Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 736: Ner'zhul's fatal flaw

, Live: Azeroth

The Scourge knew well that the Nerubians were good at digging holes, so it was logically impossible to leave holes in the formation.

On the sketch of the formation in Valeera's hand, the Scourge's defense against the rear formation is very weak, as if it was deliberately leaked to lure Azronelub to make a surprise attack.

Anub'arak, who was charging ahead, must have seen such an obvious formation gap, but he didn't send anyone to hide behind, which further confirmed Valeera's conjecture.

The gap in the back formation is a trap deliberately planted by the commander of the natural disaster. Once someone tries to go around the back, there is a high probability that they will be surrounded by the anti-ambush net of the undead.

Valeera pondered for a moment before continuing to ask the Fadorei scout: "Can you find out who the commander of the natural disaster is?"

The scout shook his head: "Under the powerful soul power of the Lich King, the psychics of the Scourge can remotely control the undead. It is difficult to see who is giving orders through the soul network."

"Then..." Valeera frowned and continued to ask: "Did you see the trace of the Dread Demon King?"

"No, I scanned it with the evil energy detection spell. The Scourge army formation is filled with the power of death, without any evil energy."

Before being affected by the Arcandor explosion and becoming Spider-Man, Fal'dorei used to be the Sons of the Night, and a considerable number of them were high-level magisters who were framed by political enemies and exiled from the city.

The female Fadore named Sandora in front of Valeera is one of them. Her previous research project focused on evil energy, and her purpose was to find a way to counteract evil energy with arcane magic.

However, because of her long-term research on fel energy, when Sandora was framed by her colleagues, she was easily "hammered" by the evidence, and was sentenced to exile by Elisande's advisory group for the crime of secretly communicating with the devil.

Sandora was very lucky. Just when she was about to lose her mind due to the torment of the magic addiction, Farodin, the valley walker, came to her door with the seeds of Arcandor.

The planting of the first Arcan'dor failed due to inexperience, and the chaotic magic that exploded in Falanaar transformed the exiles into misshapen spidermen.

The change in life form shattered Sandora's blind belief in arcane arts, and she began to realize that improper use of arcane arts would cause great harm to the world.

Since then, Sandora is no longer keen on research, or in other words, she is no longer just working on her own research projects.

In her spare time, Sandora would often leave the Falanaer dungeon and go to the outskirts of Suramar, where the withered walk everywhere, to change her mood.

In order to avoid those ubiquitous predators, Sandora's stealth skills become more and more proficient year after year.

When she learned that the new Spider Queen planned to send a group of elites to Fadore's benefactor Salayan, at the request of an old friend, Sandora personally found the Spider Queen Justina and volunteered to sign up.

That's right, Sandora was one of the adjutants arranged for her by Hista's father.

In name, she is only an adjutant, but in fact, Sandora's prestige among the 500 elite Faldorei is still higher than that of the nominal leader Siesta.

Siesta led a part of the elite to act with Sharlayan temporarily, and the command of the large force was naturally handed over to Sandora.

Sandora is a veteran Nightborn of the same era as Elisande and Talisa. She also experienced the tragic battle of the ancients and has a certain perspective on the overall situation.

Sandora can see that the decisive moment of this underground war is coming. In this case, intelligence work will be particularly important.

The High Elves' Backlight Blade is indeed very powerful, but the underground world is not their home field after all.

Considering this, before Sharlayan went underground, he did not recall Yatra and others who had been monitoring the movement of the Ice Throne, but used the elite Fal'dorei scouts led by Siesta.

The experienced Sandora knew the importance of this intelligence investigation. She personally led a team to sneak into the vicinity of the natural disaster undead army, and investigated all suspicious places as thoroughly as possible.

Among them is the main research direction of Sandora, the breath of evil energy.

Sandora is an authority in the study of fel energy. Valeera once learned about her life from Sharlayan, and she has no doubts about her judgment.

"Without the Dreadlord, it would be impossible for Kel'Thuzad, who just joined the group, to take office so quickly, then..."

Valeera frowned and said to herself: "Who is the commander of the natural disaster? Could it be Ner'zhul personally commanding from a distance?"

"If this is the case, the beheading tactic would be meaningless."

"Not always."

