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Chapter 574: Those who know current affairs are Junjie

In the battle of Zul'Aman that year, most of the Amani high-ranking officials died together with the warlord Dakala. Only the Bobcat Priest Halraz and the Dragon Eagle Priest Gayalai led their headquarters to escape by chance.

Without the base of Zul'Aman, the remnants of the Amani are just rootless weeds.

The Amani remnants living under the fence are very difficult. Under the blow of ruthless reality, the arrogance of being the suzerain clan of forest trolls has long disappeared.

Moss-rot trolls are also a large clan of forest trolls.

Mossrot trolls have slightly duller green skin compared to the Amani clan.

Except for the most eye-catching towering altar, there are no stone buildings in Zumashal, and there are dilapidated wooden shacks everywhere.

Not to mention comparing with the high elves, the demolished ruins of Zul'Aman are more civilized than here.

From this, it can be seen how miserable the Mossy troll lived under the oppression of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

It is no wonder that they have such a deep hatred for humans, even above the feud of the high elves.

There is a saying that a tiger falls in Pingyang and is bullied by dogs.

Gaialai and Halraz today can certainly understand the meaning of this sentence.

After the death of Warlord Dakala, the Amani fell completely, and their capital Zu'Aman was ordered to be demolished by Kael'thas.

After the altars of Dragon Eagle and Lynx Loa collapsed, Jayalai and Harraz who usurped the power of the two Loa were instantly beaten back to their original forms.

With the blessing of Loa's power, they barely have the strength close to the legendary level.

But now, these two are just ordinary elite priests.

Fortunately, the chieftain and chief witch doctor of the Rotten Moss troll led the troops, otherwise these Amani trolls who were starved and emaciated would not dare to resist at all.

The young and strong of the Rotten Moss clan went out with the chief and the witch doctor, and those who stayed in Zumashal were mostly old and young, women and children.

With the moss troll's current strength staying behind, it is impossible to beat the brightly armored dragon knight.

The person who knows current affairs is Junjie, and the retired old witch doctor of the previous generation ordered without hesitation to hunt and kill the Amani troll who had avoided disaster here. Deliver them to the high elves in exchange for the safety of their people.

The Moss troll didn't have a good impression of this group of distant relatives.

When they first escaped, these Amani trolls always put on a haughty look when facing them.

Under the pressure of life, Amani gradually lowered his proud head and became low-key and pragmatic.

As long as this group of people is still supported, the Rotten Moss troll will need to pay extra for food, which will undoubtedly make things worse for the Rotten Moss troll who are not rich.

The old witch doctor had a wealth of experience in life, and he knew what the chief was up to, and what he wanted was nothing more than a title.

As long as the suzerain clan Amani is still there, the moss trolls can command the forest trolls under the banner of Amani.

As for whether other clans will listen, that is another matter.

After all, fame is just fame, and forest trolls don't really regard fame as more important than strength.

In the final analysis, it still depends on whose fist is bigger.

Fame can only be used to make a final decision when there is no difference in strength, and it cannot help the Moss troll improve its immediate combat power.

The old witch doctor saw clearly.

Although the Ratmoss clan is relatively prosperous, under the long-term suppression of Lordaeron, they are unable to compete with the Deadwood and Xiezhi clans that occupy the Nuoda territory.

Now that the high elves had come to the door and asked them to hand over the Amani remnants by name, the old witch doctor would certainly not be stupid, so he decided to do so without saying a word.

Right now, he can only pray to the loa gods he believes in, hoping that the high elves will keep their promises, capture the remnants of Amani and release the old, weak, sick and disabled of Zumashaer.

Sharlayan and the Red Dragon Knight hovered in the air and watched the chickens peck each other.

Although the chief of the Rotten Moss clan had other plans for the Amani who had defected to him, there was a difference between closeness and estrangement after all.

As the leader of the Rotten Moss clan, he first needs to feed his own clansmen, and the surplus food will be distributed to the Amani trolls who live here.

As a result, most of the Amani trolls are yellow and thin, and only a few high-status leaders such as Halraz and Gaialai look slick.

Losing the power of Loa, Jayalai and Harraz seemed to have lost their previous self-confidence. They behaved very poorly on the battlefield, and were beaten by the old witch doctor alone.

