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Chapter 563: Darkan: Swing!

Quel'Thalas, Silvermoon City, the Court of the Sunstrider.

Sharlayan was busy outside, and Kael'thas, who was sitting in the country, was also not easy.

Don't look at those old nobles who have been sitting on the mountain and empty mountains and sky, they have lost their power. The background accumulated over thousands of years is not a joke. There are shadows of them in all aspects of high elf society.

Under the obstruction of these dead centipedes, the progress of Kael'thas' reform was extremely slow.

Under the secret instigation of some people, there was even a large-scale civil protest in Silvermoon City.

In fact, this is also very understandable.

In the words of barrage, it is not so easy for a person who has been lying down for a long time to stand up again.

The people of Quel'Thalas have long been accustomed to high-welfare and low-intensity work, and they have been living like this for thousands of years.

Now that Azeroth is surging, the high elves can't help but continue to enjoy it.

The Burning Legion outside the territory is gearing up, and the ancient gods hiding in the dark of the planet are also eyeing them. Internal and external troubles are coming one after another.

According to the plan of Sharlayan and Kael'thas, after the Second Orc War ends and Azeroth returns to peace, Quel'Thalas will take advantage of this period of peace to carry out drastic reforms, so that those who are accustomed to lying flat The people stood up and struggled again.

Of course, this is not easy. Youdao is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.

Sarlayan's strength lies in planning the overall situation, and he is not good at practical affairs in internal affairs.

He still needs to seek the help of barrage to manage his own territory, let alone manage the entire country.

In terms of internal affairs, Sharlayan can't help much, and can only rely on Kael'thas' own efforts.

Fortunately, the old king had already laid the groundwork for Kael'thas before he abdicated, and he brutally attacked the most stubborn conservative aristocratic forces in the country.

Human inertia is the scariest thing.

After Kael'thas came to power, there was still great resistance from the people to reform, but at least the high-level officials headed by the Silver Moon Council basically stood on the side of supporting the reform.

While fighting against the interference of the remnants of the old aristocratic forces, it is discussing with the Silvermoon Council to formulate new policies with difficulty.

The overwhelmed Kael'thas truly experienced the difficulties his father had faced.

But this didn't make him flinch, instead it inspired the stubbornness in Kael'thas's bones.

In his busy schedule, the battle reports from the front line became one of Kael'thas' pastimes to relieve stress.

"Ha ha!"

Putting aside the good news from the front line that had just reached him two minutes ago, Kael'thas laughed heartily.

"This battle is finally won! Well done!"

Although he didn't say anything, Kael'thas was actually quite pessimistic about the situation in Northrend.

The main force of the expedition to Northrend was only more than half of the ranger troops and the Dawn Vanguard Legion, which was newly built a few years ago, plus a small number of magister troops and a group of arcane puppets who were later reinforced.

These are all the manpower support that the Northrend pioneer army can get.

Fortunately, the material is still very sufficient, and the wealthy Quel'Thalas is really not short of money.

In order to prevent the remnants of the old nobles from jumping over the wall in a hurry, the four major legions dare not leave Silvermoon City without authorization.

Thanks to the elite troops guarding Silvermoon City, those old nobles who were forced to the corner never dared to really turn their tables. They could only watch helplessly as the Sunstrider royal family and the Silvermoon Council eroded their advantageous industries bit by bit.

Both Kael'thas and the Silvermoon Council believe that stabilizing the domestic situation is more important, and they cannot spare more manpower to support the remote Arctic continent.

Under the two-sided attack of the Drakkari trolls and the Iron Legion, Kael'thas thought that the newly built New Sandara City might suffer heavy damage, but he did not expect a surprising report from the front line.

The defenders on the Eastern Front struggled until the reinforcements from Kul Tiras headed north. Drakalai, instigated by the Zandalari, was repulsed by the coalition forces. Malak, the Frost King, had submitted a peace petition to New Sandalar.

From point to point, the ending of the Eastern Front made Loken, who was already suspicious, use the **** to go down the donkey and withdraw the Iron Legion that went deep into Crystalsong Forest.

So far, the city of New Sandara has truly gained a firm foothold in Northrend.

The engineering puppets are still building and strengthening the defense line day and night. After this crisis, it will not be so easy to overthrow this emerging city in the future.