A dull male voice suddenly came from the soil under Valeera's feet. Everyone in the tent was taken aback. They jumped back subconsciously and looked at the constantly wriggling ground vigilantly.

Only Sandora, who had sensed the underground rhythm in advance, showed a faint smile on her face.


Siesta and several Fadores who were in charge of digging the hole rushed out of the ground first, and then Valeera and the others saw Salayan jumping out of the hole with the sleeping Onyxia on his back.

"Hi~ Good afternoon everyone, I'm not late, am I?"

Vereesa was the first to react, and threw the quill in her hand as a dart towards Sharlayan, dumbfounded.

"Good afternoon... You're big! It's night now!"


After avoiding the hidden weapon thrown by Vereesa sideways, Sharlayan shook his head with a wry smile: "Sorry, it's difficult to accurately grasp the passage of time underground, so good night."

When Valeera saw Onyxia sticking to Sharlayan's body seamlessly, her delicate willow-leaf eyebrows subconsciously stood up.

Without waiting for the little vinegar jar to attack, Stellagosa first took over the still awakened black dragon princess from Salayan.

"Is Oni alright? Have you encountered Kselaki sent by Yogg-Saron?"

Sharlayan shook his head: "That's not true, she's just overworked, let her rest for a while."


Valeera leaned in front of Onyxia, who had her eyes closed tightly, pinching her cheeks with her fingers and pulling them outward.

"Still pretending to be asleep? Wake up!"

Onyxia opened her eyes just at this time, looked at Valeera with a sleepy expression, and greeted her with a lazy smile.

"Good morning, Valeera, where am I?"

Valeera bared her teeth in displeasure: "You're still pretending! Be honest! When did you wake up?"

As soon as Sharlayan, the backbone, returned, the pressure on Valeera's shoulders disappeared immediately, and she no longer had to worry about the arrangement of the battlefield.

Sharlayan ignored the fight between Valeera and Onyxia, and coughed lightly in response to the gossip-filled expressions of everyone present.

"Sorry for being late, time is urgent, unnecessary pleasantries can be avoided, let's get straight to the point."

Throwing out the sketch of the natural disaster formation that he had received from Valeera, before the blueprint fell to the ground, Sharlayan bent down to pick up the quill that fell on the ground and threw it out, pinning the blueprint to the tactical board in the main camp precisely. superior.

"Hey!" Vereesa slapped the table in protest, "That's my pen!"

Sharlayan shrugged nonchalantly: "I'm just making use of waste, and I'll pay you one in the worst case."

The tip of the quill happened to be inserted into the vacancy of the Scourge's rear line, Sharlayan pointed to the sketch and said: "According to the information we obtained from the temporary allies of the Scourge, Ner'zhul was indeed the front-line commander in the final battle. Responsible."

"Everyone should know more or less about Ner'zhul, but in order to avoid people who don't know enough about his, let me mention it again."

Sharlayan said with a serious expression: "Ner'zhul, the Lich King, was originally a member of the Draenor orc tribe, the chieftain and shaman of the Shadowmoon clan."

"Because it has nothing to do with the current situation, I won't say much about Ner'zhul's life here. I will focus on Ner'zhul's ability."

"Excluding spiritual factors, Ner'zhul can definitely be regarded as an outstanding generation in the history of the orcs in terms of personal ability and prestige."

"Before Gul'dan rose with his fel power, Ner'zhul of the Shadowmoon clan was the spiritual leader of the orc tribe. He was outstanding both in terms of leadership and personal strength."

"However, Ner'zhul has a fatal flaw."

Sharlayan hooked the corners of his mouth sarcastically: "His ability to withstand pressure is very poor. When the orc tribe is facing a crisis and needs him to stand up and make wise decisions as usual, Ner'zhul will die every time because of being too nervous. chain."

"This huge character flaw didn't disappear when Ner'zhul was transformed into the Lich King by Kil'jaeden. The decisive battle is approaching. At this moment, Ner'zhul should have begun to worry about gains and losses."

Sharlayan personally participated in the expedition to Draenor, and he also provided important information from the barrage. His understanding of Ner'zhul was deeper than anyone present.

While the others were still bowing their heads in thought, Selevor came back to his senses first, and asked Sharlayan with a calm expression: "Since you know the Lich King's character flaws, you should have already formed a plan." ? Let’s hear it.”

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