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Chapter 567: Intestines are green

After Kael'thas ascended the throne, the biggest change in Quel'Thalas was infrastructure.

Thanks to the cement and asphalt provided by the Earl of Deep Shadow, the stone main road running through the entire Eversong Forest has been strengthened, and at the same time it is strong, beautiful and durable, and there is no need to replace the broken stone slabs as frequently as before.

With Quel'Thalas opening to the outside world and reconnecting with the world, the number of caravans traveling to and from Eversong Forest has risen sharply.

Dalaran, Kul Tiras, Stormgard, Gilneas, Gnomeregan, and Khaz Modan, etc., most countries in the Eastern Kingdoms maintain close business ties with Quel'Thalas.

Even Lordaeron, who has always been at odds with the high elves, has to hold his nose and give in in this regard.

Now Lordaeron is undercurrents, and money is needed in every aspect, no matter how stupid Terenas is, he will not be troubled by money.

In the final analysis, Lordaeron's financial difficulties were caused by itself.

Every year, a large amount of tax revenue from the Kingdom of Lordaeron is donated to orc shelters all over the place.

When the orc shelter was first established, Terenas intended to let all alliance member states share the maintenance cost, thereby weakening the national strength of other countries and making them more dependent on Lordaeron, so as to complete their own goal of unifying the human countries ambition.

But his bad move directly forced Kul Tiras away, and Stormgard and Gilneas also quit the alliance because they didn't get the interests of Alterac.

In the past, Dalaran, a big dog family, helped Lordaeron share part of the financial pressure caused by the orc shelters.

After breaking up with Dalaran, the cost of maintaining the orc shelter fell on the head of Lordaeron. The huge financial pressure made Terenas unable to eat or sleep well, and his hair, which was not much at all, was even more crazy drop.

At this juncture, if he dared to cut off the trade with Quel'Thalas, those nobles who were living a tight life would be able to show him a show of restraint in minutes.

After paving the concrete avenue extending from Silvermoon City to the gate of Salas, Kael'thas was not satisfied with it.

He very much agreed with what Sharlayan said.

If you want to get rich, build roads first.

Having roads extending in all directions can speed up the speed of caravan exchanges and the circulation of wealth.

In the past, the wealth of Quel'Thalas went to the rich, because of the peach-sharing policy left by Dath'Remar, the rich were nobles and commoners, and the property that the royal family and the treasury could control was not very rich.

Kael'thas benefited from the road construction. The more caravans came and went, the more business taxes Quel'Thalas treasury received.

Without doing anything, Kael'thas waved his hands proudly and ordered the powerful lords in the country to pave all the roads connecting the major villages and towns in Quel'Thalas with cement.

Kael'thas' original intention was to collect taxes, but the smooth roads also brought many additional benefits.

In the past, the roads connecting villages and towns were all dirt roads, which would turn into muddy ponds when it rained, seriously hindering caravan exchanges and people's travel, and even affecting the patrols of security forces.

After the concrete road was repaired, the rich and leisured civilians in Quel'Thalas became willing to move around, and they were no longer just huddled in their own one-acre three-point land.

As the saying goes, circulation brings wealth.

The Windrunner family has reaped the biggest dividends from this wave of road construction.

Sarlayan gave Vereesa an idea a few years ago, asking her to develop tourist attractions in the coastal territory of the Windrunner family in advance.

Vereesa did as she did, and as the cement road got longer and longer, the Windrunner family gradually felt the benefits of circulation, and the beach attractions that had already been developed made a lot of money.

Vereesa, who has always had tight hands, was so happy that she could not close her mouth from ear to ear. Li Reza, who was a member of the council in Silvermoon City, also relaxed a lot. The mansion of the Windrunner family in Silvermoon City has also undergone a round of renovations. .

Now fewer and fewer people are mocking Li Reisa as a mud-legged congressman, and more and more people are saying sourly behind her back that she is an upstart.

The nobles around Windrunner's territory will inevitably be jealous of their income, and they also know who brought this wealth.

Those neighbors who played tricks in front of Sharlayne all regretted it. How much they hoped that the wealth gained by the Windrunner family would be their own.

Who knows who leaked the news, the news of Sharlayan's return has already spread throughout the Eversong Forest.

