Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 540: Tagong Haolong

During the millennia of Neferset and C'Thun's flirtation, the pharaohs of generations must have obtained a lot of information from the ancient gods.

As for whether it is useful or useless, it is hard to say. We can only squeeze out the information first and then sort it out slowly.

Collusion with the ancient gods can be guessed with the soles of your feet, and it is certainly impossible for the pharaohs to tell other people.

This also means that the information obtained through the communication between the Neferset clan and the ancient gods will only be passed on orally from generation to generation of pharaohs.

The conversation between Sharlayan and Onyxia aroused Takahen's interest, and at the same time made him feel uneasy.

After opening his eyes, he saw Onyxia holding a strange-shaped short knife approaching him, and the pupils behind the mask shrank suddenly.

"Mantujo's weapon? Why is it in your hands?"

Onyxia said with a smile: "You will know the answer soon, now, let's feel the touch of the ancient **** you've always dreamed of."


With a smile on her face, Onyxia stabbed the Dark Empire Blade into Takahen's left shoulder, and consciously weakened the seal of the earth's guardian power, driving Xalatas's consciousness to invade Takahen's soul.

Originally, Takahan's face was full of doubts and expectations, but after the dagger entered his body, his expression immediately changed, becoming frightened and restless.

"No! No! This is not what I want!"

Even Onyxia himself didn't know what Takahen saw, at least for sure, it was definitely not a good thing.

All the Old Gods are talkative, and they like to whisper when they have something to do, no matter who they are.

Being held in the Dark Empire Blade for a long time and unable to speak, once he was released from prison, Xalatas released all the words accumulated during this period at once.

Even if it is just a fragment of the soul, the whispers of the ancient gods are not something a mere mortal can bear.

Phaoris and Wadiye tortured for several days, but they still found nothing. Takahen kept his face and identity stern and refused to provide any information.

Under the torment of Xalatas' anger, Takaheng, who was still in tune before, soon burst into tears and shook his head violently with a frantic expression.

"no no!"

"It's all fake, you can't scare me! Vomit!"

"Nefset's way is the right way, the fragile mortal body can't... ah ah ah! Don't let me see this!"

Phaoris and Vatier looked at each other, and this weird scene made the two well-informed kings feel a little creepy.

Wadiye frowned and stared at the dagger that pierced into Takahen's body. The source of Takahen's transient attitude seemed to come from it.

"My lord, what is this weapon..."

Salayan smiled calmly: "Xalatas Blade of the Dark Empire, a magic weapon seized from Neferset Prime Minister Mantuho."

"This dagger is made from the claws of the Old Gods, and the soul fragments of the Old Gods are also lodged in it."


Phaoris and Vadia's hair stood on end like a cat's fur, and subconsciously took a few steps back, away from Onyxia.


Sharlayan chuckled twice with unknown meaning: "I once heard a story, the name of the story is Ye Gonghaolong."

[Grass, Xiao Sa is about to start cultural export again. 】

[One thing to say, don’t you think this dark pharaoh Takaheng is a typical example of Ye Gong’s good dragon? 】

[Worshiping the ancient gods, he thought they were omnipotent, but he had never really come into contact with the ancient gods, so he didn't know what kind of existence they were. 】

[Once he knows the true information about the ancient god, he will become like this ghost. 】

When Onyxia withdrew the Dark Empire Blade from Takahen's body, the once mighty pharaoh was already in tears, his whole body twitched and speechless.

Onyxia curiously asked Xalatas who was lodged in the dagger, "What did you let him see?"

Xalatas: "What the **** am I *¥#@! You lowly reptile, I order you to release me immediately..."

Onyxia re-strengthened the seal of the protective power of the earth expressionlessly: "Hello Xalatas, goodbye Xalatas."

Sharlayan shook his head amusedly: "I told you not to mess around with the ancient god, do you still expect it to say anything good?"

Onyxia shrugged her shoulders: "After all, I have to try it. Take your time. I believe that one day I will be able to make it smooth."

