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Chapter 767: Black iron will never be a slave?

During the period when Sharlayan left Azeroth for the Shadowlands, Valeera, Stellagosa, and Onyxia all had their own tasks to complete.

Although Onyxia's tasks are tiring, their technical content is relatively low.

She is only in charge of delivering the message on behalf of the Black Dragon royal family, whether it will be successful or not is up to her.

The Backlighting Blade led by Valeera needs to sneak into the heavily guarded Utgarde Castle many times. Relatively speaking, the risk factor will be higher than Onyxia's mission, but it is not considered too much for Valeera. What a particularly big problem.

Among the three, Stellagosa's mission is undoubtedly the most complicated. She needs to keep in touch with the former Bronzebeard Princess and now the Dark Iron Queen Moira without telling the Bronzebeard dwarves.

Among the three dwarf clans, the Bronzebeard clan is rich in warriors and blacksmiths, and the Griffon Knights of the Wildhammer dwarves are unique in the world.

Compared with these two clans, the Dark Iron clan also has its own advantages. They have more spellcasters than Wildhammer and Bronzebeard dwarves combined.

Sharlayan deliberately learned about the dark iron dwarves.

The casters of the Dark Iron Dwarves are quite strange, not just shamans or mages.

To put it bluntly, today's black iron spellcasters are a bit like summoners.

Perhaps influenced by Ragnaros, the Dark Iron Dwarf has a strong affinity for the fire element, and has a unique advantage in learning fire spells.

At the same time, the black iron dwarf spellcaster can also summon his own fire element helper, and drive the fire element to assist in the battle.

These low-level fire elements have no self-awareness, and only obey the summoner's orders mechanically.

Although they are much weaker than those high-level fire elements with intelligence, at least the Dark Iron Dwarves will not have any psychological burden when driving them.

After all... the Dark Iron Dwarf, who had already suffered a lot, didn't want to summon a father for him to come out to make offerings.

Stellagosa's ultimate goal is to obtain the summoning spell of the Dark Iron Dwarves to summon Ragnaros, and only a few high-level leaders headed by the Dark Iron King know this secret.

Stellagosa has no friendship with the Dark Iron dwarves, so she can only get in touch with Moira through Sharlayan's network channels, and then use Moira to persuade the new Dark Iron King Dagran Thaurissan.

As a blue dragon who is proficient in spells, Stellagosa used the invisibility technique to sneak into Blackrock Abyss fairly smoothly.

When she entered the Black Rock Mountain, she also saw a few young black dragons inside the hollowed-out mountain.

The interior of Black Rock Mountain was completely excavated and built by the Dark Iron Dwarves.

Ever since Nefarian brought his Black Dragon Legion to settle here and recruited the "orthodox tribe" under Red Blackhand as slaves, the Dark Iron Dwarves could only retreat aggrievedly.

They abandoned the upper Blackrock Tower and retreated to the black iron capital deep in the Blackrock Depths—Darkforge City, guarding the Molten Core occupied by Ragnaros' avatar.

After the end of the Second Orc War, driven by the masters behind each other, the Black Iron Dwarves and the Black Stone Orcs had many small-scale conflicts one after another.

"One Sword Sovereign"

Stellagosa ignored Nefarian who was entrenched on the upper floor of the Blackrock Tower, and went all the way down to the core area of ​​Darkforge City, transforming into a female Dark Iron Dwarf and sneaking into the Black Iron Tavern in the city.

Using illusion as a cover, Stellagosa finally established contact with Moira who went out to gain a sense of presence half a month ago.

As the princess of the Bronzebeard clan, even though she has become queen, Moira's life in Shadowforge City is not so good.

There are still many people in the Dark Iron clan who oppose Thaurissan's marriage to the Bronzebeard princess.

In order to gain the support of the people, Moira had to often show up outside the palace and talk to those stubborn Dark Iron dwarves at close range. She hoped to convince her people with a sincere attitude.

Moira's actions achieved certain results in the early stage, and those who were less firm were moved by her attitude and gradually changed their hostile stance.

But as time went on, fewer and fewer people were willing to believe in Moira, and the rest were deep-rooted diehards who would not change their minds easily.

Leaving the palace to go to the people to preach has become a part of Moira's life. Even though she knew it would be difficult to convert more people to support her, she still did not give up her plan to communicate closely with the people.

Just as Moira was listening to the most authentic and simple appeals of the common people with a smile on her face, a strange female voice suddenly mixed into her ears.

"Queen Moira, I am Stellagosa, the emissary of Lord Sharlayan Deep Shadow."

