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Chapter 734: The Secret Intervention of the Shadowlands

For a long time, Wyrmrest Temple has always adhered to the red line drawn by Odin against the dragons in anger, and has never entered the storm cliff.

It is precisely for this reason that Loken is able to make waves on the stormy cliff without fear.

As long as the dragons do not break their oath for a day, Loken can continue to dominate within the jurisdiction of Ulduar.

A few years ago, Sharlayan informed the Dragon Clan of Loken's betrayal of Azeroth. Alexstrasza hesitated for a while, whether to break his oath and enter the Storm Peak to set things right.

However, Loken sits on the Creator Engine and the Forge of Will, and has the ability to produce unlimited violent soldiers with one click.

Although the dragon clan is powerful, it is obviously not a wise decision to use flesh and blood to challenge those cheaply produced Titan creations.

Sharlayan has half of the dragon blood, and often thinks from the standpoint of the dragon. He doesn't want the precious combat power of the dragon to be wasted in such a place.

As the barrage said, use Titanforge to defeat Titanforge.

That's why Sharlayan took pains to travel the world to find the Engine of Nalak'sha and the Furnace of Origin, in order to obtain the ability of violent soldiers equal to that of Loken.

Due to some objective reasons, the production capacity of the Engine of Nalaksha is not as good as that of the Creator Engine, and the newly manufactured Titan Creations secretly transported from Pandaria to Northrend are still gradually accumulating.

Although Loken's steel army fought a battle with the high elves and the trolls from Dakar a few years ago, that loss was not a pain at all for Loken, who could continue to replenish his troops.

As long as there is enough metal ore in Ulduar, Loken can continue to produce iron dwarves and iron vrykul.

Compared with Loken, the Titan creations made by the engine of Nalaksha are all stone structures, and the cost is lower.

Including the Titans of the Pantheon, the body structures of the Titans are also different, and can be classified into two categories: stone and metal.

For example, Aman'Thul, the father of the gods, and Ionar, the mother of life, have a stone body and a bronze body respectively, and they also gave birth to a son miraculously, who is in charge of the sky and the sea. Gorganeth the Rage Drinker.

Sharlayan has not yet figured out how the offspring of the Platinum Titan was produced by the interbreeding of stone and bronze. He can only attribute it to the omnipotent arcane in the hands of the Titan.

There is no difference between metal titan and rock titan, but the ability focus of the two is different.

This difference also affects the titan guardians made by themselves, and even the titan creations produced by the titan guardians.

To put it simply, Metal Titans can more easily master the power of destruction, and are usually better at fighting.

The bronze titans Sargeras and Aggramar are representative figures.

Rock Titans, on the other hand, are usually proficient in the power of shaping, and have unique talents in construction and research.

Aman'Thul the Allfather, Khaz'goros the Shaper, and Norgannon the Dreamweaver are all typical examples of the Rock Titans.

The difference between the rock and metal of the Titans continues to their secondary creations. For example, the earth spirits who hold the power of the earth are good at building, and the iron dwarves who control the power of the storm are better at destroying.

Loken is still ignorant of the recovery of the engine of Nalak'sha. After all, the continent of Pandaria is still shrouded in mist and has almost no contact with the outside world.

Note that it is almost.

A month ago, Sharlayan also received a letter from the Lord of Sandara, Bod Linyu. This secret letter described the development of Wintergrasp Lake and the Titan creations that were secretly transported by the ancestor turtles. hoarding problem.

As more and more titanforges were brought in from Pandaria, the buildings in Wintergrasp that housed them began to run out.

In order to prevent these titan creations from being exposed to the outside world and being discovered by Loken, Bod Linyu applied to Sharlayan, hoping that he could come to Northrend in person and try to find a way to take the Titan Treasure House of Lake Wintergrasp, which has been closed until now.

It was precisely because of the low-keyness of these Taita creations that Loken could continue to play music and dance, without feeling the imminent threat.

But Loken wasn't a fool either, the restart of the furnace of origin was enough to arouse his vigilance.

However, all the people Loken sent to Uldum to investigate were killed by the tol'vir.

No matter how many scouts he sent in the past, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, unable to send back any useful information.

Uldum is far south of the continent of Kalimdor, too far away from the Storm Peaks in the arctic region.

Loken, who had a ghost in his heart, did not dare to go to Uldum to check the situation in person, but sending some miscellaneous soldiers there could not solve the problem.

