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Chapter 778: state of mind

According to the previously discussed plan, if Kexus made the move himself, Onyxia, who is also a demigod, should have stood up to take the move.

When Onyxia sighed with a tired face and was about to step forward, Sharlayan suddenly raised her hand to stop her.

"Let me do it."

Stellagosa, Valeera, and Onyxia showed astonishment on their faces at the same time.

Valeera frowned and asked, "Are you serious? The other party is a fighting demigod."

Stellagosa also echoed and said, "And his rank among the demigods is probably not low, at least not weaker than Ursoc, are you really sure?"

Onyxia usually looks lazy and hides when she can. At this time, she also said with some worry: "Why don't I come, my defense is strong, even if I can't forcefully eat Kexus The attack, at least not life-threatening."

Sharlayan shook his head resolutely: "There is no need to persuade me anymore, I have made up my mind."

In recent years, as Sharlayan has become more proficient in the professional skills of the Thorny Whisperer, he has less and less time to use warrior routines to meet the enemy.

But that doesn't mean Sharlayan has lost the warrior's heart.

Thalorian Dawnseeker mentioned the core idea of ​​the "hanging silk" profession of warrior when he taught Sarlayan the first lesson.

No fear of hardships and dangers, go forward bravely.

If a warrior loses the courage to advance bravely and face difficulties, his strength will decline, and his original violent anger will gradually lose his aggressiveness.

Kexus' one-stroke agreement is a good opportunity for Sharlayan to sharpen his will. Perhaps he can break through the small bottleneck of fighter level 54-55 by virtue of his fight with demigods, and formally enter the final stage leading to the peak of mortals. Level 5 sprint stage.

Judging from the move that Kexus used to jump and chop Wilfred, Sharlayan is confident that he can withstand an attack of this intensity.

Although there is a slight gap with Wilfred in terms of hard power, in a real fight, Salayan is confident that he can defeat this soul-chosen baron.

Sharlayan is also confident that he can withstand the attack that Wilfred can withstand.

Kexus did not interrupt the private discussion between Sharlayan and the others. He folded his arms in front of his chest, and when he was communicating with Wilfred about the latest changes in the battle situation, he looked at Sharlayan with meaningful eyes from time to time. .

‘Mortals who can be recognized by Akalek, stand up bravely, and let me see if you really have the strength to complete the huge plan of today. '

'You must know...plans often fail to keep up with changes, and variables that go beyond the plan will almost inevitably appear. '

If Sharlayan's plan is followed, the fight between the five secret courtyards of Maldraxxus will become intense in the near future, and the endless fight for life will really begin.

Sindani, who was blown to one side by the wind, was alright. As long as she saw that the situation was not right, this fool would immediately consider re-standing.

Before that, Kexus had kept some leeway. He didn't want to see a dilapidated and withered Maldraxxus after the soldier returned. He tried hard to control the scale of the civil war, but he didn't really fight to the death.

If the information provided by Sharlayan is true, and people other than Maldraxxus are secretly behind the civil war, then the situation is completely different.

Kexus cannot tolerate the existence of people who secretly trick outsiders to murder their own brothers.

That's right, it's you, Gamal, the Marquis of Creation.

Having been with each other for many years, Kexus knew exactly what Gamal was like.

Gammar is a mutant abomination with advanced intelligence, the most advanced undead structure.

Gammar did not reveal his ambitions when the master of war was still there. He managed the Secret Academy of Creation in a stable manner, conscientiously crafting all kinds of war weapons for the Shadow Realm.

About 500 years ago, Gammar, who had been keeping a low profile before, suddenly changed his appearance, and vowed that someone must replace the long-lost military master and take over the position of the ruler of Maldraxxus.

Although possessing the most advanced wisdom among the abominations, Gamal is still an abomination construct after all.

The Marquis, including Kexus, did not believe that he came to this conclusion by his own will, and there must be someone behind the scenes.

The behind-the-scenes person was quickly identified by Caixus and others as Marquis Sindani.

Subsequent developments seem to confirm their conjectures.

Although he did not blatantly express his support for the Secret Academy of Creation, one of the barons of the Academy of Rituals has been secretly providing assistance to the Secret Academy of Creation in various aspects.

