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Chapter 751: Drust with split positions

The wild hunting group led by Vokain rarely recruits outsiders. Occasionally, Sylvan will go through various tests before being absorbed into the team, and will be officially included in the team after confirming that he can adapt to the fighting style of the wild hunting group.

Since the existence of the Wild Hunt, the order and peace of the Blazing Wilderness have been guarded by them. Sharlayan can understand the confidence and arrogance of the Wild Hunt.

However, Sharlayan's visit here is not to join the wild hunting group as a small soldier. He hopes to get enough information from the wild hunting group to formulate a suitable strategy and get rid of the annoying Drust as soon as possible.

The senior management of the Wild Hunt, headed by Hearn, had great doubts about Sharlayan's ability, but the Queen of Winter personally spoke, and they did not dare to question it. Give it all to him.

As for the follow-up command... Hearn said that you just look at it, unless your plan can convince us, otherwise you can't use the Queen's favor to command the experts.

Sharlayan didn't care about the questioning eyes of Hearn and the others. Accompanied by the angry Moonberry, he sat quietly in the office and patiently flipped through the documents about Drust.

According to the records of the wild hunting group, Drust first appeared in the Shadow Realm nearly ten thousand years ago, roughly matching the time when the Drust group was active in Azeroth.

Sarlayan learned a lot about the history of the Drust from the mouth of the old bear Orfa. This special ethnic group is a transitional race between the degeneration of the Vrykul and humans, and Drustvar is their main habitat.

The early days when the Drust entered the Shadowlands may have been due to the small number of people and failed to form a climate, or it may have been due to other reasons.

At that time, the Drusts didn't like to make troubles, and they would even make good use of the natural spells they mastered to maintain the order of Blazing Fairyland.

Most of the early Drusts would be directly assigned to the Blazing Wilderness, and only a very small number of them would be thrown into Revendreth for labor reform.

By comparing it with the Drust history of Azeroth, Sharlayan can roughly confirm that the Drust at that time was in the period when the orthodox inheritance of the Thorn Whisperer was popular, and the Drust had not yet begun to abuse the power of death.

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About 3,500 years ago, the souls of Drust who died due to internal strife began to pour into the Shadow Realm in large numbers.

A part of the Drust of this period is very different from the honest people who came earlier. They are rude, manipulate the twisted power of death, and like to cause trouble.

Fortunately, these trouble-making Drusts were thrown into Revendreth in large numbers.

It was during this period that the worst thing happened to the Winter Queen. The Drust who were supposed to atone for their sins in Revendreth were released from prison in just a few decades, and were reassigned to Blazing Wilderness. .

Since then, the Drust rebel forces that have continued to this day have gradually begun to take shape.

Just like what the barrage said, the leader of this group of Drust is named Gorak Zall, and he is a younger brother of Gorak Tul who has a close relationship.

This family is the chief culprit that makes the Drust go from order to distortion.

According to the old bear Alpha, during the reign of Gorak Tul, the peaceful Drusts took a 180-degree turn and became bloodthirsty and warlike.

All those who opposed the Gorak family were eliminated by them one by one. In the end, only the crazy supporters of the Gorak family remained, and the fate of the Drust family also ushered in a major turning point. .

"Huh? Wait."

When reading this, Sharlayan suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

"The group of Vrykul commanded by Gorak Zall are all followers of the Gorak family. What about the orthodox Thornwhisperers who entered the Shadow Realm earlier?"

【Shouldn't he be purged again by the lunatics of the Gollak family? 】

Sharlayan frowned slightly: "Maybe it's because he didn't want to kill each other, so he hid in a corner where the Golek family couldn't find it."

"The Blazing Blue Fairy Field is so big, it's not impossible to find an open and sparsely populated area to live in seclusion."

With this question in mind, Sharlayan continued on

The Wild Hunt documents mainly record matters related to combat.

The twisted Thornwhisperers under Gorak Zall are all mentioned in the subsequent volumes, and they are only mentioned in passing in a small space. Some Drust people who are loyal to the way of nature are out of the group He fled and has since disappeared.


After reading all the scrolls given by Helne, Sharlayan rested his chin in his hand and fell into deep thought.

