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Chapter 709: Sharlayan's Network

Sharlayan also couldn't remember the last time he met Krasus. It was conservatively estimated that it had been at least 5 years.

Since stepping down as a member of the Kirin Tor and handing over the position to his personal apprentice Ronin, Krasus has stayed in Wyrmrest Temple to accompany the red dragon queen Alexstrasza who has not yet fully recovered.

A few years have passed, and Alexstrasza's body has recovered from the damage caused by the overdraft of spawning, but Krasus has no plans to get involved in the mortal world again, and only wants to be with his lover always.

Krasus is the youngest consort of the Red Dragon Queen, and his age is actually not much different from the bluffing female red dragon Christrasza.

But as one of the husbands of the Red Dragon Queen, his seniority and status in the Red Dragon Clan is frighteningly high.

Christasa had no choice but to listen to Krasus' persuasion. She snorted and closed her mouth, but still stared at Onyxia's back in dissatisfaction.

Onyxia has long since lost her way, and has drawn a clear line between herself and Deathwing.

When thinking that the sufferings that Her Majesty suffered were all because of Deathwing, many red dragons always looked down on the returning black dragon.

Alexstrasza and Krasus expressly forbade the clansmen to trouble Sinestra and the others for returning to the black dragon, but people's hearts cannot be restrained.

Just like Christaza, she would not blatantly disobey the orders of the Red Dragon Queen, but it is really unrealistic to expect her to smile and put on a friendly attitude when facing the black dragon.

Onyxia didn't care about that.

If someone dared to show face in front of her mother before reuniting with her mother, Onyxia would teach the other person how to behave in minutes.

This is the code of conduct taught by Deathwing, as long as anyone dares to provoke the black dragon, there is no need to save them any face, just fight back.

Living with Sharlayan in the mortal world for a long time, Onyxia has already adapted to the slow-paced life of Quel'Thalas, and will no longer be so impulsive and impatient when encountering things.

However, this does not mean that Onyxia will ignore Kristaza's hostility, and the Black Dragon Princess will not make people lose face in vain. She has used various "small" methods to deal with it many times along the way. other side.

There was still business at the moment, Onyxia didn't bother to argue with this stupid dragon, and planned to settle accounts with her later, she gave way to open the door with a half-smile.

A female high elf with fiery red hair tied into a high ponytail immediately strode in, and Krasus, whom Sharlayan was familiar with, followed behind her.

Contrary to Sharlayan's expectation, he originally thought that only these two people came, but when Krasus entered the door, Sharlayan suddenly found a silent white-haired male high elf behind him.

Yes, gray hair, not silver hair.

Sharlayan had never seen this kind of bright white hair among the high elves, and the closest thing was Anasterian's gray hair when he was old.

This high elf with a somewhat deep face was obviously also transformed from a red dragon. Sharlayan was very unfamiliar with his appearance, but felt an indescribable familiarity with his aura.

"You are?"


The white-haired man's demeanor was very calm, he smiled lightly and said to Salayan: "Don't you know me? The last time we met was in Grim Batol. You completed your first dragon transformation after accepting my power."


Sharlayan froze for a moment, and then a look of bewilderment appeared on his face.

"Taran? Are you Taranistrasz?"

The white-haired man smiled and nodded: "That's right, long time no see, Sharlayan."

Taranistrasz, the eldest consort of Alexstrasza, the Red Dragon Queen, was coerced by the Dragon Soul in Grim Batol and forced to mate with Alexstrasza for a long time to lay her eggs.

Even with the strong vitality of the Red Dragon Clan, several months of plowing would put a huge burden on Talan's body.

In the words of the barrage, there are only exhausted cows, but no plowed fields.

After being rescued from Grim Batol, it took Alexstrasza less than 2 years to recover.

It took much longer for Talan to recover. At the beginning of this year, he finally left the Ruby Holy Land where he had cultivated for 8 years, and rejoined the daily affairs of the Red Dragon Clan.

