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Chapter 552: tough battle

The battle in Crystalsong Forest started earlier than Zul'Drak. When Sylvanas received the battle report from his younger brother Lailas, the Drakkari trolls who had slowed down their offensive started to attack again.

Cirvanas and the others guarding the Eastern Front had also encountered the loa of the troll on the battlefield before, but usually only one loa appeared on the battlefield at the same time, and most of the time, they did not work hard. , hiding behind and touching fish.

Cirvanas's combat experience is not as rich as that of his mother, Liresa, but at least he grew up receiving actual combat training, and his ability to read the overall situation is far superior to that of Liadrin who became a monk halfway through.

The Drakkari troll's slowing down of the attack made it hard for her to understand. These ice trolls obviously still had the confidence to continue their attack, but they stepped on the brakes halfway. Anyone with a little brain could guess that they were trying to play tricks.

At first, Sylvanas thought that Drakalai was planning to persuade all the loa to join the battle and launch a general attack on the increasingly fortified city wall defense.

Cirvanas guessed half right.

During the period of recuperation, the Drakkari troll did try to encourage all the loa to attack together.

But Loa, a natural creature like this, will not be so easily controlled by trolls, they have their own ideas.

For the sake of the troll's dedication for many years, Loa is willing to help when necessary, but this does not mean that they will completely obey the troll's instructions.

Unless the Drakkari trolls intend to completely tear themselves apart from the loa and let the priests plunder their power, those loa who are used to doing their own way are unlikely to abide by the forbidden army rules.

The single-minded frost trolls don't have so many twists and turns, their ideas are simple.

Do your best to recapture Dak'Saron Fortress. If you really can't, you can only give up. The next best thing is to find a way to continue attacking Grizzly Hills from other directions.

Persimmons are always soft.

I can't afford to offend the high elves, and I can't handle a mere furbolg.

The arrival of the Zandalari envoys has shown another path for the Drakkari trolls.


It turns out that the Zandalar's strategy was correct.

The battlefield situation in Northrend is very delicate. The most powerful Iron Legion has been standing still, trying to fish in troubled waters, sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight.

Zandalar suggested that Drakalai take the initiative to show weakness, temporarily withdraw from the frontline battlefield, and put on a long-term confrontation posture.

The fight between the high elves and the frost trolls was what Loken wanted to see the most. Once the two sides ceased fighting, Loken couldn't sit still.

The Zandalar bet was right.

Taking advantage of the high elves in Crystalsong Forest placing their main force on Zul'Drak on the eastern front, Loken ordered the Iron Legion to attack with all their strength.

He hoped that the steel army could defeat the high elf defense force staying in Crystalsong Forest in the shortest possible time, and destroy the new city built under his nose.

However, the defense strength of the high elves was somewhat beyond Loken's expectations.

He originally thought that the elite Iron Legion would be able to take Crystalsong Forest within a few days, but in fact it was not that simple.

With the help of the Sunwell energy transmitted from the Eversong Forest by the tree of life Sas'ara through the dream network, the city of New Sandara has established a solid barrier.

The Iron Legion launched lightning cannons and bombarded it wildly for several days, but the barrier was still maintained normally, but the color on the surface became darker.

After all, it is not directly transmitted, and the energy of the Sunwell has a certain loss and delay in the process of long-distance transmission, so it cannot be as indestructible as the real Bandin Norrell enchantment.

Today, the three warring parties are in an embarrassing situation.

Drakalai, who originally planned to take advantage of the chaos to seize the city wall, failed to open up the situation quickly, and Loken's quick attack tactics also failed, and the two battlefields fell into a stalemate.

The high elves are not having a good time here either.

Facing the strong attack on the two fronts at the same time, they can barely resist with the preparations and fortifications made in advance in a short period of time. If the time is longer, the defense lines on both sides are at risk of collapsing.

Cirvanas can't control the situation in Crystalsong Forest for the time being, she can only concentrate on dealing with the general attack of the Drakkari trolls.

Fortunately, there will not be more than two Loa appearing on the battlefield at the same time, and they can handle it for the time being.

Like a sharp golden arrow, the Dawn Vanguard pierces through the enemy lines led by Liadrin.

This is not the first time the Drakkari trolls have faced the charge of the Dawnguard.

