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Chapter 576: fat bear

The demon ambush team led by many dread demon kings thought that my destiny was my destiny, but they didn't know that their every move had already been predicted by the high elves.

Facing the bandits from the northern sentry tower before, the guards behaved quite well. They were deliberately hiding and preparing to fish and enforce the law.

The dreaded demon king, who has always been good at calculating people with his mind and heart, fell into a trap carefully designed by someone because of insufficient information.

When they tried to obliterate the grain caravan with all their strength, Backlight Blade, who was hiding in the dark and waiting for an opportunity, finally took action.

Valeera was the first to set an example, taking out a Dreadlord with three strikes and five divisions.

The thieves of Backlight Blade scattered around, finding enemies that fit their strengths and positioning to assassinate.

The entry of Backlight Blade completely disrupted the situation.

The Burning Legion, who thought they were sure of winning, suddenly panicked, and the situation was out of their control.

After the Backlight Blade was shot, the regular troops of the food **** team no longer kept it, showing the true combat effectiveness of Quel'Thalas' elite troops.

Under double-teaming, the demon ambush team caught off guard was almost defeated in an instant.

A dreadlord who was significantly larger in size jumped out in time, and waved out a hypnotic fog to temporarily push back the fierce attack of the enemy.

"Retreat! We've been fooled!"

"Want to escape? Is it so easy?"

The cold voice from behind the Dreadlord Commander made his whole body stiffen.


Several sharp afterimages attacked the Dread Demon King Commander one after another, and with all his strength, he flapped his wings and dodged aside before the attack approached.


Apart from anything else, the commander turned into countless little bats on the spot.

Valeera, who failed in the sneak attack, did not waver, and calmly stared at the flight paths of those little bats.

No matter how many bats there are, they will eventually regroup.

As long as you don't be confused by the fancy scene in front of you, you can deduce where the enemy wants to go if you concentrate on capturing the direction of the bat's movement.

"right here!"

Seeing that the bats began to move closer to the same place, Valeera suddenly disappeared from where she was, and appeared in front of the Dreadlord who had just condensed her form again as if teleported.

Quelcella's changing dagger pierced the Dreadlord's arm in front of him one after the other.

Unable to hit the vital point, Valeera took advantage of the situation and twisted the two knives, smashing the muscles of the two forearms of the Dread Demon King.

Enduring the pain, the Dread Demon King used the big wings on his back to fan out a green hypnotic mist, forcing Valeera to retreat temporarily.

"Mortal! This grudge, I, Vargas, have written it down, and I will..."

"Will you m head!"


A huge black shadow suddenly descended from the sky, smashing Vargas, who hadn't finished speaking harshly, into the ground.

The corner of Valeera's mouth twitched: "This trick again..."

Since the last time he tasted the sweetness on the Northrend battlefield, Sharlayan has learned another trick, the big bear from the sky.

The principle is very simple. Use Thorny Whisperer's transformation ability to first turn into a flying bird and soar in the sky. After calculating the coordinates, use Ursoc to transform into a giant bear, aiming at the enemy and falling from the sky.

The bear's **** of Ursoc's avatar is big enough, and usually there is no need to worry about missing the enemy.

The giant bear has rough skin and thick flesh, strong muscles and internal organs, and excellent impact resistance. Even if it is dropped from a height of hundreds of meters, it will be fine. It is the enemy who has trouble.

After handing over the task of escorting the captives to the Red Dragon Knight, Sharlayan turned into a sharp-tailed swift and rushed over to support Valeera, while Stellagosa, Tinagosa, and Onyxia were still chasing after.


Turning into a puff of smoke and reverting back to human form, Sharlayan jumped out of the huge pothole he sat on.

Vargas? The lump of rotten flesh in the pit is nothing more than that. His soul has fled back to the Twisting Nether to wait for his resurrection.

The leaders were easily dealt with by the opponent like killing a chicken, and the remaining demons of the legion immediately lost their fighting spirit and launched a final charge like suicide, and were quickly killed by the guards of the grain transportation team.

