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Chapter 592: Tried and tested contradiction transfer method

The barrage laughed at Sharlayan's quick cowardice, and then began to seriously analyze the current situation of Lordaeron.

[Why do you feel that Lordaeron is very similar to a certain country on our side? There is a lot of mess in my country, and I still want to use old-fashioned contradictions to cover up the facts. 】

[emmmmm... you mean the lighthouse country of freedom and democracy? 】

【Who else? It is the country where Lao Ke Deng clenched his fist and the big one is coming. 】

[One thing to say, indeed. 】

[Don’t be too familiar with this method of using external conflicts to transfer internal conflicts, it’s the traditional arts of Western countries. 】

[Not to mention, Ah San next door has also learned this trick. When the new crown became serious, he began to hype the border conflict with us and divert domestic conflicts. 】

[Turning around is useless, the conflict is not resolved, and one day it will explode again. 】

[Others think this set is useful, what can you do? 】

[Not going so far, let’s talk back to Lordaeron. 】

[Thinking about it now, the series of tragic events in Lordaeron was actually quite inevitable. 】

【The common people will not be able to live anymore. Just at this time, a sect that preaches eternal life is introduced into Lordaeron. 】

[Yes, it is precisely because of Lordaeron's ugly appearance when it swallowed the kingdom of Alterac that they failed to get strong support from the alliance countries when they were in trouble. 】

[If Gilneas, Stormgard and Kul Tiras sent reinforcements in time, Lordaeron would not have fallen so quickly. 】

【In addition, Terenas was busy daydreaming all day long, neglected to teach Prince Alsace, and left him full authority to Uther, which led Alsace to finally go astray. 】

[The paladin teaching the crown prince is unreliable even after thinking about it. 】

[Uther can teach him the virtues of a paladin, but as the king of a country, virtue alone cannot govern the country well, and necessary tactics are also needed. 】

[Alsace is so well protected that it cannot accept the rapid blackening of reality when it encounters a major blow. 】

[Even without the secret instigation of the Demon King of Fear, this world's largest human country, which is troubled internally and externally, still looks like it is taking jujube pills. 】

[I have a hunch that Lordaeron in this time and space will be turmoil earlier in the original history. 】

[Future changes, who can say for sure now, let's wait and see. 】

The efficiency of sending letters in this era is very low. When Sharlayan received the letter sent from Andorhal through a secret channel, Onyxia had probably already arrived at the Royal City of Lordaeron.

The task of investigating the situation in Lordaeron is temporarily handed over to the super spy Onyxia, and Sharlayan doesn't think that anyone in Lordaeron can make things difficult for her.

During the week when the territory was being repaired, Kael'thas obtained the consent of the Silvermoon Council and officially issued a general order to open the sea.

In addition to the existing Sunsail Port, Quel'Thalas is expected to develop three more ports on the east and west coasts.

Sharlayan's "prediction" at the Lord's Conference came true. The three ports on the east coast were set in Zul'Aman (name tentative), Sangunar Viscounty (port name to be determined) and Darthwether Earldom. (port name to be determined).

Among the three ports in the west, one of them is located on Sunstrider Island where Faselin School of Magic is located, and the other two are located in the southern part of the forest. .

The nobles who started preparations in advance immediately cheered. Those who have money donate money, and those who have people donate people, and they do their best to contribute their own strength to the construction of various ports.

Sharlayan didn't pay attention to this matter the whole time, and was ready to set off for Boralus after recovering from his injuries.

Although it is called a mission, Sharlayan does not plan to go to Kul Tiras by boat with great fanfare through official channels, but visits in a private capacity.

Since they are not expected to stay in Boralus for a long time, both Valeera and Stellagosa are left in the country to deal with other chores.

Originally Sharlayan wanted to set off alone, but he couldn't stand Little Tina's soft-heartedness, so he had to take her into the portal together.

The elven beauty that Tina changed at the noble meeting was only a flash in the pan. After the meeting, she changed back to the appearance of a little dwarf again, sitting on Sharlayan's shoulders as always, happily shaking her short legs.

Compared with the vibrancy he felt when he came to Boralus last time, the capital of Kul Tiras seemed a little restless at this time.

Tinagosa looked around curiously: "Salayan, why do people here look restless? Has something happened?"

