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Chapter 706: body and soul

The image of Medivh was no different from what was described in the barrage, he was a bearded middle-aged man wearing a hood.

But this beard didn't completely tear Medivh's appearance, his handsome appearance inherited from his parents was still clearly visible.

Medivh's body was covered with dozens of wounds, large and small, which showed how rough Sargeras was when he used his body.

Aegwynn has already stitched up those wounds that are relatively easy to deal with... although the stitching skills can be seen with the naked eye.

The real fatal wound was the hole in Medivh's chest, which should have been delivered by his close friend Anduin Lothar.

The professional Sharlayan waved his hand to signal the others to get out of the way, trying to heal the wound on Medivh with the power of life.

Unfortunately, the effect of life force on dead objects is not very good. It can only heal the small wounds that have been stitched up, but cannot repair the big hole in Medivh's chest.


Under Aegwynn's eyes full of expectation, Sharlayan rested his chin with one hand and fell into deep thought.

Sharlayan: "The power of life is difficult to take effect... Do you need to use holy light?"

[I don't think so, whether it is holy light or flowing water, or the power of life and true energy, they are essentially stimulating the body's potential to repair itself. 】

[Medivh's corpse has lost its vitality, and it is meaningless to stimulate its potential. 】

[Anyway, they are all dead bodies, so it's better to use a rougher repair method. 】

Sharlayan asked suspiciously, "What way?"

[The power of death. 】

Many people misunderstand the power of death, thinking that this power can only bring about the withering and destruction of life.

But in fact this view is not comprehensive.

Indeed, in the system on the death side, there are many destruction spells related to withering and corrosion.

But at the same time, the death side also has research on structures, and the understanding of the essence of life is not inferior to the life side, but the focus of research is different.

Medivh's heart was so badly damaged that healing spells of any kind could not restore it.

That being the case, the best way is to build him a new one.

Inas, who is proficient in genetic engineering, is very good at reshaping the body, but unfortunately she and Julian disappeared after they went out to "collect materials".

A few years ago, Inas packaged and integrated the memories that recorded what she had learned in her life, and stuffed them all into Sharlayan.

Inas also knows that her stupid son is not a material for scientific research, and she doesn't expect him to pass on her legacy.

She just hoped that Sharlayan would keep an eye out as she traveled around Azeroth and find a suitable person to inherit her knowledge.

When looking for talents in genetic engineering, the first consideration must be druids.

Sharlayan has not been able to take the time to communicate with the Cenarion Council in depth. This matter is not a high priority. He plans to mention it to Malfurion when he visits Nordrassil again in the future.

As the saying goes, knowing a son is like a mother, Sharlayan is indeed not interested in scientific research.

But the things are here, and when he is bored on the road, he doesn't mind taking them out and looking through them, it's just to pass the time.

In the part that Sharlayan had read, there happened to be the organ reconstruction technology mentioned by Inas.

The technology recorded by Inas is completely done through the power of life, and it needs to extract cell samples and use life spells to replicate in batches.

Medivh's damaged heart had already lost its vitality, and even if the cells were extracted, it could not create a living heart.

Danmaku simply proposed to do the opposite, combining the structural technology of the death side and the organ reconstruction technology of Inas, first extracting samples to make a cold heart.

Then it was buried in Medivh's body, and reconnected with each of the cardiovascular vessels, simulating the state of the heart when it was in normal operation.

The next step is the key point. Sharlayan needs to mobilize a large amount of life force to reactivate the lifeless but intact heart.

Although the first few steps were still difficult, with the assistance of two experienced scholars, Meri and Aegwynn, Sharlayan was confident in transforming and upgrading his mother's bioengineering technology.

As for the last step...

Sharlayan: "How massive is the massive vitality?"

[I don't know for the time being, but a rough estimate is that you alone are not enough. 】

Sharlayan was not surprised by this. Reviving Medivh was not something that one person could do.

He didn't know how Aegwynn finally achieved his goal in the original history, but he could guess with his **** that she must have put in a lot of effort and gave everything she had in the process.

