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Chapter 726: Royal City Azronerub

Siesta has a superior family and has received elite education since she was a child.

But after all, she is still very young, lacks experience, and has deficiencies in many aspects.

The more than one year of military experience has made Siesta grow a lot.

At the beginning, she was only the leader of the special forces in name, and the actual command was in the hands of two adjutants her father had specially inserted.

What Siesta lacked was experience, not talent.

She has been acting with the army for a long time, and the two adjutants who came with her from home have taught her everything. Sista has grown very fast, and now she has good battlefield reading and command skills.

But well...

Perhaps it was because she was surrounded by people who were afraid of her identity and held her up carefully, Siesta still needs to improve in terms of emotional intelligence.

In the war between the undead Scourge and Azjonelub's overwhelming power, a team of 500 people is just a drop in the bucket.

Sharlayan didn't intend to push the 500 Fal'dorei elites directly onto the battlefield, he didn't want this precious army of authentic warfare to be lost on the frontal battlefield like a meat grinder.

One of the purposes of calling Kista out was to show Bolvah and Vesina their muscles, and let them know that they still have people in ambush in secret, so don't think about it.

On the other hand, Sharlayan planned to ask Hista to send someone back to the ground to respond.

After negotiating with Vesina, Salayan asked Stellagosa to send letters to Wyrmrest Temple and New Sandara City respectively.

The letter to Wyrmrest Temple was simply a report, and Sharlayan didn't expect Karen to send more dragons for reinforcements.

After all, it is a rule that Dragon Rest Temple has always followed that dragons do not get involved in mortal affairs, and the war between the undead Scourge and the Nerubians is still regarded as mortal affairs.

The letters sent to New Sandara City are more important.

Sharlayan stamped his family seal on the letter paper, explained the situation of the underground battlefield in a simple and simple way, and explicitly asked Lord Baldrin, who was in charge of New Sandara, to send troops for assistance.

Sarlayan's title has been promoted to marquis by the Sun King, and he is only one step away from being the most respected duke in the name of nobility.

Considering that Sharlayan has the title of Senior Advisor to the Sun King on his head, no one in Quel'Thalas would dare to take his advice lightly.

After receiving the letter from the Marquis of Deep Shadow, Bod Linyu, the lord of New Sandara, did not dare to neglect, and immediately sent the news back to the mainland to ask the Sun King for his opinion.

The message sent back from Silvermoon City at the fastest speed made Bode Lin Yu's heart tremble.

"Follow the order and hand over the frontline command to the Marquis of Deep Shadow."

This message is the golden word of the Sun King, and the cabinet has not expressed any objection, which represents the unanimous attitude of Quel'Thalas' high-level officials.

Sarlayan didn't like to publicize his affairs everywhere, because he deliberately kept a low profile, and few people knew about the magnificent adventures that Sarlayan and others experienced in the past few years.

But the experience of Sharlayan and his party could not be hidden from the high-level Quel'Thalas who had information channels.

Sharlayan has proven his strong decision-making ability through practical actions many times. Not to mention, the shadow of Sharlayan's secret activities was behind the battle of Alterac not long ago.

In terms of results, Sharlayan successfully facilitated the peace talks between Alterac...or the Anti-Lordaeron Alliance and Lordaeron.

In addition, he also conveniently planted the most advanced nail in Lordaeron—Princess Calia Menethil.

This achievement surprised the Defense Intelligence Agency, which is responsible for infiltrating other countries.

If you want to gain the trust of others, you don't just have to talk about it, but you have to use practical actions to prove that you are not just rhetoric, but have real materials.

Sharlayan has proven his ability, and the Sun King and the cabinet can safely hand over the frontline command to him.

After receiving the Sun King's oral order, Bode Linyu no longer hesitated.

According to Sharlayan's plan, he quickly summoned the rangers scattered in every corner of Crystalsong Forest, and issued an emergency dispatch order to the Northrend branch of the Dawn Vanguard stationed outside the city.

Once Stellagosa sent the second order back to New Sandara, the troops of Quel'Thalas' Northlands were ready to go.

