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Chapter 559: The last craziness

As early as receiving the news that the Zandalari were suspected of assisting Drakkari, Sharlayan specially arranged for members of Backlighting Blade to go deep into Zul'Drak, quietly detect the whereabouts of the Zandalari envoy, and lock his location.

Drakkari is actually not terrible, and Sharlayan didn't want to fight them to the end.

If it weren't for the Zandalari trolls instigating it behind the scenes, this war might not have been fought at all, at wouldn't have grown to such a large scale.

The Backlight Blade thieves headed by Yatra quietly sneaked into the depths of Zul'Drak, searching for the whereabouts of the Zandalar envoy.

As the war gradually heated up, the Drakkari trolls took the initiative on the battlefield, and the Zandalar envoy who had been sitting in Gudak finally couldn't bear it anymore.

A few days ago, he came to the front line from Gudak with a new batch of reinforcements, and volunteered to serve as the special staff officer of the front line army.

It was his plan to spend a lot of resources and promise to let Loa take turns to attack, and it did pose a great test to the defense of the high elves.

The prestige of the Zandalar envoy will also be affected if the attack cannot be defeated for a long time.

As the number of sacrifices increased day by day, the Drakkari generals in the camp became more and more dissatisfied with the special envoy. The generals suspected that this **** was deliberately weakening Drakkari's strength in order to achieve Zandalari's annexation of Drakkari. Purpose.

Drakkari trolls are indeed simple-minded and well-developed limbs.

Worship and defense against the Zandalari are instincts engraved into the DNA of all non-Zandalari trolls, and they have never been able to fully trust this emissary who is good at dancing and smooth-talking.

"so be it."

The warlord Zolmaz sitting at the top said in a deep voice: "Tomorrow, we will launch a final general offensive."

"If you still can't break through the defense of the high elves, this war will come to an end."


The Zandalat special envoy Meng Zhaji stood up in astonishment and asked, "It's already reached this point, what is there to hesitate? The only choice is to go all out!"

Zormaz glanced at Mengzaji in a strange way: "Zandalari, are you teaching me how to do things?"


It was only then that Mengzaji realized that he had crossed the line. Whether to fight or not was Dakalai's internal matter. According to the rules, as an outsider, he had no right to intervene.

Even though the Zandalari are nominally the suzerain clan of Drakkari.


Zormaz snorted coldly with disdain: "Winter is coming, we have lost a lot of manpower in this war, it's time for a truce."

"Taking advantage of this winter's truce, King Malak intends to negotiate with the high elves to see if they can take Dak'Saron Fortress back through peaceful means."

"If not... it won't be too late to fight again in the spring of next year."

There was a glimmer of haze in Meng Zhaji's eyes, but he couldn't say much at the moment.

"...a wise decision, I have no doubts."

'Zul, what are you doing? Why hasn't the golden fleet you promised come yet! '

Mengzaji, who was trapped inland, didn't know that Zul's golden fleet was stopped at sea by Kul Tiras, who was out of the best.

After curing the wounded high elf soldiers who were not seriously injured, in order to maintain a good relationship with the furbolg allies, Sharlayan did not favor one over the other, and healed a group of grizzly-throated furbolgs after a rest.

When night fell, the exhausted Sharlayan hunched back to his tent.

Just as he fell on Valeera's lap and was about to fall asleep in seconds, Valeera's toned thigh muscles suddenly tightened, and Sharlayan, whose mind was in a mess, immediately became alert.

After identifying who came, Valeera regained her composure, and took the initiative to pull Sarlayan, who was about to get up, back to her lap and lie down.

"Oh hoo?"

Tina Gosa raised her eyebrows, and looked at her sister with a playful look.

'Even the brainless Valeera has learned to take the initiative, and you still plan to watch from the side? '

Stellagosa noticed her younger sister's gaze and glared at her angrily.

'I want you to control! I have my own plan. '

Valeera gently helped Salayan press her temples, and said calmly to the outside: "Please come in."

"excuse me."

The curtain of the tent was lifted, and a figure covered in snow came in.

"Earl Deep Shadow, Backlight Blade has important information to submit."


The drowsy Sharlayan had exhausted too much mental power and heard the key words, so he tried to get up, but was pushed back mercilessly by Valeera.


Shaking his head with a wry smile, Sharlayan simply maintained this impolite posture and asked feebly: "Try to explain briefly, as you can see, my condition is not very good."