Sharlayan thoughtfully followed the eyes of a large number of citizens and looked overseas: "I guess, they should be worried about the decisive battle with Zandalari at sea."

Before setting off from Unicorn Town, Sharlayan received the information Valeera obtained through the channel of Backlight Blade.

Since yesterday morning, the Kul Tiras and Zandalari navies, who have been at odds for a long time, finally started the outpost of the final battle.

The two sides each hoarded hundreds of large and small warships near the battlefield, and fought fiercely in the strait between Kul Tiras and the Zandalar Islands.

Compared with this unprecedented naval battle, Lordaeron's previous privateer fleet of only a dozen ships was nothing short of trivial.

The Zandalari were once the world overlords who ruled all of Azeroth, and were severely damaged in the all-out war with the Aqir Empire.

This war led to the troll empire being surpassed by the newly rising night empire, and their dignity was even ruthlessly trampled under the feet of the proud Queen Azshara.

After the War of the Ancients ended, the ancient Kalimdor continent was divided, and the Night Empire ceased to exist.

After thousands of years of self-cultivation, Zandalar thought that the rain was over and he was doing well again, trying to support the forest trolls to revive the prestige of the troll empire.

It's a pity that they died before they could go out. Under the joint suppression of the high elf kingdom Quel'Thalas and the human empire Arathor, the forest trolls and the Zandalari coalition forces suffered a crushing defeat.

Afterwards, the blood trolls on the Zandalar Islands began to make troubles, and the Zandalari trolls had to return their main energy to their homeland.

In order to save his mother's soul, Sharlayan weakened the strength of the blood troll by mistake, giving the Zandalari the confidence to expand abroad again.

However, just after they released the golden fleet, they were strongly intercepted by Kul Tiras.

Kul Tiras is far inferior to the profound Zandalari Empire in terms of strength in land warfare, but in terms of naval warfare, Kul Tiras has never been afraid of any country since its founding.

In order to compete for maritime supremacy, Kul Tiras and Zandalar have been confronted and disputed for more than a year.

The losses on the Zandalar side are still unclear for the time being. The original development plan of Kul Tiras has been seriously hindered, even affecting the relationship between Kul Tiras and Quel'Thalas.

After returning from Northrend, Daelin first went to Dalaran to spit out Alsace who was stalking his precious daughter, and then finally made up his mind to join the Zandalar Golden Fleet. A break.

Daelin himself led the fleet at the front, and he had heard of Quel'Thalas being attacked by privateer fleets.

"Hmph! Terenas, that old boy, is getting more and more despicable."

Under the guidance of Queen Catherine who stayed in the palace Sharlayan turned into a griffin and set off with Tinagosa, and found Daelin's ship in the southwest corner of the Kul Tiras Islands. The flagship of the El Tiras Navy - Sea Kingship.

As the general flagship of Kul Tiras, Sea Throne is undoubtedly the warship with the most advanced design concept and the strongest firepower in this era.

The Majesty of the Sea is a standard three-masted galleon, which is a whole circle larger than the Mayflower, the flagship of the privateer fleet.

Equipped with 26 42-pounder guns (caliber 17.4 cm), 28 18-pounder guns (13.1 cm) and 44 small-caliber 6-pounder guns, this warship is an out-and-out sea fortress.

According to the barrage, the Majesty of the Sea is a relatively standard Galen sailing ship, which is a very classic gunboat style in the age of sails.

Compared with the Spanish galleons, which are more focused on boarding battles, the bow and stern of the galleons are not so high, and they will not be easily hit during long-range artillery battles.

As a negative example, the ship design of the Zandalari Gold Fleet is relatively close to the Spanish galleon. The design concept is to meet the hand-to-hand combat and maximize the physical advantage of the troll.

The sea decisive battle between Kul Tiras and Zandalar is very similar to the British-Western naval battle mentioned by the barrage. Two powerful navies with different naval warfare concepts are each proving their way on the sea.

But... Judging from the current battle situation, it is obvious that the Kul Tiras side has the upper hand.

Zandalari's ships were all heavy warships, carrying a large number of sailors, and their steering was not very flexible. They were beaten very embarrassingly by Kul Tiras' dexterous warships that focused on artillery battles, and they didn't even have a chance to get close.

Although the war has not yet been completely determined, the battle situation is already very clear.

If the Zandalari had no other trump card, they would definitely lose this naval battle.

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