"A peace agreement..."

After being happy, Kael'thas regained his composure and carefully read the document that Bod Linyu sent back intact.

Kael'thas had stayed in Dalaran for a long time, and was squeezed out by his colleagues in the Kirin Tor Council, unable to grasp the power of Dalaran.

With nothing to do, he has a lot of free time to read books, and he is proficient in many foreign languages ​​such as the common language of mankind, troll language, dwarf language, dwarf language, and Titan language.

The words used in the documents of the Frost Trolls are slightly different from those of the Forest Trolls, but overall they are similar and it is not difficult to understand.

As the saying goes, a dead duck has a hard mouth.

The Drakkari troll also knew that they were the losers in this war. Although the loss was not bad, they still lost in the end.

The loser pays the winner. This is the rule of war that has never been changed in Azeroth for thousands of years.

In the document, Malak talked about him left and right, repeatedly mentioning that the two sides did not really decide the outcome, and he only wanted to stop the fight in order to reduce each other's losses.

Just listen to this kind of unnutritious car wheel talk. Anyone in the know knows what the actual situation is. Malak just wants to reduce his own compensation.


"I am here, Your Majesty, please command."

Kael'thas passed the document to Calponia, who was busy at the desk: "You are in charge of the negotiation, and try to squeeze as much compensation from the frost troll as possible."


After receiving the new order, Carbonia got up and left the parliament hall, stepping on a pair of high heels and heading towards the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Li Reisa, who was in charge of military affairs, still asked calmly: "Your Majesty, since the war is over, do we still need to send more troops to Crystalsong Forest?"

"Hmm..." Kael'thas lowered his head and pondered for a moment: "We in the rear don't know the situation on the front line, so let's ask Lin Yu and Sharlayan for their opinions first."

In private, many people refer to Sarlayan as the Little Earl of Deep Shadow, which is to distinguish him from Villes Deep Shadow.

Kael'thas didn't like to underestimate his title, so he simply called Sharlayan by his first name.

At the beginning, the Silvermoon Council was very dissatisfied with this, and was also secretly surprised by Sarlayan's position in the heart of the new king.

However, no matter how the council members asked in turn, Kael'thas always insisted on his own opinion, and as time passed, the council members didn't bother to persuade him anymore.


Kael'thas couldn't help laughing when he thought of the many efforts Sharlayan had made for this war, and even the possible future wars in Northrend.

"Sharlayan has made great contributions again this time, Councilor Windrunner, do you think I should promote his title or official position?"


Li Reisa frowned and considered for a while: "It still depends on His Majesty's own opinion, I think it's fine."

Kael'thas rolled his eyes angrily: "If you say it, it means you didn't say it... Chairman Drahir, what do you think?"


Your Excellency the speaker, who has been playing soy sauce in the parliament, did not expect Kael'thas to throw the question on his head, and he was stunned for a moment before giving an answer with a smile.

"I think it's better to redefine the authority of the little Earl of Deep Shadow. He has only stayed in the camp of the Morning Herald Legion for a few days throughout the year. The position of regiment commander is not worthy of the name."

One thing to say, Darkan's suggestion is actually quite pertinent.

Sharlayan himself also felt that he should not continue to hang on to this military post, and planned to take the time to suggest to Kael'thas that Liadrin should take his place after returning.

"Well, it makes sense."

Kael'thas continued to ask playfully: "What position does the speaker think he should be promoted to?"


Darkan lowered his head and considered for a while: "Little Earl Deep Shadow is very good at speculating and guiding the general, but he is not very good at details."

"How about giving him an official position such as a senior staff officer or strategic advisor, and he will be directly responsible to the royal family in the future?"

"A strategic advisor..."

Kael'thas's heart moved, and he looked at the seemingly loyal Darkan calmly.

‘I have to admit that this guy’s ability is indeed outstanding, but unfortunately...’

"Then let's make a tentative decision like this first... Solanlia, you can discuss it with the General Affairs Department and find out a suitable official position for Sharlayan."

Solanli nodded calmly: "Yes, Your Majesty."

After this brief conversation ended, Dar'Khan closed his eyes again to rest his mind, as if he didn't notice Kael'thas' meaningful look at him at all.

'This old fox is really difficult to deal with. '

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