Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 728: Responsibilities and Obligations

, Live: Azeroth

Sharlayan's words were very blunt, and the ministers who could understand Elvish all showed angry expressions because of these words.

The current situation is imminent. The death of Anubrekan caused the morale of the frontline soldiers to drop off a cliff. It is uncertain when the undead Scourge will come to the city.

Sarlayan didn't have much time to talk about diplomatic rhetoric, and straight to the point, he pointed out the crisis of national annihilation that Aizhuo Nerub was facing, and woke up those ministers of the capitulation faction who were still lucky.

"Don't blame me for being rude."

Sharlayan looked around at the nerubians present: "Don't even think about surrendering to the undead Scourge."

"What the Lich King needs is not a living person, but a nerubian 'body' that can blend into the army of the undead."

"If some of you think that you can survive by surrendering to the undead, I advise you to give up this naive idea as soon as possible."

This is actually a very simple truth.

The undead do not need to eat, drink, sleep, or breathe, and can work at high intensity 24 hours a day.

Can a living person do this?

In the eyes of Ner'zhul, who is already an undead creature, the living are really not as useful as the undead.

Besides, if there are living people who surrendered, Ner'zhul also needs to consider whether these guys will betray again in the future.

Once all the nerubians are transformed into undead, Ner'zhul, who has the crown of domination, can completely control their thoughts, and there is no need to worry about betrayal.

At least, there is no need to worry until someone blasts the Frozen Throne out of the gap and the Lich King's essence power is lost.

Since Ner'zhul decided to launch a war against Azronelub, he never thought of keeping prisoners. Only dead bugs are good bugs.

As soon as Sarlayan's explanation came out, commotion broke out at the scene as expected, and the officials of the capitulation faction struggled to refute, but they couldn't produce any actual evidence.

The recalcitrant faction and the transfer faction took this opportunity to slander the capitulation officials, believing that they had ulterior motives and had secretly reached a traitorous agreement with the Scourge of the Undead.


Anub'arak angrily stopped the ministers from attacking each other.

"The Kingdom of Azronelub is at the end of its existence, and you are still fighting for power here!"

"Whoever yells and abuses without any basis, I will push him to the battlefield to be loyal to the country first!"

Anub'arak was not, in the eyes of Azjol-Nerub's subjects, a tyrant of constant rage.

On the contrary, Anub'arak, who is both civil and military, is quite wise. Under his leadership, the national power of Azronelub has been thriving in the past ten years.

If it hadn't been for the sudden invasion of the undead, the ministers who knew the inside story all believed that sooner or later Anub'arak would lead them to solve the huge hidden danger left by the kingdom tens of thousands of years ago.

However, there are no ifs in this world, and the invasion of the undead came without warning.

In the early days of the battle, the nerubians lacked understanding of the characteristics of the undead, and a Scourge that was inadvertently attacked underground snowballed.

By the time the high-level leaders headed by Anub'arak came back to their senses and were about to send a large army to severely injure the enemy, the Scourge Legion, which relied on war to support war, had already formed a trend that could not be lost.

The resurrected undead spider-men acted as the vanguard to continue the attack. They bypassed the defense line of Azronelub's heavy troops and drilled holes everywhere in the ground, making it difficult for the defenders to defend against.

Seeing Anub'arak's rare outburst of anger, the ministers present immediately fell silent, not daring to yell at each other like a quarrel in a vegetable market.

Anub'arak looked at Sharlayan with some displeasure, but he knew very well in his heart that Sharlayan had just spoken out about the huge crisis the kingdom was facing.

The catastrophe was imminent, and Anub'arak didn't have time to talk to Sharlayan needlessly. He followed his words and asked without hesitation: "Elf, what do you want? Can you bring something to the Kingdom of Azronerubb?" What's coming?"

Sharlayan smiled and snapped his fingers: "Cheer up, wise people don't speak dark words, I hope Azronelub can prove that he has no connection with the ancient **** Yogg-Saron, and that after this war, a clear-cut fight will be made." Join the defense of Azeroth."

"In return, Quel'Thalas will provide Azjonelub with shelter, assist you in repelling the invasion of the undead Scourge, and recover those territories occupied by the undead."