The person who came lifted the windshield hood on his head, revealing his iconic red hair.

This man is the red-haired Yatra, the chief thief of the Backlighting Blade in Northrend.

After returning to the camp, Yatra, who was good at collecting intelligence, had already heard about Sharlayan's feat today.

Healed two batches of wounded soldiers from the high elves and furbolgs in one go. Yatra could understand Sharlayan's poor state at this time, and didn't care about his impolite hospitality.

"My rogues have located the Zandalar envoy."


A gleam of light flashed in Sharlayan's cloudy eyes.

"Valeira, my mind is a little blurry, so I won't forget it when I wake up, please help me record it."

Valeera: "OK."

Listening to Yatra's report, Sharlayan slowly fell into a deep sleep surrounded by the faint fragrance lingering at the tip of his nose, as if listening to a lullaby.

Valeera is still silently listening to and recording the information submitted by Yatra.

Stellagosa came over at the right time, knelt down beside the sleeping Sharlayan, and covered his forehead with the white jade hand that exuded a faint blue light.

Valeera just glanced at Little Xingxing and said nothing.

Without raising her head, Stellagosa continued to cast spells to speed up Sharlayan's recovery speed of mental power.

"Tsk tsk~"

Little Tina sat in a corner of the tent and watched this scene with a smile: "I really enjoyed it, but it's a pity that I didn't feel it at all."


When Sharlayan awoke from his deep sleep, the sky had already brightened again.

Valeera and Stellagosa were gone, only Tinagosa was sleeping on top of him, drooling.


The battle roar from outside the city made Sa Lei'an tremble, and he jumped up and rushed out of the tent with Tinagosa in his arms.

Sure enough, after yesterday's short rest, the flames of war were ignited again.

Cirvanas, who had recovered from his injuries, was still standing on the city wall alive and well, directing the battle while constantly pulling the string of Quel'Thalas' golden bow.

When the enemy met, they were extremely jealous.

A few days ago, he suffered a big loss under Ques Luen, and Cirvanas, who refused to admit defeat, made up his mind to get back this place.

Tinagosa, the **** of sleep, seemed completely unable to hear the shouts of killing outside, and had no sense of changes in the surrounding environment, allowing Salayan to carry it on his shoulders and run around.

Jumping onto the top of the already riddled city wall, five giant beasts entered Sharlayan's sight one after another.

The wind snake Quesluen was restrained by Cirvanas' pervasive and deadly chain of arrows, and was temporarily unable to rush up the wall.

Valeera, with the cooperation of Yatra and the Backlight Blades, played hide-and-seek with the snow leopard Hakeya and her offspring... the kind that would cost her life.

The mammoth Toss originally planned to hit the city wall on a rampage, but before he could speed up, the morning vanguard army that came diagonally blocked the path of the giant mammoth.

The rhinoceros Akali was lifted into the air by Stellagosa's gravity spell and then fell down. If his own defense was not high enough, his internal organs might have been severely damaged.

Except for Siletus, who stayed on the northern front, and Saronya, who played intensively a few days ago, all the Loa in Dakarai appeared on the battlefield.

The giant bear Lennok was unstoppable, standing upright in front of the city wall, slapping each palm, each palm could continue to sag the already overwhelmed city wall.

Salayan didn't care about talking nonsense, and pinched Tinagosa's nose to force her to wake up.

"No no no! What are you doing!"

The little blue dragon, who hadn't had enough sleep, puffed out his mouth unhappily, and stared at Sharlayan in a daze.

"I don't have time to mess around with you."

Patting Tina's little head, Sharlayan said solemnly: "You can be a magic fort in the magister team, don't show your head, I'm going out to meet the enemy too."


Tina Gosa rubbed her eyes and looked out of the city: "It's here again... These trolls really Alright~ Don't worry about me, just go about your business and be careful~"

Sharlayan twitched the corner of his mouth and showed a short smile, and then his face turned cold.

"Five loa go up together, did the dog jump over the wall in a hurry?"

"Okay, let's let you go crazy one last time."


While jumping off the city wall, Sharlayan pinpointed the place where there were the most trolls, launched the heroic leap and let out a dragon's roar in mid-air.


Before landing, Sharlayan quickly completed the transformation, and a bear with a big **** crashed into the position.

"Come on! Giant bear Roarennok, let me weigh you!"

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