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Chapter 712: The strange ecology of the crater

Most of the potential members of the Tirisfal Council from Vargosla are from Dalaran.

Sarlayan did not expect these people to keep the secret from the very beginning. Antonidas and other high-level Kirin Tor officials would soon know about such a big event. Even if it was just for the academic materials of the resurrection ceremony, they would rush to come over.

Aegwynn didn't have a good impression of Dalaran. After Medivh's death, the Kirin Tor immediately sent people to Karazhan, trying to empty out all the documents and artifacts in the mage tower.

Without the guardian's personal operation, Karazhan was completely defenseless for a short period of time.

If Aegwynn hadn't gone in time, maybe Dalaran would have taken advantage of the fire and robbed him.

In view of this, Aegwynn never asked Dalaran for help when she was troubled by the resurrection of Medivh. She could not trust the group of politicians and mages who were good at speculation.

The Un'Goro crater is rich in oil. A few years ago, Sarlayan sent people to the crater to exploit the open-pit oil fields, and thus created a supporting trade route.

Oil is the backup energy that Sharlayan prepares for future crises. As long as the Sunwell is still operating normally, the consumption of oil is not large.

A few years have passed, except for a small amount of oil being used to make petrochemical products such as asphalt, paraffin, lubricants, etc., the rest of the oil is stored in a secret crude oil warehouse in the Marquis of Deep Shadow.

The high elves' technical research on oil development started from scratch, starting much later than the goblins who have used oil for thousands of years.

It is unrealistic to think about building a complete industrial chain in just a few years without guidance from anyone.

Valeera went to Booty Bay to meet with the Steamwheedle Consortium in order to discuss how to further develop the value of the crude oil obtained by Quel'Thalas.

The oil field in the Un'Goro Crater is flattered by some people as the Sarayan Oil Field. With this oil field as the center, the oil extraction team has expanded outward step by step, and now it has occupied a large area of ​​land due north of the Fire Feather Mountain.

It sounds easy, but only those who have personally participated in the development of craters will know how difficult it is.

The Un'Goro Crater, like the Sholazar Basin, is a life greenhouse used by the life guardian Freya to conduct experiments.

The flora and fauna ecology of these two areas is completely different from the outside world, and there are many strange creatures living there.

For example, Un'Goro Crater, where a large number of sub-dragon beasts called dinosaurs by the barrage live here.

There are many types of dinosaurs, such as Diplodocus, Brontosaurus, Triceratops, Ankylosaurus, Velociraptor, Pterodactyl, and the mighty Devilsaur, among others.

Yes, there are so many types.

At the beginning, the barrage was still very strange. There were brontosaurus and other dinosaurs that were sold at very high prices in the game in the crater.

But if you think about it carefully, there seems to be nothing surprising.

In Danmaku's own words, the lack of dinosaur types in the game is just because of the gameplay, and Glass Slag is too lazy to make so many types of models.

But not in the game does not mean that it does not exist, at least as far as Sarlayan knows, all the common dinosaurs mentioned in the barrage have prototypes in the crater, including mosasaurs, ichthyosaurs and snake necks that live in water Long et al.

This part of aquatic dinosaurs mainly lived in the great lake west of the crater, and the mining team had not yet explored such a far place.

In addition to various types of dinosaurs, small numbers of saber-toothed cats can be found in the woodland areas of the crater.

When flying over from a high altitude, Meili was very interested in the ecological environment of the crater mountain which is very different from the outside world.

As soon as he landed in the oil field town in the north of the crater, Meili ran to the field to study ecology in a hurry.

Before leaving, Merry and other mages teamed up to build a portal and sent Krasus, Kristaza, and Taran back to Dragonbone Wilderness.

Sharlayan assured them that he would spare some time to visit Wyrmrest Temple in the near future, and share the completed resurrection ceremony materials with the Dragon Clan.

Perhaps because he didn't want outsiders to see his old face, when Sharlayan invited Aegwynn's mother and son to enter the town for a rest, Aegwynn refused his offer without hesitation.

She helped Medivh go to the woods on the outskirts of the town to set up a portable hut, not planning to have too much contact with the high elves here.

After dismissing the oilfield managers who rushed over to flatter Pidiandian, Sharlayan was also happy, and lived with Aegwynn in the re-expanded hut.

