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Chapter 595: Unexpanded ambition

Salayan always felt as if he had heard this name before, but he couldn't remember exactly where it was.

The omnipotent barrage netizens helped at this time.

[Sen Lucan? Isn't that the elemental entity created by the elements of Draenor in order to resist the invasion of evil energy and put all their eggs together to gather the power of the four elements? 】

[That's right, it's a pity that Sunluken was defeated by Gul'dan gathering a large number of warlocks from the tribe. The volcano it fell was later called Gul'dan's Hand. 】

[Since Senluken was shattered, the elements of Draenor and the orcs have lost the last trace of connection, and have been sluggish for a long time. 】

[However, after so many years, the elements that have been accumulating strength have recovered a bit of vitality, and the throne of elements should have reappeared. 】

[No problem, I remember that the Throne of Elements already existed when Outland was opened, but I don’t know when it reunited. 】

[What is the relationship between the fragments of Senluken and Kil'jaeden? Why did Garona ask Sharlayan to find it and bring it to the Throne of Elements? 】

[Who knows, Garona was forced to serve in the Shadow Council for a long time, maybe she has some secret information that we have no way of knowing. 】

[By the way, where did Garona go after she got rid of the soul control? I haven't heard any news about her in the past few years. 】

[Garona is a legendary thief, if she wants to hide it, no one will be able to find her. 】

[However, I prefer that Garona is secretly tracking Cho'gall's whereabouts. 】

[After finally getting rid of the soul **** that accompanied her for many years, she will definitely seek revenge from the Shadow Council that once tortured her, and Cho'gall is the best choice. 】

Sharlayan: "Cho'gall..."

Mentioning this name, Sharlayan was a little dumbfounded.

It's not clear how strong Choogall is, but his ability to escape can be regarded as astounding.

After being hunted down by Inas and Julian for a long time, Cugall was not caught. In the end, he got the help of N'Zoth and got rid of the pursuit in one fell swoop.

"But... maybe that's just the right thing to do."

Inas is an adult dragon, her strength is not something that Cho'gall can confront head-on.

In contrast, Garona is just a mortal, also at the legendary level, Cho'gall will not have much psychological burden when facing her, at least he will not run away.

Cho'gall has become a frightened bird, and will run away immediately when he hears any news related to Inas.

If it is replaced by Garona to track... maybe it will have a miraculous effect.

Sharlayan did not believe that N'Zoth would keep Cho'gall by his side forever.

Chess pieces are only valuable if they are released to make troubles.

Inas and Julian had given up on tracking Cho'gall, and sooner or later the two-headed ogre would reappear.

Once she gets information related to Cho'gall, Garona will definitely look for it as soon as possible.

In order to ensure a kill, Garona will probably contact someone she trusts.

Garona has many enemies in Azeroth, but not many friends. Except for Khadgar, there is only Sharlayan who guides her out of the prison of her soul.

As for the fragments of Luken, we can only wait until the next time the Dark Portal opens.

The Dark Portal was destroyed by Khadgar from the other side, but according to the information provided by the barrage, Khadgar's work was not perfect.

The main structure of the Dark Portal is still intact, and sooner or later the demons will find a chance to restart the Dark Portal and invade Azeroth again.

Considering this risk, the Kingdom of Stormwind has not relaxed its support for Fort Watcher.

Whenever there is any trouble at the Dark Portal, the Storm Kingdom, which has suffered a loss, will immediately spread the news to the entire Azeroth to ask for reinforcements.

After bidding farewell to Orfa, Sarean returned to Boralus with a heavy heart.

The capital city of Kul Tiras was still filled with an atmosphere of uneasiness and tension, and even Queen Catherine, who stayed in the palace to oversee the country, seemed restless.

Jaina was studying in Dalaran, and her younger brother Tandre was still young. When Dai Lin went out to fight, he could only hand over the responsibility of supervising the country to his wife Catherine.

However, Queen Catherine herself knew that she was not suitable for governing the country.

Most of the time, she will only control the final decision-making power, making decisions to implement the plans that the ministers have discussed.

After meeting Queen Catherine again, on the way back to the Quel'Thalas embassy, ​​Sharlayan was still recalling the experience of meeting the queen before.