Regardless of the north and the south, the nobles with fiefs are looking forward to talking with the Earl of Deep Shadow, who has the ability to turn stones into gold, so that they can spiral into the sky like a windrunner who is getting rich.

After returning home this time, Sharlayan expected that he would not travel around the world for a long time.

Even if he wanted to go out, at most he would visit friendly and allied countries, and discuss with the leaders of various countries on behalf of Kael'thas, who could not walk around at will, the trend of the international situation and countermeasures in the next few years.

This means that he has plenty of time to deal with domestic affairs slowly, and there is no need to rush for a while.

Silvermoon City is still so majestic, and it hasn’t changed much from the last time Sharlayan left, except that the huge statue outside the Shepherd’s Gate has been replaced by Kael’thas from Anasteria, representing The change of kingship.

The return of Sharlayan from the expedition to Northrend touched the nerves of many people.

Not only the high-level officials of the kingdom are eager to learn the details of the Battle of Crystalsong Forest from him, but the civilians who watch the excitement are also very interested in this legion commander who expanded the territory of Quel'Thalas .

Sharlayan has gradually emerged with his own abilities, and with the endorsement of the two Sun Kings of Anasteria and Kael'thas, the people are less and less concerned about his half-elf blood.

After all, Mu Qiang is the nature of intelligent creatures. As long as you can show strong abilities, people's prejudice against blood will eventually be suppressed by Mu Qiang's nature.

After entering Silvermoon City in a carriage, Sarlayan and the others saw through the lathe many people walking out of their homes to watch the fun. Some bold women even held their underwear in their hands and waved them in the wind, just wanting to see the famous semi Elf General.

Of course, it is best to develop some super-friendship relationships, which can also be used as talking points at ladies' parties.

Sharlayan was very displeased with the corrupt social atmosphere in Silvermoon City, and Kael'thas had long been determined to change the status quo.

But the road still has to be taken step by step, and if you take too many steps, you will definitely get stuck.

Under the watchful eyes of Stellagosa and Valeera, Salayan put down the car curtain seemingly calmly.

Onyxia laughed unscrupulously, and Tinagosa took off a piece of female underwear that still retained some warmth from Salayan's head, dumbfounded.

"Are people in Silvermoon City so enthusiastic? This is too..."

Tinagosa didn't know how to use adjectives, and she grunted for a while with a weird expression.



Valeera folded her hands on her chest expressionlessly: "His Majesty Kael'thas has always wanted to rectify Quel'Thalas...especially the corrupt atmosphere in Silvermoon City and the northern towns of Eversong Forest."

"This bad custom of throwing underwear for **** should have been banned a long time ago. Unfortunately, His Majesty has not been able to spare time to fully implement the rectification campaign."

Sharlayan still maintained a calm smile and said, "Since we have returned, that day will not be too far away."

Watched by a large number of people, the luxury carriage dedicated to the royal family stopped at the large square in front of the Sunstrider King's Court.

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, Sarlayan got off the carriage, with a formulaic smile on his face, and waved to the applauding crowd standing outside the isolated area of ​​the square.

A small group of law-breakers respectfully welcomed Sarlayan and the others into the royal court. Kael'thas and the Silvermoon Council had already received the news, and temporarily put aside their work and went to the audience hall to welcome Sarlayan's return~www.wuxiamtl. com~ Ignoring the dissuading eyes of the members of Silver Moon, Kael'thas showed a bright smile on his face, and hugged Sharlayan after a long absence.

"Welcome back, our heroes, thank you for your hard work."

Bode Linyu had already sent back the battle report of the Crystalsong Forest battle, but how could the dry written report be compared to the personal account of the person involved.

Even Darkan, who always drank tea to refresh himself at work, looked at Sharlayan curiously, and silently listened to his detailed description of the battle in Crystalsong Forest.

Bode Linyu's battle report is very short, it just briefly talks about the major events in the war, and in order to avoid too long, the process is all mentioned in one stroke.

Constantly bombarded by lightning cannons, the endangered New Sandara, the reawakened ancient Vrykul king, the crumbling Windrunner's Wall, the loa's cluster impact, and the instigation of the Zandalari envoy behind it.

Sarlayan narrated these magnificent events in detail, and Valeera, Stellagosa and others added from the sidelines that the Sun King and the members of the Silvermoon Council had constructed a Northrend continent that was very close to the real one.

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