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Chapter 545: Talkative Aviana


"Sharlayan Deep Shadow?"

A dignified and soft female voice came from the temple: "This familiar breath of life... Are you Inas's child?"

After the strange woman spoke, the nervous druids of raptors immediately relaxed a lot and made way for the temple.

A woman with the appearance of a night elf but with snow-white feathers on both hands flew over, and looked curiously at the appearance of Sharlayan's storm crow.

‘Mother of all birds, Aviana. '

Sharlayan nodded politely to the beautiful woman: "Dear demigod Aviana, Elena Straza is indeed my mother, do you know her?"

"Heh~" Aviana shook her head and laughed: "Of course I do, there is no demigod in the wilderness who doesn't know that naughty bastard."

With Aviana's permission, Sharlayan descended to the ground to join Valeera and Shandris, and carried Ji, who was unconscious, into the temple to rest temporarily, waiting for the sea turtle that hadn't adapted to the Emerald Dream to wake up by itself.

Aviana is a demigod messenger, her frontal combat power is relatively poor among the demigods in the wilderness, but her flying speed is unparalleled.

During the War of the Ancients, it was by relying on Aviana and her family members who worked tirelessly to transmit information that Jarod could understand the changes in the frontline battle situation as quickly as possible, and then make targeted arrangements efficiently.

After Aviana's fall, her soul entered the Blazing Celestial Fields of the Shadow Realm to recuperate for a long time before returning to the Emerald Dream to continue her recovery.

Through talking with Aviana, Sharlayan got an important piece of information.

Most of the wilderness demigods who fell in the War of the Ancients, such as Usol and the Ursoc brothers, Malorne the White Hart, Asaman the Black Panther, Onhala the Eagle, and Aviana the Stormcrow, have all returned their souls. Arrived in the Emerald Dreamland, but there are no suitable conditions to return to the human world.

But there are exceptions.

The soul of the wild boar demigod Agamaggan returned from the Blazing Wilderness with other demigods, but the druids, green dragons and demigods did not find him in the Emerald Dream, so Agamaggan disappeared out of thin air up.

【Agamagam... It's quite sad to say it. 】


While chatting with Aviana, Sarlayan distractedly asked the barrage for details.

"Is there a situation? Let's hear it."

[Actually, it can be explained clearly in one sentence. 】

【You also know that the wild boar man has long since surrendered, right? Those pig-headed three even imprisoned the demigod souls they believed in, trying to use Agamaggan to fulfill some dark ambitions. 】

[If there is no deviation in the history we know, Agamaggan's soul is trapped in the Razor Swamp right now. 】

"The Razorfen, the Barrens?"

Sharlayan did not continue to delve into it, but just wrote down the information.

Sharlayan's mother, Inas, was an out-and-out demon king when she was young. Her prestige was not limited to the dragon clan, and even the demigods of the wilderness had heard of her.

Sharlayan was a little dumbfounded about this, but at least it left an impression on the demigods. As long as he said that he was the son of Inas in front of the demigods of the wilderness, they should be familiar with each other.

Aviana has a gentle personality and is willing to chat. Before Ji Su woke up, she had been pulling Sharlayan and Shandris to talk about it, and she also introduced her most valued young believer to Sharlayan.

This raptor druid named Thisalie Crow is as talkative as Aviana, and her age is considered very young among the immortal night elves, only less than 1,000 years old.

The leader of the Raptor Druid faction is Skyscreamer Omulon, but he is not in the Emerald Dream at the moment, and it is said that he is busy recruiting new apprentices in the material world.

Sharlayan and Shandris couldn't stand the warm greetings from Aviana and Hisalley, so they could only grab Valeera, who is also good at language arts, to top the tank.

About half an hour later, Ji finally woke up in a daze.

Sarlayan breathed a sigh of relief, just looking for an excuse to say goodbye to Aviana and the raptor druids.

Going down the mountain road, the three of Salayan soon brought Ji, who was still a little unconscious, to the shore of Spirit Turtle Lake in the dream world.

Different from the empty material world, in the Emerald Dream, there are a large number of huge turtles wandering around the Turtle Lake. They should all be the descendants and families of Tortola.