Sharlayan motioned the wounded soldiers to gather around him, using the tranquility of the wide area to heal their wounds.

In the past, Sharlayan didn't like healing spells very much, but after actually getting them, he realized's really delicious.

He may not need it himself, but as long as there is a battlefield where Sharlayan exists, the survival rate of wounded soldiers will be greatly improved.

Today's Sharlayan is no longer fighting alone, even for the sake of relatives and friends around him, it is necessary to learn some healing spells.

Only relying on one move of Tranquility cannot meet the needs of the battlefield in various complicated situations. After all, this channeling skill still has great limitations.

Recently, Sharlayan was reading the study diary generously given by Malfurion, trying to practice Healing Touch and Rejuvenation, the basic healing spells of the two druids.

Both of these spells target a single target, and the Healing Touch can quickly heal the wounded wounds, and this treatment is a one-time treatment.

Rejuvenation... In terms of barrage, this skill is slow recovery, which can slowly and automatically recover the damage suffered by the subject within a period of time.

Sharlayan used the somewhat unfamiliar healing touch to name and take care of the soldiers who were seriously injured.

Valeera first went to Stratholme, where the gate was closed, with the badge of the Sunstrider royal family, called the door, and told the Stratholme administrator the news of the arrival of Quel'Thalas' food and grass support.

When Baron Rivendell was on the expedition, all affairs in the city were handed over to the Baroness Anastari to take care of them.

It's hard for a smart woman to cook without rice. Seeing that the food in the city is gradually bottoming out, Anastasia hasn't had a good rest for several days.

Once the food is exhausted, Anastasia can foresee that there will inevitably be larger-scale turmoil in the city.

There has been no news from the special envoy who rushed back to Lordaeron's royal city, and Baron Rivendell has not returned from the expedition. Anastari is almost desperate.

She convened discussions with the nobles in the city many times, urging them to consciously take out the food stored at home, so as to avoid riots in the city after the food ran out.

But in today's food shortage environment, it is obviously impossible for the nobles to readily take out their own food.

In their view, ensuring the survival of their family is the most important thing.

As for the civilians who are about to starve to death? None of my business, even if they were all dead, it would be Lord Rivendell's fault.

Of course, not all nobles only look at the short-term interests, and there are some people with a long-term vision. They know that failure to pay the grain will inevitably lead to more serious consequences.

Thanks to these nobles who understand righteousness, Anastasia delayed the food shortage for another 2 days.

But it has reached its limit even today.

All the nobles anticipated the coming storm, and without exception, they stayed behind closed doors.

Just when Anastari was about to return to the lord's mansion to strengthen the defense of the mansion, the guards at the gate of the city suddenly stumbled over.

"Ma'am, good news! Quel'Thalas...ahem! Quel'Thalas is here to support us!"


Anastasia looked at the weak city guard in disbelief with a very dark face.

"Can you say that again."


The iron fences on both sides of Stratholme's main gate were slowly opened, and the baroness personally brought the senior officials of Stratholme City to welcome them.

The information inside and outside Stratholme was secretly blocked by Vargas, and Anastari knew nothing about what happened to the outside world during this She knew Quel'Thalas before Los Angeles. Danlun Wangcheng was very confused when he came to deliver food.

Baron Rivendell is a military honor, and his internal affairs are relatively poor. He is usually handed over to his wife, Anastari.

As far as the baroness knew, King Terenas had been very displeased with Quel'Thalas since he withdrew from the Alliance.

Today, the relationship between the two countries has almost reached a freezing point.

Anastasia didn't want to maliciously speculate on the motives of the high elves, but when the information was unknown, she would inevitably have doubts.

When the baroness learned that the food needed to be purchased with money, she was relieved, at least the other party did not ask for nothing.

There is a saying that the most expensive things are free.

If the High Elves wouldn't make Stratholme pay, they'd be asking for something else in return.

Moreover, the reward Quel'Thalas is asking for must be higher than the value of money, and even, it is too high to be acceptable.

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