As the dragon queen, Alexstrasza has multiple companions.

But after experiencing the tragic battle of the ancients, most of her spouses withered in the war, and today only Taran and Krasus, the old and the young, are left.

Oh, yes, there is also a supernumerary Black Dragon King Neltharion.

Wyrmrest Temple happened to be Alexstrasza's turn on duty. After receiving the request from Onyxia, she was inconvenient to leave casually, and handed over the task of assisting Sharlayan's plan to Krasus and Taran.

As for Kristaza, she is just a tool for making ends meet, and she has no right to speak in front of the two big bosses.

Since Grim Batol was rescued by Sharlayan, Valeera and others, Taran has been looking for an opportunity to repay Sharlayan for saving his life.

However, his severely overdrawn body did not finally recover until this year. After hearing about Salayan's request for help from Alexstrasza, Taran signed up to participate without saying a word.

Compared with Tarani Strasz, who was tens of thousands of years old and had a rich life experience, the new generation of Krasus was still a little immature.

Alexstrasza sent his two spouses together, just in time for the experienced Taran to take Krasus with him.

When Onyxia was at Wyrmrest Temple, she had already outlined Sharlayan's plan.

Although the Guardians of Tirisfal are self-proclaimed by mortals, for thousands of years, the Guardians of Tirisfal have been worthy of the title of "Guardian" and have played a lot of roles in protecting Azeroth. It has been affirmed by the dragon family.

Aegwynn had made good friends with many dragon clans during her peak period, and she was indeed qualified to be treated differently by the dragon clan after defeating the clone of Sargeras.

Although the Guardian of Tirisfal had a lot of trouble in Medivh's generation, the Dragon Clan, who knew the inside story, didn't blame him too much, because this was not Medivh's original intention.

Sargeras, the demon king, came out in person, and it was reasonable for Medivh to be unable to resist.

Thinking in another way, any Dragon King standing in Medivh's position cannot guarantee that he will do better than him.

Knowing that Medivh held important information related to the Burning Legion's invasion of Azeroth, Alexstrasza strongly supported Sharlayan's plan without hesitation, and sent heavyweight helpers to Dustwallow Marsh immediately.

Sharlayan and Taran exchanged a few simple greetings, and both of them knew that now was not the time to chat.

With the presence of these three great experts in using the power of life, the research progress of Aegwynn, Medivh, and Merry made great strides forward.

A week later, the organ reconstruction technology was finally improved, and the second batch of helpers invited by Salayan using his connections also arrived one after another.

With everyone's brainstorming, the steps that originally required the assistance of precision instruments were replaced by high-precision magic, and the brand-new heart made of Medivh's heart sample was finally formally formed.

This intact heart is still "dead" for the time being, and needs a lot of life force to activate it.

Sharlayan carefully cut off Medivh's broken and transplanted a new heart into his chest cavity, reconnecting the blood vessels one by one.

What comes next is the main event.

The hole in Medivan's chest has not been repaired, and Yin Hong's heart has not yet resumed beating.

Sharlayan and his team carried his body outside the house, and the three red dragons turned back into the form of giant dragons one after another, and each sat in the ritual circle that had been prepared in the correct position.

Sharlayan, who was standing at the eye of the formation in the north, took a deep breath and nodded to the three red dragons.

"let's start."

Krasus, Taran, and Christraza simultaneously poured their life force into the magic circle below them.

The specially designed ritual circle concentrated the life force transmitted by the red dragons to Medivh in the center of the circle.

Medivh's corpse was wrapped in emerald green life radiance visible to the naked eye, and the heart in his chest absorbed most of the life force.

Sharlayan turned his head to look at the high elves and human mages that he had felt one after another in recent days.

These were all slated to join the Tirisfal Council, including a Bananaman of Quel'Thalas who had been imprisoned for several years and sworn to serve his crimes.

High Elf Archmage, Aethas Sunreavers.

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