For the past two years, Loken has been worrying about this matter, and he even once suspected that the great guardian Laideng had finally returned after tens of thousands of years.

However, subsequent developments did not fulfill Loken's worst guess.

Although the Furnace of Origin has resumed operation, the Titan creation guarding the Furnace of Origin has not expanded outwards, and the Hall of Origin still maintains a calm situation.

Raden, who was thought to have awakened, never appeared within the coverage of Loken's intelligence network. Compared with before, the restart of the origin furnace did not seem to bring about any fundamental changes.

There wasn't enough threat from the outside, so Loken and Yogg-Saron, who had no fear, started a riot at the door of their lair.

They deliberately turned a blind eye to sit and watch the Scourge grow step by step, and even wanted to take advantage of the Scourge's attack on Ajjonirub to get a share of the spoils and continue to increase the number of fallen ones.

Unfortunately, due to the sudden intervention of Salayan and others, the plan of Yogg-Saron and Loken was ultimately in vain.

In the words of the barrage, this is called losing his wife and losing his army. Not only did he not get any benefits, but he spit out what should belong to him.

Of course, with the current two-front battle situation of Ai Zhuo Nerub, before repelling the invasion of the undead Scourge, they have no spare power to invade Ankahet and enjoy the fruits of victory, but this is only a matter of time.

Onyxia's "torture" also found an important piece of information.

In the memory of this faceless man, there is still a picture of Mohu. A mysterious man covered in black robes once met him in Loken's Lightning Hall, and the two talked about many topics of cooperation in private.

At that time, the faceless man was hiding in the dark waiting for Loken's order. Once the talks between the two sides collapsed, it would immediately jump out and kill the mysterious man.

"That mysterious man claims to be a representative of the Shadow Realm?"

After hearing the news from Onyxia, Sharlayan frowned tightly.

"Yes, at least the memory of this Faceless Man."

Having just experienced a thrilling escape battle, and then expending a lot of mental energy to dig out the memory of the Faceless Man, Onyxia is very tired at this time, her eyelids have already started to fight, and she is about to fall asleep standing up.

Whether it was intentional or not, Onyxia, who was swaying left and right, suddenly leaned forward and leaned against Salayan's arms.

Sharlayan instinctively wanted to help her up, but considering that Oni had worked so hard this time, and Valeera and Stellagosa were not around, he finally had the heart to do it.

Saryan's hesitation was noticed by Heista, but she didn't say anything, but silently wrote down the matter.

From Onyxia's even breathing, it can be seen that she has fallen into a coma, and the movements of throwing herself into her arms are probably unintentional.

Before going to bed, Onyxia dropped a heavy intelligence bomb on Sharlayan. Sharlayan, who was so worried, failed to notice that the corner of Onyxia's mouth, who was already asleep, curled up in a subtle arc.

"Representative of the Shadow Realm..."

Sitting down with Onyxia in his arms, Sharlayan looked thoughtful in his eyes.

"The people who happen to be in Azeroth now, and who are qualified to negotiate with Loken on behalf of the Shadow Realm...there should be only those Dreadlords, right?"

On the surface The Scourge is the advance army of the Burning Legion that Kil'jaeden sent to Azeroth, with the intention of disrupting the situation in Azeroth and weakening their defense.

But even Kil'jaeden the Deceiver did not know that the dreadlord had ideas of his own and was not entirely loyal to the Burning Legion.

Through the power of the Helm of Dominion and Frostmourne, the Dreadlord has secretly established a link with the Shadowlands.

To be precise, it was the restoration of contact with their master Denathius the Great after many years of absence.

[Sure enough, this group of big bats is not honest at all. Once they are out of the direct monitoring of the Burning Legion, they will start to make small moves secretly. 】

[For them, this opportunity must have been waiting for a long time. Kil'jaeden sent the Dreadlord to monitor the Lich King who belongs to the death side. Isn't that putting mice into rice vats? 】

【Kil'jaeden: I know everything! 】

[Pfft~ I laughed. 】

The barrage can still make jokes leisurely, but Sharlayan can't laugh at all.

"Emperor Denathrius and Warden Zovar..."

Sharlayan rubbed his eyebrows worriedly: "I don't know how far they plan to intervene in Azeroth, let's wait and see what happens."

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