In the end, the old witch doctor took advantage of an opening that Halaz had revealed, and quickly cast a spell that turned him into a hopping frog.

Then it changed hands and it was a chain lightning that had been charged for a long time.

The panic-stricken Halaz subconsciously fled in the direction of Gajalai, just in time to run into the ejection range of the chain lightning.

The electric arc jumped back and forth between Halraz and Gayalai. Gayalai, who was trapped by the pig teammate, wanted to roar and complain, but at this time his whole body was so shocked that he couldn't move, and he couldn't even say a word. come out.

The two leaders were easily defeated in two-for-one. The Amani troll, who was already so hungry that his hands and feet were weak, suddenly lost the will to resist, dropped their crude weapons and surrendered.


The old witch doctor was old, and although he still had experience, time was not forgiving. After the battle, he was holding his staff and panting tiredly.

The mossy troll is so good, Sharlayan is not going to break his promise.

Under the pleading gaze of the old witch doctor, Sharlayan waved his hand to signal the dragon knights to go down and arrest people.

The Red Dragon Knights are well-trained and follow orders and prohibitions.

They ignored the old, weak, sick and disabled of the Rottenmoss clan who ran away screaming, and specifically targeted the Amani trolls.

Each young dragon can grab two people at once with its thick hind paws.

Following Sharlayan's orders, the Dragon Knights threw the howling Amani trolls into the forest outside Zuma'shal, leaving a small number of guards behind while others continued to do repetitive work.

"Oni, take this and run to the gate of Salas for me."

Sharlayan gave Onyxia a badge bearing the crest of the Sunstrider's phoenix.

Onyxia immediately guessed Sharlayan's plan: "Let the Saras gate send someone to take the prisoners?"

"Yes, remind them not to kill these Amani trolls."

"These people are evidence that we have sent troops to help Lordaeron. After the riot subsides, we will let the people of Lordaeron see it."


Onyxia pointed at Sharlayan with a half-smile: "You're getting worse and worse...but I like it, let's go."

As Dereza predicted, this special military operation did not take much time and effort.

With the assistance of the border guards at the gate of Saras, the group of Amani trolls who escaped at the beginning were finally captured and brought to justice, and they were able to successfully master the Master with their compatriots.

Kael'thas did not slaughter all the Amani trolls after his victory at the Battle of Zul'Aman.

He just ordered the beheading of the trolls with a strong will to resist, leaving those captives who were submissive.

These captives are distributed in many mines in Eversong Forest, engaged in heavy mining work.

Although they lost their freedom and became slaves, they still had enough to eat, and they might live better than the fugitives who escaped from Zumashar.

When Sharlayan quickly settled the matter, Valeera, who escorted the grain caravan to Stratholme City, also opened.

Sure enough, the grain transport caravan was attacked by a round of attacks just as they walked near the Beidi sentry tower.

Most of the remaining soldiers in the Northland sentry tower were taken away by Baron Rivendell, leaving only a dozen or so soldiers.

When the caravan arrived at the Northland sentry tower, these soldiers had already died, and the perpetrators were still entrenched around the watchtower and did not leave.

In this round of attack, Valeera did not personally attack, and the thieves of Backlight Blade also obeyed the order and remained restrained, sneaking by the side without moving.

Li Reisa arranged a hundred regular troops as guards for this grain caravan. These bandits wandering in the mountains were no match for the Quel'Thalas regular army.

After trying to hit the stone with pebbles, the bandits left more than 20 corpses and fled.

Valeera guessed that this round of attack was just a trial, to test the combat effectiveness of the caravan guards.

Just as Valeera expected, the caravan encountered an even stronger ambush when they continued to move forward and arrived at the last fork in front of the gate of Stratholme.

This time it wasn't a human bandit, it was a real demon who attacked.

Under the shout of a doomsday guard, more than 20 demon guards jumped out from behind the col at the same time, raising their giant swords to charge the caravan.

The caravan guards have been notified long ago that the road will never be peaceful.

After being attacked, they didn't panic, and put on a defensive posture as usual, and they just entangled those aggressive demon guards.

"Valeera, are we going to make a move too?"

"No hurry, wait a little longer."

Valeera narrowed her eyes and looked at the leading doomsday guard: "This guy probably isn't the real leader. Be vigilant and don't be caught by the demons hiding in the dark."


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