Medivh is like a vegetative person who has been paralyzed in bed for several years, and needs a period of rehabilitation to regain the ability to move freely.

They need a clean place that will not be disturbed by outsiders, and they can take into account the daily necessities of life, but they can't be completely out of touch with civilized society.

In view of this, Sharlayan recommended that they temporarily settle down in the inaccessible Un'Goro Crater, and he promised that no one would reveal their whereabouts.

Originally Sharlayan wanted to stay and learn from Aegwynn how to make a portable space hut, but unfortunately the plan couldn't keep up with the changes.

Before the three red dragons left, Taranistrasz sent Sharlayan the latest information about Northrend.

As expected, Kel'Thuzad landed on the coast of the Borean Tundra safely. Right now, he is wandering aimlessly, showing some death spells on purpose from time to time, trying to attract Ner'zhul's attention. .

When Taran and the others left Northrend, the Icecrown Glacier, which had been closely monitored by New Sandara, began to move.

Taran speculated that Kel'Thuzad, the bait deliberately thrown out, should soon be found by Ner'zhul, who was eager for talent.

In order to ensure that the plan was foolproof, Sharlayan planned to make a trip to Northrend himself until he witnessed the moment when Kel'Thuzad joined the Scourge, so as to avoid unnecessary accidents along the way.

Jaina struggled for a long time, and finally decided to stay here temporarily to accept Aegwynn's teaching.

As Sharlayan said, when Jaina plucked up the courage to ask for advice, Aegwynn agreed without hesitation.

After losing the guardian's power, Aegwynn's body aged rapidly, and she could clearly feel the passage of life, which was a novel experience she had never had in the past 900 years.

Aegwynn didn't know how many years of life she had left. She wanted to pass on what she had learned all her life before her life came to an end, and cultivate a legendary mage different from Medivh. Jaina, who delivered the goods to her door, was just right for her. in his arms.

Tinagosa hesitated for a while, and finally decided to give up the opportunity to study, and continue to fulfill the tasks assigned to her by her sister, to be optimistic about Salayan and Onyxia, and not let that happy mother, the black dragon, guard herself.

The arcane inheritance of the blue dragon family is not bad at all. With the magic weaver Malygos behind him, Tinagosa only needs to learn step by step, and sooner or later he will be able to walk out of his own arcane path.

Needless to say, Onyxia would follow Sharlayan wherever she went.

Saying goodbye to the mother and son of Medivh, who were living in seclusion and rebuilding, Sharlayan asked them to say hello to Meri, who was running away without a trace, telling him not to be too busy to forget his business, and to return to the Temple of the Guardian early to prepare for the rebuilding of the Tirisfal Council. things.

In January 2013, the three of Sharlayan were sent by Aegwynn to the port of Estorante in the Azshara region through the portal, and then took a boat to the Borean tundra.

The troubles of the night elves were not without reason. On the way north to Northrend, the boat that Sharlayan and his party were on was attacked by naga again as expected.

But this time, with the Hydalian water elemental **** along the way, Naga didn't really hurt the ship, and passed through this dangerous sea area without any danger.

"It seems that the Naga and the night elves are completely at loggerheads."

Standing at the stern and looking at the rear, the sea battle between the water element and Naga is still going on.

With the help of ferocious aquatic animals such as sharks and killer whales transformed by night elf druids, the naga can't take advantage of it even if they are fighting on their own home ground.

As early as 10,000 years ago the night elves and the Highborne under Azshara's command had formed an intractable enmity.

When the enemy met, they were extremely jealous.

The two sides fought a real battle in the North Sea for a generation, and no one was willing to take the initiative to back down. The chaos in this sea area should continue for a long time.

But that has nothing to do with Sharlayan.

Although the high elves are also descendants of the high elves, as early as Dath'Remar's reign, the high elves who followed him parted ways with Azshara's faction, and even helped the night elves fight against them.


In the words of the night elves, this is called abandoning darkness and turning to light.

Dath'Remar himself obviously didn't think so. He never took refuge in the night elves, but stood together temporarily out of the same standpoint of protecting Azeroth, but he was always treated by the night elves as their little brother who took shelter of them.

This made the high elf nobles headed by Dath'Remar very dissatisfied.

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