A giant tortoise with a body like a hill is lying on the south bank of Linggui Lake, lazily closing its eyes and resting its mind.


As if sensing a strange aura from outside, when the three of Sharlayan avoided the tortoises all over the ground and headed towards Tortola, the tortoise demigod opened his eyes first.

Ignoring the three mortals headed by Sharlayan, Tortola's eyes were fixed on the ancestor Sea Turtle Ji.

"This smell..."

Tortola sniffled and asked curiously in a slow tone: "Are you Manny's descendant?"

After traveling thousands of miles away from home, he finally met the owner of the ancestor sea turtle. Ji was so excited that he prostrated himself on the ground and saluted Tortola.

"Yes, the great demigod Tortola, Manny is the ancestor of our ancestor turtles!"

"The ancestor sea turtle?"

A look of doubt appeared on Tortola's face: "Son, get up first."

"It seems that a lot of things have happened after your group left Mount Hyjal. Don't worry, talk about it slowly after your emotions stabilize."

Although Sharlayan really wanted to stay and make friends with Tortola, he still had the situation in Northrend in his heart.

Valeera also persuaded from the side: "Anyway, you can enter the Emerald Dream anytime now, so don't be in a hurry. Let's settle the troubles in the northern border first."

Shandris also interjected: "We have also heard about the troubles the high elves encountered in Northrend. Unfortunately, Jarod is currently reorganizing the loosely organized night elf army, so he is temporarily unable to help you."

Since the establishment of the Night Council, Malfurion was finally able to suppress the quarreling Maiev and Tyrande in a formal manner as the speaker, and Jarod and Fandral and other councilors were free to complete their respective tasks.

In the 10,000 years since Garald left, thanks to a certain priest who liked to pretend to understand, the night elves' army organization can be said to be a mess.

The sentinels are under the command of Shandris, a capable commander, which is normal for now, and the druids are also under the control of the Cenarion Council. These two troops are elite troops of the night elves.

And those regular troops stationed in various regions...Jalod's high standards can almost be described as a mess.

Shandris had been guarding the city of Elesalas in the south of the Kalimdor continent before.

With the War of the Quicksands over and the threat from Silithus lifted, it would be a waste of talent for Shandris to remain in remote Eresharas.

Shandris trained the Sentinels very well, and even without her personally in charge, the Sentinels could maintain a very high level of combat.

In view of this, Garald transferred Shandris back after officially taking over the military power, and asked her to go to Ashenvale to assist him in reorganizing the new army.

After more than half a year of hard work, the training of the Gray Valley army has begun to bear fruit.

Yet Jarod couldn't stop.

After leaving Ashenvale, he rushed to Felwood and Darkshore non-stop, and then planned to take a trip to Moonglade and even the cold Winterspring.

Winterspring was originally located in the core sphere of influence of the night elves, but because the temperature here was too cold, no energy was devoted to managing it when someone was in power.

After reorganizing the decision-making hierarchy, Maiev's first suggestion was to vigorously develop Winterspring.

Admittedly, Winterspring's harsh climate makes it difficult to produce food.

But there are some cold-loving herbs that can only grow in polar climates, not to mention that Winterspring is also an important mining base, so it would be a pity to leave it like this.

Jarod's work ethic infected many officers who had planned to spend their days idling.

As long as this round of army reorganization is successfully completed, the combat effectiveness of the night elves will be further improved.

Sharlayan knew that Shandris's words of sending troops to help were just for show. Although the night elves and high elves seem to have a good relationship, the common people still hate each other.

As Shandris said, the inherent understanding formed over thousands of years cannot be reversed so easily.

After sending Ji to Tortola's side, Sharlayan's promise to the ancestors of the sea turtles was fulfilled.

With Tortola's care, Ji's safety doesn't have to be worrying about Sharlayan.

After leaving the Emerald Dream and returning to reality, Sharlayan planned to go to Nordrassil before leaving for Northrend to discuss with Malfurion and others a major matter that he had thought about for a long time.

Develop the Azshara region.

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