Sharlayan rubbed his temple helplessly: "Be careful, don't be fooled by that guy."

"Don't worry, I have my own measure."

valley area

Just like what Azadas said, what Xalatas, who has only a remnant soul, can do is extremely limited.

It can't directly control the body of the dagger holder, it can only instill various dark ideas into its master with non-stop nagging.

Zandu, who failed in the political struggle, has a very obvious spiritual gap, and it is not surprising that he was bewitched by Xalatas.

What happened to Natalie Serling? Salayan, who doesn't know the inside story, can't say, but her death is inseparable from Xal'atath.

The above two are mortals, and their resistance to the whispers of the ancient gods is very low.

And Onyxia is a demigod-level black dragon. As long as her heart is not shaken, Xalatas, whose activities are restricted by the power of the earth's guardian, has nothing to do with her.

But... what Sharlayan is afraid of is that Onyxia will be shaken by herself.

This guy is a real fun guy.

Although she has now corrected herself, Deathwing's teachings still left some imprints on her three views.

In order to have fun, Onyxia doesn't care about ethics, as long as it makes herself happy.

And her mentality can easily be used by Xalatas to induce her to act out of order for fun.

Sarlayan solemnly reminded Valeera and Stellagosa in one of the channels of the soul link, asking them to pay attention to Onyxia's emotional changes at any time, and report immediately if they found something wrong.

[I have a question that I have always wanted to ask, how many private channels has the soul link transformed by Sarlayan so far? 】

[One 4-person dormitory can play 5 groups. Guess how many channels Valeera and the others have built that Salayan doesn't know? 】

【I also want to add the channel that Inas privately pulled, it's scary to think about it. 】

[Ah, Gongdouju? 】

At least until now, Onyxia has not shown any signs of being influenced by Xalatas.

Sarlayan needed to spend a lot of energy just being busy with foreign affairs, and didn't have that much time to play small group intrigue with Valeera and the others, so he simply handed over the task of monitoring Onyxia to Valeera and her, who had a direct conflict of interest. Stellagosa.

Sharlayan: "I hope Oni won't play it off...Although I think the probability of this is quite high."

[+1, examples of fun people playing off are too common. 】

Closer to home.

Even Sharlayan, who has the blood of the dragon and has the talent of endless fighting will, will be overwhelmed by Xalatas, let alone an ordinary mortal like Takahen.

Tortured for a while by the whispers and visions of the enraged Xal'atath, Takahen's mind was broken.

Seeing his limp body and dull eyes, he couldn't recover from the shadows for at least several days.

After being completely broken by Xalatas, Takahen's mouth should not be so difficult to pry open.

In the final analysis, Takahen was not the person who directly contacted the ancient god, that person had already been separated.

Taking a step back, even if Mantuho is still alive, with Ke'sun's current state, he can't provide them with any help at all.

Sharlayan patted Vadia and Phaoris on the shoulders: "Let him recover for a few days first, I have other matters to discuss with you."


Phaoris and Vatier looked at each other, and they frowned at the same time.

The tol'vir have lived alone for tens of thousands of years in Uldum, a desolate southern region, and they are not used to contacting outsiders.

That is to say, Sharlayan holds Raiden's great guardian Otherwise, he will also be thrown out by Ramkahen who guards the entrance of the endless reincarnation gate.

...Of course, who lost who is another matter.

Having experienced Neferset's rebellion, Vadiya and Phaoris already vaguely had some ideas.

Uldum cannot continue to be closed like this, and should actively contact the outside world, so that when problems arise within the tol'vir, they can get objective feedback from outsiders in a timely manner.

The idea is good, but it is not so easy to implement.

The tol'vir have been closed for many years, and it has become a habit of thinking not to contact outsiders, which cannot be changed in a short while.

Seeing the distressed faces of the two kings, Sharlayan did not intend to force them to express their views on the spot.

"There's no need to be in a hurry. You can clean up the chaos after the war first."

"My team should still stay in the Uldum area for half a month, and I hope to get a positive answer from you before leaving."

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