"Moonberry, do you know the traces of those stray Drusts?"

Yue Berry shook her head and said: "I don't know. The responsibility of the goblins is to take care of the spirit species and comfort the injured companions. Other than that, it's just for fun. We don't care about things that don't interest us."

"If you want to know about the unknown and hidden events in the outskirts of the Blazing Blue Fairy Field, I can recommend you to visit Al'Farlan, the suzerain of the fairy wood spirit. It may know the information you want."

Sarlayan immediately put down the document and got up: "It's not too late, let's set off now, where is Sovereign Al'Fara now?"

After Sharlayan took the moonberry and left vigorously, Hearn walked to the table thoughtfully, and flipped through the documents that Sarlayan had checked.

"It's quite careful. Did he find a breaking point?"

There are many fairy forests dotted around the outskirts of Blazing Blue Fairy Field, and each fairy forest will be guarded by a powerful fairy tree spirit.

O'Farlan is the suzerain of the fairy clan. It manages all the fairy spirits in Chilan Fairyland. Through the special connection between the fairy spirits, they can know what happened or is happening near each fairy forest.

The leaders of the four major races of Blazing Wilderness live around the Forest Heart Temple and serve the Queen of Winter at any time.

Guided by Moonberry, Sharlayan soon met Al'Farlan, the suzerain of the faerie, in front of a tree house on the east side of the temple.

The bodies of faeries are made entirely of wood, and when they are not moving, their feet sink into the ground to absorb nutrients.

The life form of this intelligent creature is somewhat similar to the ancient tree of life in Azeroth.

According to Moonberry, the Immortal Wood Spirit has relatively strict requirements on the environment.

Once the environment around the habitat is in turmoil, the immortal wood spirits will definitely be the first to perceive it, and their state of mind will also change with the change of the environment.

Take an extreme example.

If the environment around a certain fairy forest is completely destroyed, there is a high probability that the fairy wood spirits guarding the area will go mad and attack everyone who enters their territory indiscriminately.

The Drusts under Gorak Zaal wield the twisted power of death. In the years they have been messing around, several fairy forests have been destroyed by the strange death spells of the Drusts.

Among the four major races of the Blazing Wilderness, the Volkain of the Wild Hunting Group is a typical fighting faction. They most hope to solve the problem of the Drust's rebellion. After that, they are the fairy wood spirits whose homes are constantly being destroyed.

After learning about Moonberry and Sharlayan's intentions, O'Farlan agreed to help them without Please wait a moment, let me ask the people of the tribe. "

O'Farlan inserted his legs deeply into the ground, and collected information from the fellow clans guarding the various fairy forests through the connection of the earth veins.

Sharlayan said with some emotion: "This method of communication is really convenient, but it's a pity that other races can't learn it."

Not long after, O'Farlan opened his closed eyes again.

"There is news. Those Drust people who do not fight against the world live in seclusion near the Vaal Immortal Forest in the northeast corner of the Blazing Fairy Field. My clansman reported that not long ago, someone saw them clashing with the troublesome forest elves. .”

"Val Immortal Forest?" Yue Berry volunteered to pat Barren's chest, "I know where it is, Sharlayan, I'll take you there."

Sharlayan complained a little speechlessly: "As the patriarch of the goblin clan, is it really okay for you to run around like this? What about work?"

Yue Berry waved her hand indifferently: "There hasn't been any major incidents in Chilan Xianye recently, so I, the patriarch, doesn't need to come forward in person."

"Now my task is to help you deal with the rebellious Drust as soon as possible, so that the queen can feel at ease as soon as possible."

"Speaking of..."

Bidding farewell to O'Farlan and leaving the Heart of the Forest for Vaal Fairy Forest, Moonberry put her mouth close to Sharlayan's ear and whispered, "Are you really going to obey the queen's order and throw those wicked Drusts into the forest?" Maldraxxus next door?"

"Wouldn't it be rude to do that?"


Sharlayan sneered: "Madraxxus? That's not where they should go."

"Since Revendreth, the land of redemption, cannot accommodate them, there is only one place left for the crazy followers of the Goric family."

"The Devouring Abyss is the most suitable destination for them."

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