There are many points worthy of attention among the requirements and obligations proposed by Sharlayan.

Anub'arak ignored his request for the time being, looked at Sharlayan with deep eyes and asked: "Quel'Thalas? I remember, you just said that you are the special envoy of Wyrmrest Temple, and Quel'Thalas What is it?"

"Oh~ I forgot to say."

Sharlayan patted his forehead pretending to be stunned: "While accepting the commission from Wyrmrest Temple, I have another identity."

Sharlayan politely saluted Anub'arak with the standard Quel'Thalas aristocratic etiquette.

"Marquis of Quel'Thalas, High Elf Kingdom, Senior Advisor to the Sun King—Salayan Deep Shadow."

"On behalf of the king of Quel'Thalas, Kael'thas Sunstrider, I would like to send my sincere greetings to the Kingdom of Azronelub, and hope that the two countries can reach a close cooperation in the future."

"High elf..."

Anub'arak's eyes flickered a little: "Isn't it the Highborne?"

Sharlayan smiled and explained: "The high elves are the descendants of the high elves, and their life forms are slightly different, but they are still of the same origin."

"It is said that Azronelub had some friendly exchanges with the upper elves of Sandara as early as ten thousand years ago. I hope that after ten thousand years, our two races can continue the original friendly cooperation."


Anub'arak nodded thoughtfully, and turned the topic back to Sharlayan's previous request.

"Since you are descendants of the Highborne, it is not surprising to know the existence of Yogg-Saron. As for the relationship between Azronelub and Yogg-Saron..."


Anub'arak sneered and said coldly: "If it weren't for Yogg-Saron's pressing every step of the way, how could we be forced to this field by mere undead?"

"Oh?" Sharlayan frowned slightly: "How do you say that?"


Anub'arak sighed helplessly: "It is said that family ugliness should not be publicized, but at this moment of life and death, I can't care so much."

Anub'arak pointed to the ground of the throne platform with his front legs: "Marquis of Deep Shadow, I wonder if you have heard that there is an even older underground kingdom under Azronelub."

Sharlayan smiled meaningfully: "I read when I was looking up information that before the Nerubians established Azrónrub, there was an even older country, which seemed to be called... Ankakh special?"

A hint of surprise flashed in Anubrekan's eyes, but he quickly adjusted his mood.

"Now that you know, it's easy to say."

"Nerub civilization parted ways with Yogg-Saron as early as after the division of the Yaqi Empire, and completely severed contact with the camp of the ancient gods."

"But Yogg-Saron didn't let us go. It used the powerful soul-corroding ability of the ancient gods to cultivate fallen people who were loyal to itself in Ankahet, the Nerubian kingdom at that time."

"More than 12,000 years ago, the fallen who were bewitched by Yogg-Saron launched a rebellion."

"This underground war has lasted for more than ten years, and most of the people in the Kingdom of Ankahet were beaten to Unable to be harassed by the war, they fled to the upper layers closer to the surface. It is the area where the Kingdom of Azronelub is located today."

"The war destroyed the homeland of the Nerubians, and the ancient kingdom of Ankahet was destroyed."

"The remaining survivors have established a brand new kingdom on the upper level, which is now Azronelub."

Anub'arak continued with a grim expression: "To this day, the fallen who are loyal to Yogg-Saron will often attack the frontier of Azjonelub from the lower levels."

"In order to suppress the group of traitors who defected to the enemy, the main force of our kingdom has been guarding the only passage leading to the ancient kingdom Ankahet."

"The soil connected to the lower layer has been reinforced by the ancestors of Azronelub. The fallen can't walk through the soil layer wantonly, and can only storm the only passage."

Sharlayan rubbed his chin thoughtfully: "So that's the case. No wonder Azronelub couldn't stop the undead from invading. It turns out that the main army has other uses."

Sharlayan lowered his head and thought about it, and exchanged views with Valeera, Stellagosa, and Onyxia in the soul link channel.

"Your Majesty Anub'arak, the army of Quel'Thalas has been assembled. As long as I give an order, they will be able to rush for reinforcements as quickly as possible."

"But before that..."

Sarayan made a request: "I hope to go to the border area with Ankakht first to check and confirm the actual situation in person. I wonder if you agree."

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