"Lady Ashvane..."

Lady Ashvane, formerly known as Priscilla Ashvane, is the head of the Ashvane family among the four major families in Kul Tiras.

The original head of the Ashvane family, Priscilla's husband, was targeted by the Zandalari gold fleet while he was out doing business, and unfortunately died in the sea.

With Daelin's permission, Priscilla inherited her husband's title and business, and stopped the decline of the Ashvane family with a strong hand.

This Lady Ashvane was the best friend of Queen Catherine and a capable advisor.

When Catherine wavers on whether to approve the policies submitted by the ministers, Lady Ashvane will give timely advice to help Queen Catherine make a choice.

No kidding, during the period when Dai Lin went out to fight, it was not so much Queen Catherine who was in charge of the country, but actually this enterprising lady who made decisions.

According to the information provided by the Boralus branch of the Blade of the Backlight, most of the policy suggestions provided by Lady Ashvane are fair, but when it comes to policies related to her own industry, she will be biased without any trace .

According to the barrage, after Daelin's death in the original history, the Ashvane family unsurprisingly seized the regency behind the scenes, and the puppet king Catherine almost obeyed Priscilla.

As House Stormsong and House Waycrest struggled, Kul Tiras became the voice of House Ashvane.

But that was on the premise that Dai Lin died and Jaina dared not return to the country due to guilt.

Daelin on this timeline is still fierce and fierce. Even if he dies unfortunately, the throne will be handed over to the first successor Jaina in a logical manner.

Jaina is not as incompetent as Catherine. It is undoubtedly a dream for Ashvane to step on her head as a regent.

When Sarlayan met Catherine these days, she repeatedly reminded her by insinuating, but the incompetent queen didn't hear the vigilance in his words, and instead alarmed Ashfan.

Priscilla came to the Quel'Thalas embassy in person, and had a friendly communication with Sharlayan for 2 hours.

Not quote friendly.

Ashvane in this period was not as ambitious as the barrage said, ignoring the Proudmoore family.

Daelin was still there, and Ashfan knew that he could not really get the regency, so he still restrained himself in his actions, and didn't want to cause discord with Catherine because of Sharlayan.

‘Let’s remind Daelin the next time we have an interview. Even if they are the queen’s best friend, the Ashvane family has obviously overreached. '

'But... does Daelin really know nothing about this? I always feel that something is wrong. '

Tinagosa originally planned to have a good time in this harbor city, but the atmosphere in the city was a little breathless, so Tinagosa could only reluctantly postpone the time of the play plan.

After a period of cultivation, Sharlayan's body has already recovered, and his overdrawn vitality has also been replenished.

While waiting for the outcome of the naval battle in Kul Tiras for 5 days, while maintaining daily contact with Queen Catherine, he remotely controlled the affairs in his own territory.

As expected, those guys who wanted to do business without capital couldn't help jumping out, and Vereesa was notified in time by the well-prepared Backlight Blade thieves that the Ranger Ranger stationed in Unicorn Town sent them out The cunning person grabbed the right crumpled up the note passed by Stellagosa: "Hmph! I will take care of you slowly when I get back."

At this moment, cheers suddenly came one after another outside the embassy.

"Victory! Victory!"


Just as Sarlayan opened the window, Tinagosa, who had been lying on the sofa bored all this time, jumped out of the window first, and grabbed a passing citizen to ask about the situation.

"Haven't you heard?"

The citizen's face turned red, and he shouted excitedly: "The Zandalari navy has fled! Victory belongs to Kul Tiras!"

Sarlayan also learned the details from the staff of the embassy, ​​and he was somewhat relieved.

Although the chances of the Zandalari winning are very low, the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. Before the last moment, who can guarantee that the side with the upper hand will definitely win?

The embassy staff only knew that Kul Tiras won the naval battle, but they didn't know anything about the specific battle process.

The Backlightblade rogues were only one step too late, bringing Sharlayan a more detailed report from the front.

"Post-war raid?"

Sharlayan nodded thoughtfully: "No wonder Daelin is unwilling to sell the battleship. It turns out that's why."

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