But as the saying goes, one trick is fresh, and it can be eaten all over the world.

Dawn's Legion, made up of hexagonal paladins, is really not that easy to counter.

Once they were allowed to use their speed advantage to rush forward, even Loa would not dare to stand on the route of the army to fight head-on.

Drakkari's siege force was overwhelmed by the Dawn Vanguard, aided by ranger and magister forces' long-range suppression.

As pointed by the cavalry troops, even the long-range poison-spraying Wind Snake Loa Salonya could only back away.

It's a pity that Cirvanas doesn't have enough troops, if he takes advantage of the situation to cover up and attack, it is more likely to defeat Drakkari's offensive in one fell swoop, which will greatly damage their morale.

Even so, this round of charges by the Morning Vanguard Corps made Dakalai feel ashamed, so he could only retreat temporarily to avoid the battle.

The unicorns raised by the magic of the sunwell are tall and strong, but they are only mortals after all.

The paladins are all plate monsters, their own armor and weapons alone are very heavy, not to mention that the horses are also covered with thick armor.

The fully armed Morning Vanguard Corps can ensure their own safety to the greatest extent, but even the strongest war horses can't bear it after several rounds of full-strength sprints.


The beloved horse under Liadrin was already panting heavily, and the mounts of the other paladins were also in a similar state.

"It's time to go back."

Looking at the retreating Drakkari remnants, Liadrin sighed regretfully.

"The front formation changes to the back formation, a long snake, and an orderly retreat!"


On the battlefield of Crystalsong Forest, as Sharlayan's elite squad suddenly emerged, the artillery positions of the Iron Legion who were caught off guard were smashed to pieces.

Without the continuous bombardment of thunder and lightning shells, the continuous magic of the sunwell began to slowly repair the barrier of New Sandarra.

"Oh huh~"

Shaking off the metal fragments on his sharp claws, Salayan in bear form twitched the corners of his mouth as he watched the retreating steel army, revealing a ferocious smile.

"I worked hard for several days, and once I returned to before the war."

A defensive barrier like Bandin Norrell that can continuously recharge, if it cannot force the barrier to overload through saturated fire coverage in one go, it is almost impossible to be broken by conventional tactics.

Unless Loken makes a move himself.

If that coward really dared to leave Ulduar and come to the front line, Sharlayan would immediately close the door and let the dogs go, desperately recruiting the dragon army and Azadas to kill this guy outside.

It's a pity that Loken has only been cautious in his life. Even if the front line suffers setbacks, this guy still sits firmly on the throne of his temple, making up his mind not to move.

Coincidentally, the high elves on the two fronts forced the enemy back almost at the same time, and the battlefield temporarily returned to calm.

After withdrawing to New Sandara Sharlayan and his party came belatedly to greet Lord Lin Yu, and Lylas, who could not lift his hands up, followed beside him.

"Fortunately, you came in time."

Bode Linyu still had lingering fears in his heart: "I thought it was almost impossible to defend, those cannons...we really can't spare any energy to demolish them."

Sharlayan patted Lord Lin Yu on the shoulder in understanding: "There is not enough troops, it is not easy to defend to this level."

Bode Lin Yu's father was also a meritorious general who participated in the battle of trolls. Only one generation later, the children of Lin Yu's family did not fall so quickly.

Thanks to Lord Lin Yu's command, New Sandara City was not breached by Loken's blitzkrieg.

Bod Linyu sighed: "Finally, I did not disappoint His Majesty Kael'thas' trust, but..."


Noticing Lin Yu's solemn gaze looking out of the city, Salayan nodded solemnly.

"This is just the beginning, and it's finally moving. The face-saving Loken won't give up so easily."

Lin Yu asked worriedly, "What should I do next?"

"There is no reinforcements on the Eastern Front, and Kul Tiras is **** in the Howling Fjords. With the strength of New Sandara City alone, it may be difficult to defend against the attack of the Iron Army for a long time. .”

"Don't panic."

Sharlayan patted Lin Yu on the shoulder: "I'll get the support... By the way, how is the tunnel leading to Wintergrasp going?"

A meaningful look flashed in Lin Yu's eyes, and Sharlayan immediately understood.

"Don't mention this for now, let's go to your office and discuss it in detail."

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