broken city defenses must not be able to defend it. It is only a matter of time before it is breached.

Sharlayan even suspected that the Neferset soldiers guarding the Lost City would turn their backs first and give up this hopeless battle.

The direction of the war has been completely clear, and Sharlayan does not intend to ask too much about how Ramkahen and Osis plan to deal with Neferset after that, after all, this is other people's internal affairs.

In the words of the barrage, this kind of civil strife is at best a brother-in-law wall, at least so far, what Neferset has done has not caused serious damage to Azeroth.

The main goal of Sharlayan and others coming to Uldum is not to knead the three major clans of the tol'vir, but to restart the melting pot of origin, and all previous actions serve this goal.

The Hall of Origin is located near the main entrance to Uldum in Tanaris. It looks like a very majestic pyramid from the outside, and there are several statues of Anubisath standing nearby.

These are real statues, not dormant Anubisaths.

Azadas fiddled with the platinum disc on the console in front of the door for a while, did Salayan and the others understand it.

While Zadas was busy operating the console, Sharlayan finally took some free time, and then turned around and started asking Danmaku about the whole story of the Blade of the Dark Empire.

The full name of the Blade of the Dark Empire is Xalatath·Blade of the Dark Empire. It is made from the claw of an ancient **** named Xalatath, and part of the soul fragments of Xalatath are lodged in it.

According to the information provided by the barrage, Sharlayan had a deeper understanding of the Old God.

There were far more than four ancient gods who first came to Azeroth, but only N'Zoth, Yogg-Saron, C'Thun, and Y'Shaarj survived the fighting of countless compatriots to the end.

They divided up the territory of Azeroth and cooperated to build the notorious dark empire.

Xal'atath was one of the Old Gods who lost the competition in the Civil War in ancient times.

Its body has long been torn apart by other ancient gods, leaving only a broken claw in which part of the soul fragment resides.

The Blade of the Dark Empire first originated during the reign of the Dark Empire. The claws of Xalatath were made into weapons by other ancient gods and given to their followers for rituals and sacrifices.

After the Dark Empire was defeated by the Titans, the Blade of the Dark Empire disappeared.

With the advent of the mortal age, Xal'atath was picked up by a Gurubashi witch doctor named Zandu, which triggered a war between the Troll Empire and the Yaqi Empire.

The second recorded holder of the Blade of the Dark Empire is none other than the Dark Iron Queen Modgud mentioned in the previous barrage.

Bewitched by Xal'atath, Modgud confidently persuaded the Dark Iron Prince Thaurissan to divide his troops into two groups and attack the Wildhammer and Bronzebeard dwarves at the same time.

The final result... History has recorded it clearly.

The War of the Three Hammers ended more than 200 years ago, and the self-aware artifact has not been seen since.

According to the barrage, Xalatas chose a priest of the Church of the Holy Light named Natalie Serling.

Under its lure, Natalie Serling discovered the secret of light and shadow, and began to secretly practice shadow magic.

Using the shadow... or the power of the void, voices from the void will often be heard.

The barrage said that this is like a sancheck. If you pass it, you will gain progress. If you fail to pass it, you will be tempted to The shadow spell gradually spread by Natalie Serling has affected many priests of the Church of the Holy Light , she began to have a following of her own.

During the Second Orc War, Natalie Selin and her followers used shadow magic to hunt a large number of orcs, which once attracted Gul'dan's attention.

What happened later, even the bullet screen is not very clear.

The only thing that is certain is that the Blade of the Dark Empire left Natalie Serling, just like it abandoned Modgud last time.

Some say the Blade of the Dark Empire was taken by a madman from the Twilight's Hammer, others say it is buried in Natalie Serling's tomb.

Barrage couldn't figure out why it fell into Mantuho's hands, but anyway, this dangerous magic weapon became Sharlayan's trophy.

"Well... here comes the problem."

Sharlayan, Stellagosa, Onyxia, and Valeera were worried around the Blade of the Dark Empire.

"What do we do with this wicked weapon?"

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