During his lifetime, Medivh had caused great harm to the Eastern Kingdom, and it was impossible to seek help from the major kingdoms in the Eastern Continent.

The night elves on the other side of the sea are experts in manipulating the power of life, but Sharlayan doesn't think they will do their best to help someone who they don't know and who has hidden dangers.

"Then, there is only one answer."

Sharlayan turned to look at Onyxia, who was sitting in a daze outside the experiment field with her legs crossed.

"Oni, help me run to Wyrmrest Temple and convey my request to His Majesty Alexstrasza."

In terms of understanding and using the power of life, apart from the life guardian Freya trapped in Ulduar, the red dragon queen Alexstrasza and the green dragon queen Ysera are definitely among the best.

Sharlayan hasn't been to Wyrmrest Temple for a long time, so I don't know which dragon king is on duty now.

The green dragon's use of the power of life is more inclined to precise operation, and the way of use is not as simple and rough as the red dragon.

But to infuse a massive amount of life force, what is needed is simple and rough, and does not require very delicate operations. Red dragons are more suitable than green dragons.

Sharlayan didn't expect Alexstrasza to come in person, but asking for the dragon's help would at least start with a greeting to her queen.

As for who will be assigned, this is not up to Sharlayan to decide.

After Merry and Aegwynn worked together to transport Onyxia to Dragonbone Wilderness, Sharlayan was not idle and began to collect Medivh's heart samples, intending to make a new heart first.

Of course, Sarlayan, who knows nothing about scientific research, is only responsible for providing technology and energy, and Aegwynn and Meri are responsible for the specific improvements.

Regarding the resurrection of her son, Aegwynn did not neglect in the slightest. After Sharlayan wrote down the organ reconstruction technology and the undead construction technology, she immediately pulled Meri into research.

Let's stop here for the time being about the body, the next thing to focus on is the ritual of soul recall.

Medivh was still far away in the Twisting Nether, too far from Azeroth to be reachable by normal means.

In the original history, Medivh spent nearly ten years drifting back from the star realm, took the initiative to find Aegwynn, and asked his mother to resurrect him to make atonement.

The souls of Aegwynn and Medivh, who had already started preparations, joined forces and managed to resurrect Medivh before the rise of the Lich King.

Medivh, who was forcibly resurrected, has many hidden dangers buried in his body. Even if he maintains it with mana, his body can only last for less than 5 years.

And because he uses his own mana to maintain his life, Medivh's combat power after resurrection is almost zero, and he can only turn into a crow with one doesn't have the style of the peak period.

Now, Salayan, Merri and others are involved in the plan to revive Medivh. Salayan intends to make it as perfect as possible, at least not to let Medivh, who was finally resurrected, belch again after only a few years. That would be too wasteful. Talented.

Sharlayan speculated that Medivh should have started to rush back at this moment, but there is still a long way to go before he returned to the Black Gate of Azeroth 18 years ago.

Among the three major branches of death magic, Sharlayan knew almost nothing about the withering system, and only dabbled in the construction system, mainly studying spiritism.

Medivh and Aegwynn are mother and son by blood, and they also have the remnant of the power of the guardian of Tirisfal.

Based on this, Sharlayan can try to channel Medivh's soul in the distant starry sky, and pull his soul back from the astral world in advance through rituals.

Knowing Sharlayan's plan, Aegwynn poured a bowl of blood on himself without saying a word, and gave Sharlayan a part of the guardian's power to keep his face.

Losing part of the guardian's power, Aegwynn's originally bright blond hair appeared a few strands of snow-white highlights, and a few wrinkles appeared on his smooth and firm face.

Aegwynn, who had lost a lot of blood, turned pale, but she finally saw the real hope of resurrecting Medivh, but her spirit was very excited.

"Little devil, I'm going all out. My blood and the power of the guardian are at your disposal. You must recall Medivh's soul to Azeroth."

With Sharlayan's physical fitness, the weight of a bowl of blood was almost negligible, but at this moment he felt the weight in his hand, which was the weight of a mother's love.

"Suck ~ call ~"

Taking a deep breath, Sharlayan nodded firmly to Aegwynn: "I will do my best, and I will not let you down."

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