Sindani, who was used to riding on the fence, left herself a way out. She only assigned one baron to assist in the creation of the Secret Academy, and she and the other baron assumed a neutral posture.

If the Secret Academy of Creation fails, Sindani can also quickly cut off the baron who is closely connected with the Secret Academy of Creation, and lie that everything before is his personal behavior and has nothing to do with the official position of the Academy of Rituals.

The inherent cognition of Kexus and others has lasted for hundreds of years, and it was not until today that he learned for the first time that the person behind Gamal may not be Sindani, but the Great Denathrius who is far away in Revendres, One of the Five Eternals of the Shadowlands.

Kexus looked like a reckless man who could only use his muscles to think about problems, but his muscles and fists alone were definitely not enough to sit in the position of Marquis of Soul Chosen without moving for thousands of years.

It is true that Kexus, like the high-ranking members of the Academy of Soul Selection in the past, advocates fighting and respects strength, but this does not mean that he will rush directly to Revendres to confront Denathrius without thinking.

Kexus is self-aware, and his strength can indeed rank first among the five Marquises of Maldraxxus, but there is still a big gap compared to an eternal man like Denathrius.

The Eternal is a true god-level existence created by the Firstborn himself. It is on the same level as the Titans of the Pantheon, and is the highest ruler among the six major forces of the universe.

The gap between the demigods of the Shadow Realm and the Eternals is like that of the Guardian of the Titans to the Titans, there is a big gap between them.

Unless there is the ruinous foot man mentioned by the barrage, only the eternal can defeat the eternal in the shadow world.

Denathrius, who wants to kill Maldraxxus who secretly instigated the civil war, is definitely not enough to rely on Maldraxxus's current manpower. The missing soldier must be found again. The Eternals charge ahead.

This is also the main reason why the Marquis of Akalek agreed with Sharlayan's plan, and it is also the root cause of Kexus's desire to test Sharlayan's strength. It is to ensure that Sharlayan can rescue Majur who is trapped somewhere. The ruler of Texas - the master of soldiers.

Valeera, Stellagosa, and Onyxia have been with Sharlayan for many years, and they already know his character very well.

Once Sharlayan decided something, the eight horses all pulled back.

Since Sharlayan has always insisted on his own opinion, the three women can only retreat helplessly, and repeatedly told him to use all his strength and not to relax in the slightest.

Seeing Sharlayan take out two giant swords from the space package and hold them in his hands, Kexus finally let go of the strong arms wrapped around his chest.

"It's been discussed? Are you coming?"

"That's right."

Sharlayan took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled the stale air in his chest.

"Sharlayan Deep Shadow! Learn from the Marquis of Kexus here!"

"Very good! Very energetic!"

The Kexus probe took over the two-handed ax from his humanoid weapon His momentum locked on Sharlayan and began to climb rapidly.

The pressure Sharlayan was under increased rapidly, but he was prepared and did not show any surprise.

After all, it wasn't the first time Sharlayan had seen a demigod. It was the first time he had the opportunity to confront a demigod head-on. Instead, he felt a little excited and agitated in his heart. This was due to the warlike instinct deep in his soul.

Feeling Sharlayan's rising fighting spirit, Onyxia curled her lips and complained to the two people beside her.

"If Sharlayan ends his journey in the material world one day in the future, 99% of the time he will be thrown directly into Maldraxxus by the Arbitrator to continue fighting."

Valeera and Stellagosa looked at each other, and they smiled at the same time.

"Maybe, but if that day really comes, the four major alliances will probably actively recruit Sarlayan to join them."

"Oh~ that's right."

Onyxia nodded towards the center of the field with her chin: "Let's stop chatting for now, they are about to start."

Kexus held the battle ax in his muscular hands, lowered his weight and assumed an attacking stance.

"Are you ready? I'm coming!"

Crimson anger was visible to the naked eye spilling over Sharlayan's body surface. At this moment, he temporarily sealed the Thorn Whisperer's ability, intending to completely rely on the warrior's strength and skill to receive Kexus' move.

"Come on! Let me experience the highest military power of the Academy of Soul Selection!"

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