The best part is that, thanks to Sharlayan's precautionary measures, the 500 elite Fal'dorei dug the ground of Crystalsong Forest in all directions.

The battlegrounds of the Scourge and the Nerubians are already underground, and the movements of the New Sandara's army can be completely concealed.

With tunnels as cover for the march, even the Loken and Dakalai trolls who have been monitoring the movement of Crystalsong Forest will not find the fact that New Sandara has been fully equipped and his defenses are empty.

As for when Stellagosa will deliver the second order... It depends on when Sharlayan and Anub'arak can negotiate a cooperation agreement.

Siesta didn't return to the soil layer after she appeared openly. She transformed into a tall Nightborne and followed Sharlayan and the others.

Sharlayan still hasn't figured out the principle of Nightborne's dual form transformation.

Siesta in spider form had two broken legs and had to be fitted with two prosthetics.

After transforming into a human form, Yinsta's crippled parts became the soles of both feet below the ankles.

When walking forward, her two metal feet stepped on the floor and made crisp and clear sounds.

Bolvah and Vesina are not stupid, they can easily guess that she must not be the only one who has the ability to dig underground like Kista.

However, the two of them didn't ask any questions, they just chatted in Nerubian in private.

After leaving the panic-stricken satellite town, under the guidance of Vishina and other guides, Salayan and his party formally entered the capital of the Azronelub Kingdom, the royal city of Azronelub with the same name as the kingdom.

This huge underground city looks very spectacular, perhaps because the nerubians originated from the dark empire, and the buildings in the city inevitably have the unique style of that era.

Like the Qiraji who once entrenched in Silithus, the Nerubians also like to use obsidian as a building material, and the overall tone of the city is darker.

In order to distinguish it from the Yaqir Empire, the Nerubians made some adjustments to the color of building materials.

At a glance, the whole city presents the first impression of dark green, which creates a rather mysterious urban atmosphere.

However, due to the impact of the war, the city of Aizhuo Nerub was in a panic at this time, and it was unreasonable that the people in the capital would not know the information that the satellite towns could know.

The disadvantage of the frontline battle situation made this bustling and quiet underground city very noisy. Uneasy people flooded the streets one after another, exchanging information with neighbors and friends anxiously.

There are also some people who have already started to pack up their belongings, as if they might run away at any time.

Witnessing the turmoil in the city with his own eyes, Sharlayan frowned Anub'arak allowed the turmoil in the city to continue like this? Regardless of the situation on the front line, stability in the rear is indispensable, if this continues..."

Onyxia suddenly wiped her mouth indifferently and said: "Is there such a possibility that the high-level officials of the Azronelub Kingdom have no spare power to control the people under their rule? If this is the case, the frontline... may be in danger. gone."

It had only been a few hours since the Fal'dorei scouts sent back the battle report from the front line, and Sharlayan didn't want to believe that the battle situation had deteriorated so quickly.

But considering the death of the nerubian lord Anubrekhan, the morale of the Nerubian army has plummeted, and it is really possible that they will be defeated.

"We can't wait any longer...Vishina, translate my words to Bolvah and ask him to bring us to King Anub'arak as soon as possible."

Sharlayan put pressure on Vesina with a serious expression: "If the timing is delayed... the Kingdom of Azronerub will probably cease to exist soon."

Vishina, who is in a period of confusion, doesn't really care much about the survival of Aizhuo Nerub, but this is the motherland that her father has fought for all her life. Even for her father's sake, Vishina doesn't want to see this. The old kingdom was destroyed.

Under the urging of Vesina's message, Polva's expression became a little nervous, and he also realized the urgency of the situation through the chaos in the city.

Borwa originally planned to stay in the capital for a few days, relying on the connections left by his lord father, soliciting contacts everywhere, looking for opportunities to introduce this group of foreigners who spoke amazingly to King Anub'arak.

However, the plan could not keep up with the changes, and the death of Anubrekan made Boerwa very anxious, and now, he can't control so much.

"Come with me! I'll take you straight to the palace... I hope His Majesty still remembers me."

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