"Master Marquis has an important cooperation project and wants to talk to the Dark Iron Dwarves. Can you spare some time to meet with me alone?"

Moira, who was educated by the royal family since she was a child, has long since developed a demeanor that shows neither emotions nor emotions.

On the surface, her movements and demeanor remained unchanged, but Stellagosa could notice a slight change in her eyes.

‘The Marquis of Deep Shadow? Want to work with the Dark Iron Dwarves? Why? '

As the princess of the Bronzebeard dwarves, Moira once communicated with Sharlayan in Ironforge, and she knows Sharlayan very well...or the relationship between the high elves and the Bronzebeard clan is fairly friendly.

Compared to the Bronzebeard clan that lived in the sun, the Dark Iron dwarves who hid underground as dogs for the fire elemental were like rats in the gutter. Moira couldn't understand why Sharlayan would take the risk of sending his envoys deep underground. Darkforge City.

‘Important cooperation… what will it be? Is it worth taking such a big risk? '

Although she is the Queen of the Black Iron, Moira's every move is under the supervision of the higher-ups of the Dark Iron Dwarves, and there is really not much free time that can be squeezed out.

When Moira finally got rid of the monitors and came to rest alone in the atrium garden of the Black Iron Palace, she once doubted whether the messenger who transmitted the sound to her from a long distance could sneak into the heavily guarded Black Iron Palace.


Just when Moira was rubbing her forehead with anxiety, a high elf woman in a light blue one-piece dress appeared in front of her without any warning.

Moira was taken aback, and looked at Stellagosa with a smile on her face and greeted her in astonishment.

"You... how did you get in?"

Stellagosa smiled indifferently: "It's not important, is it? Let's talk about the business."

Stellagosa's verbal skills are not as slippery as Valeera's, but after so long, she has learned a lot of negotiating skills.

Influenced by Sharlayan, Stellagosa also didn't like to engage in useless small talk.

After briefly explaining her identity, she straight to the point and stated her reason for coming.

When she heard that the Marquis of Deep Shadow's bargaining chip was to help the Dark Iron Dwarf get rid of the enslavement of the fire element, Moira's eyes flickered obviously.

As Dagran Thaurissan's pillow, Moira knew her husband's wishes better than anyone.

Except for the **** who are born with soft bones, no one wants to be a humble dog, and the Dark Iron Dwarves are no exception.

As a descendant of the Thaurissan family, Dagran couldn't comment on the merits and demerits of the king who summoned Ragnaros and found a big father for the Dark Iron Dwarf.

There is no need to mention the past. Dagran Thaurissan is concerned about the future. He wants his people to be permanently freed from the enslavement of the fire element, so that the Dark Iron Dwarves can also live in the sun without discrimination.

In the eyes of many black iron executives who are used to being dogs of fire Their new king is young and vigorous, very aggressive.

Unfortunately, his ideal is nothing but a dream.

Leaving aside other things, the strength of the Ragnaros avatar alone would greatly hit the Dark Iron Dwarf's will to resist.

It is not that the Black Iron Kingdoms of all ages have thought of resisting the fire element, but after weighing the pros and cons, they all finally chose to swallow their anger.

Without it, the strength is insufficient. The previous kings could not think of how to defeat the mighty Fire Demon King.

Stellagosa was not surprised by the undisguised suspicion on Moira's face. For mortals, Ragnaros, who has the home court advantage, would be difficult to defeat even if it was just a clone.

After understanding Sharlayan's plan, Stellagosa grasped several key points, the most important of which was the assistance of Hydracia's water element.

As the saying goes, fire and water are incompatible.

The relationship between the two elemental lords, Ragnaros and Neptulon, has always been bad, and their younger brothers naturally can't urinate in the same pot.

Neptulon was still blocked in the throat of the abyss in the water elemental world, but his Duke Hydraxis had already infiltrated his subordinates into Azeroth, that is, Haida, who was cooperating with the night elves Hya water element.

In addition to the help provided by the water elemental, Sharlayan also told Stellagosa a secret.

The fire element has provoked many enemies in the elemental world, and Sunderland, the prince of the wind element, once challenged Ragnaros.

Unfortunately, due to lack of strength, Sunderland was unfortunately defeated. His essence was imprisoned in a container by Ragnaros and handed over to two fire elemental lords for safekeeping.

Coincidentally, these two fire elemental lords named Gal and Baron Geddon also came to the material world with Ragnaros' clone, and they happened to be carrying those two containers.

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